Poor Jussie!!!

Just as I suspected. Charge him for a hate crime without even knowing if hate crime laws apply. I'll stick with mocking your stupidity rather than wasting time engaging. You can call me a smarmy fartsniffer in return. We'll both be happier

I'd argue he did commit a hate crime. The purpose of hate crime legislation is to recognize that the underlying premise of the crime is to threaten or attack an entire segment of a population and not just the specific individual involved. The faked attack against him wasn't just on him, but upon the entire gay/black community and thus a hate crime. His hoax crime was entirely premeditated on sewing fear and discord against ALL MAGA supporters (white guys in red hats) not just two random Chicago residents. Now MAGA supporters aren't a protected class, and frankly I don't know how much that is a requirement for a hate crime ruling, but the underlying premise imo is the same.
I'd argue he did commit a hate crime. The purpose of hate crime legislation is to recognize that the underlying premise of the crime is to threaten or attack an entire segment of a population and not just the specific individual involved. The faked attack against him wasn't just on him, but upon the entire gay/black community and thus a hate crime. His hoax crime was entirely premeditated on sewing fear and discord against ALL MAGA supporters (white guys in red hats) not just two random Chicago residents. Now MAGA supporters aren't a protected class, and frankly I don't know how much that is a requirement for a hate crime ruling, but the underlying premise imo is the same.

He attempted to inflict fear and discord against MAGA by perpetuating fear in the protected class based on sexual orientation.

There are arguably 3 "victim" classes, two protected (1. Sexual orientation 2. Race) and the other not (3. Political association).

Even #3 could be further parsed into perceived "white" and "straight" (setting up the Left's pre-conceived battle lines with homosexual and black), but I don't know if the true intention of Hate crime legislation is to provide equal protections to all subsections within classes.
The thing is that he just didn't make up a crime, he physically mailed a death threat possibly meeting the criteria of a hate crime which also contained a powdered substance.

My question is does it make a difference if he was the addressee on the envelope? Because the act itself and the content of the threat probably meet the threshold

I always ask myself what would happen if a white guy, a muslim guy or asian guy had done the exact same thing. He perpetrated a crime against himself because he thought it would be a dog whistle for the media/liberals (correct assumption) and used race, sexual orientation and political leaning as an attempt to validate the lie. Now they are going to try to make it a "police conspiracy" deal, good luck with that dumbass.

Orangestreak, I couldn't quit laughing.....that clip was hilarious.
I'd argue he did commit a hate crime. The purpose of hate crime legislation is to recognize that the underlying premise of the crime is to threaten or attack an entire segment of a population and not just the specific individual involved. The faked attack against him wasn't just on him, but upon the entire gay/black community and thus a hate crime. His hoax crime was entirely premeditated on sewing fear and discord against ALL MAGA supporters (white guys in red hats) not just two random Chicago residents. Now MAGA supporters aren't a protected class, and frankly I don't know how much that is a requirement for a hate crime ruling, but the underlying premise imo is the same.
His intent was to make it a hate crime. One cannot separate the letter he sent himself from the subsequent charade of the choreographed "assault" he participated in. The letter set the stage and the bogus assault was supposed to be the confirming action. Regardless of whether it was a hate crime or attempted hate crime it was definitely a terroristic act. The ground up tylenol in the cut/paste letter made it so. His statements, interviews and false police report were corroboration.
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I'd argue he did commit a hate crime. The purpose of hate crime legislation is to recognize that the underlying premise of the crime is to threaten or attack an entire segment of a population and not just the specific individual involved. The faked attack against him wasn't just on him, but upon the entire gay/black community and thus a hate crime. His hoax crime was entirely premeditated on sewing fear and discord against ALL MAGA supporters (white guys in red hats) not just two random Chicago residents. Now MAGA supporters aren't a protected class, and frankly I don't know how much that is a requirement for a hate crime ruling, but the underlying premise imo is the same.
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.

I don't know the legal definition of intimidation as referenced in your statement, but he attempted to create a branding against all MAGA supporters that protrays them as violent, homophobic racists which certainly seems to be an attempt to intimidate others from aligning to that association.
I don't know the legal definition of intimidation as referenced in your statement, but he attempted to create a branding against all MAGA supporters that protrays them as violent, homophobic racists which certainly seems to be an attempt to intimidate others from aligning to that association.
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, choice in hat color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.
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I don’t see that any federal statute would apply because it requires use of a firearm, incendiary device or other dangerous weapon.

