Republican Senator: White House In "Downward Spiral"


Jan 30, 2015
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It appears some Republicans are starting to wake up to reality...

"The White House has got to do something soon to bring itself under control and in order. It’s got to happen."

“Obviously they’re in a downward spiral right now and they’ve got to figure out a way to come to grips [with] all that’s happening."
- Senator Bob Corker

The following article from CNBC most adequately shows what I feel about this whole situation:
This is what happens when someone's elected that lost by 3.4 million votes. This is conservative government, they're not gonna do shit. Just look at Oklahoma, we're literally shutting down highway construction projects, horrible education, our politicians are molesting boys and grabassing the women staffers.... This is all the 3rd world reality they've been pushing for. Biff didn't hide his nature, this is what they want.

You just watch -- Corker will back down. His red voters are fine with all this.
Bob Corker is one of the most corrupt members of the senate --- he definitely doesn't want the swamp drained.

The fact that he's a senior member of the Senate's banking panel while investing in his donors' hedge fund (lol) shows how disgusting the swamp is.

"A watchdog group has filed complaints against Sen. Bob Corker (Tenn.) with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Senate Ethics Committee, claiming the Republican may have broken the law by failing to disclose hedge fund investments.

The Campaign for Accountability (CfA) on Monday said that Corker, who serves as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as a senior member of the Senate’s banking panel, “concealed information about his stake in hedge funds that are managed by his campaign donors.”

“Sen. Corker hasn’t just made a mockery of Senate disclosure rules, he may have committed a crime,” said the group’s executive director, Anne Weismann, in a statement. “Authorities should investigate why Sen. Corker was so intent on hiding the underlying assets of these funds that he filed inaccurate disclosure forms year after year."


We all remember who the Hedge Fund managers loved.

The following article from CNBC most adequately shows what I feel about this whole situation:

That was a commentary piece from Jake Novak.

So you would rather believe there is a coup going on instead of Trump simply continuing to show his incompetence on a daily basis? Interesting.

Look, I won't disagree that there are plenty of political interests in Washington who would love to see Trump gone. Many of those, btw, are within his own party. It has nothing to do though with thwarting "democracy" or the "will of the people" since the will of the people was ignored in 2016 after Clinton won the people's vote (i.e. democracy).

Every President has political interests aligned against him that try to bring him down. This is nothing new. Trump is his own worst enemy though. If Trump ends up having to resign at some point, it will be due to Trump's own mistakes and bad judgment.
This is what happens when someone's elected that lost by 3.4 million votes.

Yep, and then we get articles from those on the right complaining about how democracy is under attack if Trump goes down.:rolleyes:
I think this sentence says it best:

If anything, these constant attacks coming from this obviously angry and potentially illegal place are only strengthening the resolve of Trump's base of supporters. They elected a guy they believed was truly the enemy of the established political class. And right on cue, the established political class is stopping at nothing to prove them right.
It has nothing to do though with thwarting "democracy" or the "will of the people" since the will of the people was ignored in 2016 after Clinton won the people's vote (i.e. democracy).


We are a constitutional republic. Thank god the will of illegal voters in CA didn't drag the country further left.
If you believe Politifact doesn't have an agenda to sell you, I have a bridge I want to sell you in Brooklyn...
If you believe Politifact doesn't have an agenda to sell you

Did you read the article or did you simply dismiss it because it doesn't align with what you want to believe?

I know Trump likes to make wild claims with hardly any legitimate evidence to back up those claims. However, that doesn't mean you have to believe everything he says.
Who said I believe everything Trump says? Nice strawman. All politicians are liars, including swap creature Bob Corker above. All I'm doing is calling you out on your popular vote whining, 6 months after the election :D. And attempting to use Politifact as an unbiased source vs. the propaganda it is.
Who said I believe everything Trump says?

You sure like to repeat his crazy claims that have been proven false, as you did on this thread.

All I'm doing is calling you out on your popular vote whining, 6 months after the election.

I wasn't whining lol. I was responding to an argument made in article about democracy being under attack in this country simply because Trump is under attack.

And attempting to use Politifact as an unbiased source vs. the propaganda it is.

