Proposing new taxes... 70%?

If that’s the case, why are so many liberal arts graduates waiting tables or um ... manning a grill?
Think about what they would be doing without that degree. Honestly I would probably prefer a high school graduate with lots oif experience on the grill but English and art majors make delightful wait staff.
The "again" in make America great again had taxes at 70% or higher. The greatest economic growth and growth of the middle class occurred with a top tax bracket at 70% or higher. It is not a silly idea.
It’s a horrible idea. Disgusting and immoral.
Prove it being immoral?

Think that is more of an opinion Chuck. But hope you would think taking the money from others is immoral. Sad that you don’t.

Tell me, what gives you the right to take such a disgustingly high percentage of people’s money to give to others. Pure greed? Strong envy? Hate success?
Prove it being immoral?

Think that is more of an opinion Chuck. But hope you would think taking the money from others is immoral. Sad that you don’t.

Tell me, what gives you the right to take such a disgustingly high percentage of people’s money to give to others. Pure greed? Strong envy? Hate success?
Social contract/constitution of the United States of America
Also, the rich pay a far larger share of income taxes than they did before Reagan’s tax cuts.

In 1980, the top 1% pay 19% of all income taxes. In 2015, they paid 39%.
In 1980, the bottom 90% pay 52% of income taxes. In 2015, just 29%.
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Social contract/constitution of the United States of America
The constitution of the United States says or even remotely implies 70%+ income taxes on highest earners? What constitution are you reading? Cuba’s and confused it is ours?

You do realize that the first income taxes were not for nearly 100 years after country was founded? And even then it wasn’t permanent for many decades.
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Think about what they would be doing without that degree. Honestly I would probably prefer a high school graduate with lots oif experience on the grill but English and art majors make delightful wait staff.

So waste 4 plus years, when you could be earning, and let’s not even mention the expense of those four plus years.
So waste 4 plus years, when you could be earning, and let’s not even mention the expense of those four plus years.
But if we get free college from the government, that would be free!!! No cost to anyone!!! The government will simply be removing money from the system via your paycheck and putting it back into the system via free college. Nobody has to pay for it and everyone gets a college degree!!!
That social contract goes both ways. I'm willing to live up to my end if the slackers will work to better their station and eventually get of the government teat live up to theirs.
The constitution of the United States says or even remotely implies 70%+ income taxes on highest earners? What constitution are you reading? Cuba’s and confused it is ours?

You do realize that the first income taxes were not for nearly 100 years after country was founded? And even then it wasn’t permanent for many decades.
Believe it or not the Constitution grants the legislative branch discretion on tax rates and the legislative branch has been known to set those rate in excess of 70%
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I worked 35+ throughout college.


So did I. Filling pop machines for the university. Not something with any kind of future and certainly nothing that led to any type career. Just like you.

You’re intentionally missing the point or you’re just not very bright.

Also if you can work full time, or close to full time, and graduate ... why can’t everyone?

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I worked 35+ throughout college.


Going to be clearer on this, because you might just not be very bright. Wait I’ll use an example ...

We know a kid that started at pei wei in high school. He stuck and worked up the chain and is now GM for multiple restaurants. If he’d suspended his efforts to spend 4 plus years in college, he’d have been at least that many years behind. As it is he’s ten years younger than you and is in a position to fire your boss’s, boss’s boss.

Just think if you’d gone straight to red lobster as an 18 year old. Chances are you’d be senior grill master by now.
The effective tax rates of the wealthiest Americans today are only slightly lower than they were in the 50s.
Going to be clearer on this, because you might just not be very bright. Wait I’ll use an example ...

We know a kid that started at pei wei in high school. He stuck and worked up the chain and is now GM for multiple restaurants. If he’d suspended his efforts to spend 4 plus years in college, he’d have been at least that many years behind. As it is he’s ten years younger than you and is in a position to fire your boss’s, boss’s boss.

Just think if you’d gone straight to red lobster as an 18 year old. Chances are you’d be senior grill master by now.
:eek: 10 inches of prick in a 3 inch package. ;)