But look at the Illinois state hate crime law:

Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.

You’d have to be creative here, but did the two brothers commit an assault and battery on Smollett because of his race? I mean, that’s what he wanted everybody to believe, right? If that could fly, then you’d have Smollett as an accessory to a felony.

It’s a bit of a stretch. But that’s your best chance that I could easily locate.
disorderly conduct - he was charged with that. So, could amend the charges to include the hate crime.
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I don't know the legal definition of intimidation as referenced in your statement, but he attempted to create a branding against all MAGA supporters that protrays them as violent, homophobic racists which certainly seems to be an attempt to intimidate others from aligning to that association.

Pilt doesn’t have the energy to bold more copy and pastes.
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Not really.
How can you tell? Was it because I didn't complain a bout a lack of a credible reply, the true sign of someone being ironic. Or maybe when someone didn't take my irony seriously I should have accused them of waving a white flag, that's the real irony. Let me prove my irony to you Mega, dismiss me, so that I can say that you are dodging.
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, choice in hat color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.

Oh well I stand corrected. He must have had a Red Bull.
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How can you tell? Was it because I didn't complain a bout a lack of a credible reply, the true sign of someone being ironic. Or maybe when someone didn't take my irony seriously I should have accused them of waving a white flag, that's the real irony. Let me prove my irony to you Mega, dismiss me, so that I can say that you are dodging.

Nobody feigns knowledge or wit better than you. I’ll give you that. But you still just never really deliver.
Or make his character another victim in the Chicago murder scene.

They can't kill him off. They'll want him back if he can either exonerate himself or manage to get out of this with just a wrist-slap. Even in Hollywood, gay African American men are a rare breed.
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, choice in hat color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.
Cmon bro, that would be a hat crime....
Sec. 12-7.1. Hate crime.
(a) A person commits hate crime when, by reason of the actual or perceived race, color, creed, choice in hat color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or national origin of another individual or group of individuals, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor or factors, he or she commits assault, battery, aggravated assault, intimidation, stalking, cyberstalking, misdemeanor theft, criminal trespass to residence, misdemeanor criminal damage to property, criminal trespass to vehicle, criminal trespass to real property, mob action, disorderly conduct, transmission of obscene messages, harassment by telephone, or harassment through electronic communications as these crimes are defined in Sections 12-1, 12-2, 12-3(a), 12-7.3, 12-7.5, 16-1, 19-4, 21-1, 21-2, 21-3, 25-1, 26-1, 26.5-1, 26.5-2, paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of Section 12-6, and paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(5) of Section 26.5-3 of this Code, respectively.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), hate crime is a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent offense.

That's amazing that you typed this from memory without having to search for information you didn't have and didn't already know. Truly, your knowledge of statutes is without peer.
They can't kill him off. They'll want him back if he can either exonerate himself or manage to get out of this with just a wrist-slap. Even in Hollywood, gay African American men are a rare breed.
Actually, he was auditioning to be AOC's running mate for President. Two morons in a pod.
That's amazing that you typed this from memory without having to search for information you didn't have and didn't already know. Truly, your knowledge of statutes is without peer.
Just Google it before you spout off.
Just Google it before you spout off.

1. Jussie claims a hate crime.
2. Jussie gets his lying ass arrested.
3. I say, ‘he should be charged with a hate crime.’
4. YoU dO yOuR StUPId WhAtEvEr ThIS iS
5. I call you out on it as lacking substance.
6. You say I’m not the kind of guy you would engage on “statutes” implying (correctly) that I don’t have encyclopedic knowledge of the statutes, and (incorrectly) that you do.
7. I point out that you cut and pasted your statute information
8. You implore me to google it before I “spout off.”

No thanks. I was beginning to try to make a point that he tried to claim bullshit victimhood and though I think hate crimes themselves are bullshit, that’s the standard he should be held to because he’s a racist dick who faked a hate crime. And then you hijacked it to debate statutes and semantics.

You were too caught up in smelling your own farts and debating irony to make a single freaking point.

For some reason I always think you have the capability to debate, but to this point that remains an unproven theory.

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