Your previous post made it sound like you were mainly pissed that taxes hurt you as much as they hurt P Diddy.That's not my quibble at all. My quibbles are
Deeply ironic on the Kennedy quote. BTW all the things you listed have a positive return on investment and increase the general welfare which is explicitly enumerated in the constitution as something the government should be in the business of.1) that the government continues to expand its reach and require more taxes to pay for services that it should never be in the business of. (Free college, free pre-school, free lunches, free cell phones, free medical, just free shit. Dems have come a LONG ASS WAY from "Ask not what your country can do for you".
Here it seems like your quibble is the number of brackets and that tax rates aren't progressive enough.2) that the government considers different incomes differently and thus places the burden of paying for all this free shit on the working class while criticizing the vices of the wealthy class as if they were one and the same.
Almost all of this is because if stupid congressional rules like Pay-Go, and the foolish misconception that taxes fund the government rather than sterilize excess dollars in the banking system.3) that to hide the economic costs of all of these programs, they structure impact and utilize debt to finance operational activities to kick the can down the road to future generations (or electorates) to deal with when it comes to negative consequences. (Btw, both parties do this > All of the worst provisions in ObamaCare (such as the Cadillac tax) kicked in after 2016 when Obama would no longer be president as one example, and for the opposite, the President's tax cut plan actually rolls back all of the non-corporate rate cuts starting in 2024 so that next president can deal with it). They do this knowing that if they had to actually Pay as you go and work on a budget, that the country would revolt against the shit they do.