Again, did you read the article? Or did you simply dismiss it outright?
This is what happens when someone's elected that lost by 3.4 million votes.
Did anybody notify the authorities that Hillary actually won the election? Somehow Trump got sworn into the President's office. I have no idea how that happened. Trump should have been smarter and campaigned for the popular vote instead of the electoral college. What a dumbass he is.
Did anybody notify the authorities that Hillary actually won the election? Somehow Trump got sworn into the President's office. I have no idea how that happened. Trump should have been smarter and campaigned for the popular vote instead of the electoral college. What a dumbass he is.

All one has to do is mention that Trump lost the vote of the people, and those inclined to support Trump go crazy.

Just gets under their skin so much lol.
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All one has to do is mention that Trump lost the vote of the people, and those inclined to support Trump go crazy.

Just gets under their skin so much lol.
Yet he apparently won the election.

Speaking of getting under skin... lols
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This is what happens when someone's elected that lost by 3.4 million votes. This is conservative government, they're not gonna do shit. Just look at Oklahoma, we're literally shutting down highway construction projects, horrible education, our politicians are molesting boys and grabassing the women staffers.... This is all the 3rd world reality they've been pushing for. Biff didn't hide his nature, this is what they want.

You just watch -- Corker will back down. His red voters are fine with all this.

Are you also vacationing in the rocky mountain mole hills? Your act is getting stale.
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All one has to do is mention that Trump lost the vote of the people, and those inclined to support Trump go crazy.

Just gets under their skin so much lol.

Oh yes we go crazy. It hurts so much to lose that popular thing. I would much rather be in your sides shoes with the popular vote and losing political power around the country.
Did you read the article or did you simply dismiss it because it doesn't align with what you want to believe?

I know Trump likes to make wild claims with hardly any legitimate evidence to back up those claims. However, that doesn't mean you have to believe everything he says.

I get this all the time. It is impossible for liberals to understand. We don't fall in love with our sides candidate because we are told to. We can look at trump for what he is. Just because we voted for him does not make us a fan. Really try to understand that. It's important that you try.
You sure like to repeat his crazy claims that have been proven false, as you did on this thread.

I'm not repeating crazy claims. Illegal aliens voted in CA and added to the popular vote which thankfully, our founding fathers decided not to use it to decide POTUS.

I wasn't whining lol. I was responding to an argument made in article about democracy being under attack in this country simply because Trump is under attack.

I read you're argument as saying illegal leaks are not "thwarting democracy" because democracy was already thwarted with the popular vote. I'm not interested in arguing this point with you, if this is what you believe. Rather, I saw it as an opportunity to remind you that we are a constitutional republic.

Again, did you read the article? Or did you simply dismiss it outright?

I did. 3 million votes casted illegally for HRC? That's probably a stretch, but I wouldn't put anything past the DNC. Look what they did to Bernie (which we were never supposed to see). Hillary Clinton could not fill a grade school gym. She had trouble attracting any kind of crowd at all without Obama or Jay-Z stumping for her. No doubt she had plenty of illegal votes. I certainly wouldn't look to politifact to prove everything is on the up and up.
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Illegal aliens voted in CA and added to the popular vote

And why do you assume the small number who may have voted, voted for Clinton? What about the states that Trump won . . . could some votes have been cast for Trump that was illegal?

Think about it.

I read you're argument as saying illegal leaks are not "thwarting democracy" because democracy was already thwarted with the popular vote. I'm not interested in arguing this point with you, if this is what you believe. Rather, I saw it as an opportunity to remind you that we are a constitutional republic.

But why? The fact we are a constitutional republic has nothing to do with a discussion about whether our democracy is under seige.

I don't disagree that we are a constitutional republic but I didn't see anyone claiming we were about to embrace monarchism. The article was making a claim about our representative democracy!

3 million votes casted illegally for HRC? That's probably a stretch, but I wouldn't put anything past the DNC . . .

You are right, it is a big stretch. Very big. Foolishly big. And there is no evidence to back it up. Just assumptions on your part because you don't like the Clintons.

Not to mention that it ignores the possibility of illegal votes cast for Trump. Makes the assumption that only Clinton could have benefited from illegal votes.

A lot of bogus assumptions with no evidence. And then you dismiss politifact as bias when your whole argument is based on bias assumptions? lol
Did anybody notify the authorities that Hillary actually won the election? Somehow Trump got sworn into the President's office. I have no idea how that happened. Trump should have been smarter and campaigned for the popular vote instead of the electoral college. What a dumbass he is.

Hold up....

You mean we swore in the wrong person??

