I loved the line in this story about her attendance at the concert:

The justice sat in the back of the darkened auditorium at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The National Constitution Center, which sponsored the concert, did not permit photography.

I think the rumors of her demise are a bit morbid, but when she intentionally avoids public appearance, I can't help but think she is worse off than what's been portrayed.
my favorite...

That story is BS. They don't treat malignant tumors on the pancreas with radiation like they are describing.
Malignant pancreatic cancer is a death sentence in most patients.

It is obvious her cancer has metastasized to other areas of her body from previous discoveries.

It's just a matter of time how long they can keep her alive.

If she was in her forties or fifties maybe she could go for years. She is a dead woman walking or in her case most likely wheeling.
Malignant pancreatic cancer is a death sentence in most patients.

It is obvious her cancer has metastasized to other areas of her body from previous discoveries.

It's just a matter of time how long they can keep her alive.

If she was in her forties or fifties maybe she could go for years. She is a dead woman walking or in her case most likely wheeling.

Macabre. Tasteless.
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Pancreatic Cancer is one of those that not many are able to recover from. RGB is a tough old bird but if she has pancreatic cancer the odds are not in her favor.
90lb tough old bird.

This womans chances are .0001 on a scale of 100.
Brother-In-Law had it, it was about the size of your little finger finger nail. Actually, smaller. The incision goes from one side to the other. They got it however and luckily caught it early. That was about 8 months ago and his last checkup 2 weeks ago he is cancer free. Lucky. He went to the doctor 18 months ago or so for something completely unrelated and somehow they spotted it. I don't think that is related to anything rgb but it's possible to recover from pancreatic cancer.

If you read the article you linked, it states that it is used to relieve pain and reduce the rate of growth of the tumor.

It is not a cure. Just that surgery is not an option at her age.

They are trying to help with pain and extend her life. My wife had a Whipple surgery and 3 years later a resection of her pancreas. Sadly I've had to study a lot of the options available in treating this.
Brother-In-Law had it, it was about the size of your little finger finger nail. Actually, smaller. The incision goes from one side to the other. They got it however and luckily caught it early. That was about 8 months ago and his last checkup 2 weeks ago he is cancer free. Lucky. He went to the doctor 18 months ago or so for something completely unrelated and somehow they spotted it. I don't think that is related to anything rgb but it's possible to recover from pancreatic cancer.

Neighbor's was caught early and removed; he's still alive after several years.
Brother-In-Law had it, it was about the size of your little finger finger nail. Actually, smaller. The incision goes from one side to the other. They got it however and luckily caught it early. That was about 8 months ago and his last checkup 2 weeks ago he is cancer free. Lucky. He went to the doctor 18 months ago or so for something completely unrelated and somehow they spotted it. I don't think that is related to anything rgb but it's possible to recover from pancreatic cancer.
Did it metastasize from other cancers?

Cancer is insidious. Especially when it was diagnosed in other areas. Given this womans history and age, her prognosis is dire regardless of what is reported. For her family I hope they get several coherent years but I doubt it. The level of pain management needed for end of life cancer will make her incoherent and then comatose in her end days.
This lady helped end 18 year old chicks in Stillwater drinking legally. She is no friend of mine.

No she didn’t.

She ended guys having to be 21 before they could drink with 18 year old chicks already drinking.

Drinking age for both sexes was 18 after the Boren decision.
No she didn’t.

She ended guys having to be 21 before they could drink with 18 year old chicks already drinking.

Drinking age for both sexes was 18 after the Boren decision.

Well this was misexplained to me in freshman orientation. How many years was the drinking age 18 for both sexes?
Well this was misexplained to me in freshman orientation. How many years was the drinking age 18 for both sexes?

From 1976 (as a result of the Craig v. Boren decision) until Oklahoma changed the state law raising the drinking age to 21 for both effective November 1st 1983.

It pissed me off because I had been drinking legally when I got to Stillwater for college and the change in the law didn’t grandfather people in. Suddenly, I was drinking illegally.
Did it metastasize from other cancers?

Cancer is insidious. Especially when it was diagnosed in other areas. Given this womans history and age, her prognosis is dire regardless of what is reported. For her family I hope they get several coherent years but I doubt it. The level of pain management needed for end of life cancer will make her incoherent and then comatose in her end days.
no it did not...once that nasty stuff enters your body I guess it can spread around but he was lucky and it looks like they caught it early enough. They had to wait for several months to perform that procedure...had to get his body up to speed as you can't have any other issues going on prior to. It was scheduled a couple of times but they would postpone it because of something that wasn't right...I don't recall exactly what but it could have been as simple as the white blood count being off or something as simple as that. They have to go in there and move everything around to get to it.

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