Radical violent muslims are not in 100 of millions they are a very small minority.
Most of the radicals follow the saudi form of islam both al qaida and isis belong
to the same salafi wahabi strain.What happened in sri lanka same group.
IT is not the question of whether west brook has only 20 members they use the word baptist and i know it has confused people outside US. Infact my mother was in the hospital and I was talking to the nurse on duty and asked her if she was catholic or protestant(Catholics form majority in christians in Pakistan) and she said she was baptist and I repeated it and she said not the American form of baptist but real baptist,
when I queried further she meant west brook.
As far as your university it is mine as much as yours,you just hopped in a car and got admitted i flew 10,000 miles. It took a letter more than a week to arrive to Pakistan.
We couldn't afford to call back to our parents because it was very expensive.
When I read about a recruit turning our offer down because stillwater was too far from
his home town it makes me laugh.
I don't remember where I read the cage story,whether it was osu or some other southern univ but wasn't meant to demean osu but to show how much things have changed.
Christianity is 2100 years old Islam is 1400(i am not putting it as an excuse)
read about Christianity when it was 1400 yrs old. Most of the muslims in the world are poor and illeterate people(No thanks to Christian colonization) who are easily swayed
by a mullahs logic,The quran they read is in arabic they dont know what it means because they dont understand arabic they have to depend on their mullahs to understand what islam means.Our maid who is totally illeterate cannot read a word of urdu(national language) or any other language beside quran which she reads every day religiously without understanding a single word.
It is amazing that i am gold member of this board and you talk to me as i was a foreigner who knows nothing about your culture.I know I am not accepted maybe because i am too liberal or because i am a pakistani.
Well you’ve got the victim mentality down.