I asked WHY Muslims were suffering that would motivate them to become jihadists since you said that was the main reason for their hate? And would a government based on Islam be a factor in that suffering since it appears to me that most governments with Sharia Law seems to be oppressive.
Well good question. Main reason is poverty,most of the muslim countries are.
Then the 9/11 where most of the terrorist were Saudi,as I have mentioned several times Saudi strain of Islam is very radical and they were brain washed because of that.
It is not as much as govt. based on Islam because I don't see many really Islamic
countries but it has to do more of the authoritarian regimes that hide under the cloak
of Islam like Saudi or Iranian even UAE and Kuwait..
The largest muslim country in the world is Indonesia which is democratic and not as poor. Pakistan is democratic but poor so is Bangladesh but it is moving towards a single party democracy,which is really authoritarian.
There is no such thing as Sharia law it is something that has come up in last 40 or
Pakistan has a constitution which is sharia compliant, we don't have any laws to cut
off peoples head or stoning or any laws against adultery or gays(THey are accepted
quitely) recent head line was trans gender would be allowed in police.
American constitution is also 90% sharia compliant and muslim scholars in the US
find no conflict between Islam and American constitution.
Does that answer your question.