Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi [RT: 91%]

What has Finn done to indicate any force abilities? The concept never crossed my mind.

The three biggest reasons...

A - Admittedly less interesting than the next two, but Finn is pretty decent with a LS with zero experience. He is also exceptional with other weapons the first time he tries them. He did have extensive training with what passes for conventional infantry weapons as a storm trooper though.

B - Finn reacts to the death of planets/entire populations. When Starkiller Base destroyed the Republic planets Finn knows. We've seen that before, and it was from one of the most powerful Force users in the movies (Kenobi).

C - When Snoke asked Ren if he also felt the "Awakening" we have still not seen any of Rey's incredible Force feats yet, but Finn had done several impressive things.

Rey is special, even among Jedi/potential Jedi (heck, even the Skywalkers would be impressed with the things she does without training). I think Finn is more garden variety Force Sensitive.

That's not an extensive list of hints either. He breaks the storm trooper conditioning program (the one that makes them fanatically loyal), he survives the open desert, Kylo Ren senses something powerful change in Finn (I think perhaps his "Awakening") and stops what he's doing and notices, and he remembers him later from that one short moment.
The three biggest reasons...

A - Admittedly less interesting than the next two, but Finn is pretty decent with a LS with zero experience. He is also exceptional with other weapons the first time he tries them. He did have extensive training with what passes for conventional infantry weapons as a storm trooper though.

B - Finn reacts to the death of planets/entire populations. When Starkiller Base destroyed the Republic planets Finn knows. We've seen that before, and it was from one of the most powerful Force users in the movies (Kenobi).

C - When Snoke asked Ren if he also felt the "Awakening" we have still not seen any of Rey's incredible Force feats yet, but Finn had done several impressive things.

Rey is special, even among Jedi/potential Jedi (heck, even the Skywalkers would be impressed with the things she does without training). I think Finn is more garden variety Force Sensitive.

That's not an extensive list of hints either. He breaks the storm trooper conditioning program (the one that makes them fanatically loyal), he survives the open desert, Kylo Ren senses something powerful change in Finn (I think perhaps his "Awakening") and stops what he's doing and notices, and he remembers him later from that one short moment.
The screams weren't Finn hearing them like Obi-Wan did. Many others at Maz's castle witnessed the attack not just Finn.

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Finn looked up and saw the Republic planets being destroyed.

I thought he kinda sucked at the lightsabre as well, he got his ass kicked by a stormtrooper and was bailed out by Han.

I think Snoke is talking about Rey. She's legit.
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She is legit. She might be the most legit user of the Force we've ever seen.

I think they should have given us an example of Rey doing something before that line if that line is about Rey (or about Rey only).

Yeah, the ST deal didn't go great for him. He lasted a lot longer against Kylo Ren with it than Han did against Vader with his trusty blaster though.

Even if he's not a Force sensitive (I think he is) he and the things he has already done are significant to the resolution of this saga.
We don't know she hasn't had training.


I happen to think she's had quite a bit.

With a moderate amount of good training the things we've seen her do are fairly normal for a Skywalker.

If she hasn't had any then she is pushing the limits (or surpassing) of what Annakin and Luke could do.
I got the impression that she had never had any training, and was simply extremely special. Skills that took Luke months/years to master just came naturally to her.

When she met Han Solo, she seemed to think all of the old stories were myths and was surprised that any of it was actually true. If she had been trained, you would think she would know about Han, Chewie, Luke, the force, etc.
I got the impression that she had never had any training, and was simply extremely special. Skills that took Luke months/years to master just came naturally to her.

When she met Han Solo, she seemed to think all of the old stories were myths and was surprised that any of it was actually true. If she had been trained, you would think she would know about Han, Chewie, Luke, the force, etc.

If she has had training there has been a memory altering event in her past.
Then she hasn't received training or we need to believe she received incredibly in depth and effective training from the lone remaining Jedi at a very young age.
How old is that book?

I think my mother-in-law gave me the same book for Christmas in 2007 or 2008.
I was just wondering cause if it was after the old EU wipe, I was going to be surprised that no one in the fandom had brought it up, but it isn't.

2187 is the cell number Leia was held in on DS1.

It is also the name of a short film that gave Lucas the idea for the force.

There was a force sensative character in the EU named Finn. There was another, Kyle Katarn, that defected from the storm trooper ranks and trained himself to be a Jedi. Those two may be coincidence. It seems obvious Disney is mining the EU for ideas though.