Get a copy of the last college football game they made I guess. What was that, like 2014?
By the way, you CAN get struck by lightening in those storms lol. I was walking along, in the rain....BOOM!!! My character flew through the air all rag dolled and died. Funny shit.
Pay attention to the little “squares” that show up on the map. Random cottages, farms, and homes. Always some good loot in there. And somewhere, there’s one of these that belongs to the “stranger”, a guy in a top hat that was a part of Red Dead Redemption and was a pretty creepy character. He won’t be home....or maybe he is?? I’ll just say it...I found the home and that bastard was in the mirror behind me. I turned around...he was gone. There’s a theory that Trelawney is the same person...which makes things even stranger in retrospect. Anyway, this is kind of a weird story, research it out if you are curious.
And the whole “Gavin” thing. That is driving everyone nuts. One of the most odd encounters in the game. And I killed that bastard (his name is Nigel)...and he reappeared in Saint Denis (which I think is simply a very evil place altogether...). Just weird.
I thought you knew about reverse compatibility. From what I can tell you can’t play ps3 games in ps4.