Red Dead Redemption II

Get a copy of the last college football game they made I guess. What was that, like 2014?

By the way, you CAN get struck by lightening in those storms lol. I was walking along, in the rain....BOOM!!! My character flew through the air all rag dolled and died. Funny shit.

Pay attention to the little “squares” that show up on the map. Random cottages, farms, and homes. Always some good loot in there. And somewhere, there’s one of these that belongs to the “stranger”, a guy in a top hat that was a part of Red Dead Redemption and was a pretty creepy character. He won’t be home....or maybe he is?? I’ll just say it...I found the home and that bastard was in the mirror behind me. I turned around...he was gone. There’s a theory that Trelawney is the same person...which makes things even stranger in retrospect. Anyway, this is kind of a weird story, research it out if you are curious.

And the whole “Gavin” thing. That is driving everyone nuts. One of the most odd encounters in the game. And I killed that bastard (his name is Nigel)...and he reappeared in Saint Denis (which I think is simply a very evil place altogether...). Just weird.

I thought you knew about reverse compatibility. From what I can tell you can’t play ps3 games in ps4.
I thought you knew about reverse compatibility. From what I can tell you can’t play ps3 games in ps4.

Maybe not. I haven’t tried. I wasn’t sure if they released some of the old games from PS3 to PS4 or not. I have some games on PS3, and then a few new ones for the PS4. I haven’t played as much since 2011 (when I met my wife lol), so I’m not quite the gamer in the know I used to be.

I did wonder if they were gonna wait to release RDR2 until Sony came out with a new console.

It’s funny, I still have Final Fantasy 7 on PS1 that I have NEVER gotten through. I played it for months and would get to a certain spot and my console would freeze up and I’d have to start over. So I quit trying...way back in Med school back in like 1999 or so. Always heard it had a great ending, but other than YouTube vids, never experienced it myself.

Besides “Ghosts n Goblins”, it’s the only game I have never “finished”. And GnG is my all time bugaboo, the frustration level with that game made me insane.
I’m obsessed with horses right now. Finding them in the wild, stealing them and buying and selling them.
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Just started Saturday. Really hated the controls at first, they felt really mushy, especially shooting, seems like the gun goes off .5 seconds after you pull the trigger, but I guess thats intentional. Dont really notice it now. My first horse died when I got on a train as well. Apparently the stupid thing follows you, runs himself out of health trying to keep up, and either that or a fall kills him off.

I traded my bow for the shotgun as well, but later on I had it back magically. I've had 2 Klan situations so far, both funny as hell.

The gun slinger missions are p&*^ing me off, is it possible to do those without killing the asswipes? The draw mechanism is not intuitive, I still haven't got the damn "squeeze R2 slowly, but dont do it too slowly or you die before you even have a chance to shoot" thing down yet.
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I can’t overstate the quality of the art and environmental immersion you get in this game. Boots and hooves leave prints in the mud, storm clouds move and swirl realistically. Trees sway in the wind and the geography feels like everything from New Orleans to the Ozarks to the Great Plains to the Rocky’s to the Southwest.

It’s mesmerizing and beautiful.

The draw distance is what gets me. You get up on a small hill in the plains area and you can see for miles and miles.

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