What a FUQ up!!

Somebody's gonna get fired over this I imagine. Or, at minimum, a barrage of harshly written comments on their Facebook page.
I'm not repeating crazy claims. Illegal aliens voted in CA and added to the popular vote which thankfully, our founding fathers decided not to use it to decide POTUS.

I read you're argument as saying illegal leaks are not "thwarting democracy" because democracy was already thwarted with the popular vote. I'm not interested in arguing this point with you, if this is what you believe. Rather, I saw it as an opportunity to remind you that we are a constitutional republic.

I did. 3 million votes casted illegally for HRC? That's probably a stretch, but I wouldn't put anything past the DNC. Look what they did to Bernie (which we were never supposed to see). Hillary Clinton could not fill a grade school gym. She had trouble attracting any kind of crowd at all without Obama or Jay-Z stumping for her. No doubt she had plenty of illegal votes. I certainly wouldn't look to politifact to prove everything is on the up and up.
I read somewhere where Wisconsin is getting the voter rolls cleaned up pronto these days. It seems like the number was 300,000 illegal or dead voters. That's a good first start.
Down the rabbit hole we go again...

And why do you assume the small number who may have voted, voted for Clinton? What about the states that Trump won . . . could some votes have been cast for Trump that was illegal?

Sure, some illegal votes could have been cast for Trump. I don't remember saying anything to the contrary.

But why? The fact we are a constitutional republic has nothing to do with a discussion about whether our democracy is under seige.

I don't disagree that we are a constitutional republic but I didn't see anyone claiming we were about to embrace monarchism. The article was making a claim about our representative democracy!

But why what? Whether or not our democracy is "under siege" has nothing to do with HRC winning the popular vote.

You are right, it is a big stretch. Very big. Foolishly big. And there is no evidence to back it up. Just assumptions on your part because you don't like the Clintons.

Not to mention that it ignores the possibility of illegal votes cast for Trump. Makes the assumption that only Clinton could have benefited from illegal votes.

A lot of bogus assumptions with no evidence. And then you dismiss politifact as bias when your whole argument is based on bias assumptions? lol

What assumptions have I made? I told you, I read the article. I believe politifact to be a tool of the left/MSM and inherently biased. Since you are a sheep for the left, you probably don't and that's fine. Just don't be surprised when you see pushback on this board for dropping in a politifact "ruling" as if it's the gospel or something. In this particular instance, I never said I disagreed with anything in the article. All I said was I wouldn't put anything past the DNC...
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Sure, some illegal votes could have been cast for Trump.

Which means, using the same principles of assumptions you keep articulating, one could argue that Trump wouldn't have won the electoral college without all those "illegal voters".

I don't see you making that argument though.

Whether or not our democracy is "under siege" has nothing to do with HRC winning the popular vote.

When a conservative commentator claims our democracy is under attack because Trump is making a fool out of himself and suffering the political consequences of his decisions . . . yet was MIA when we put in the White House a man who lost the people's vote (i.e. democracy), it makes one seriously question that commentator's concern for our democracy.

Just don't be surprised when you see pushback on this board for dropping in a politifact "ruling" as if it's the gospel or something.

Don't worry, I won't be. I've already learned that a number of posters aren't going to believe anything unless it comes from a far right source. Everything else they just label fake news.

Not going to stop me from sharing though.
Which means, using the same principles of assumptions you keep articulating, one could argue that Trump wouldn't have won the electoral college without all those "illegal voters".

I don't see you making that argument though.

You're correct, you don't see me making that argument. I wasn't even making an argument originally. My original comment was "Thank god the will of illegal voters in CA didn't drag the country further left." Sorry it triggers you so badly you had to push politifact and distort it with "well some illegals probably voted for Trump to so he's doubly-illegitimate."

When a conservative commentator claims our democracy is under attack because Trump is making a fool out of himself and suffering the political consequences of his decisions . . . yet was MIA when we put in the White House a man who lost the people's vote (i.e. democracy), it makes one seriously question that commentator's concern for our democracy.

OK. That's a valid viewpoint, I'm not arguing otherwise.
I wasn't even making an argument originally. My original comment was "Thank god the will of illegal voters in CA didn't drag the country further left."

So now you were not even making a valid argument or claim.

Ok, we agree.

OK. That's a valid viewpoint, I'm not arguing otherwise.


See, a conservative and a liberal can agree.

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