This is all about politics now. Gillibrand has been a huge Bill Clinton supporter and now she leads the calls for Franken’s ouster? Look at all the pictures of her with BC and the glowing comments on BC, some very recent. The Dems want to clean house on this so they can claim the political high road and then attack republicans like Trump and Moore. This is about perception.
It was not enough when Franken had pictures and a couple of accusations, just in that time the politics heated up. If they had wanted to make a statement on protecting women they would have called for his head then. I love it Dems are dumping Franken for political positioning, swamp eaten by the swamp.
All of this is about politics, Dems and Reps.
What is scary for every American right now is how careers are being destroyed based on anonymous sources and media hysteria, with no due process or facing your accuser. How can you defend yourself against accusations from someone you have no idea who they are. Despite your politics, seeing what is happening right now is scary. If Franken wants to step down on his own fine, but otherwise IMO he has a right for an investigation and to face his accusers and for facts to be established outside of media hysteria, rumors, and anonymous sources.