Pelosi wants Confederate statues removed from Capitol


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
Pelosi says these are reprehensible and must be removed:

But she fought her ass off to keep this on the wall of the Capitol:

The reason Democrats will continue to lose the middle isn't rocket science.
Robert E. Lee was a gentleman of the highest class. He participated in the war out of a sense of duty to his heritage, even though he disagreed with slavery. As president of Washington & Lee University he instituted an honor policy that continues to this day. At the time it was known as Washington University, named after George Washington. It was "captured" by the North during the Civil War. The Union soldiers, thinking a statue of Washington on a rooftop was of Jeff Davis shot at it until they learned the truth. Today there will probably be a move to change the name of the school. One can only hope the school will show the same backbone as the men after whom it is named.
He participated in the war out of a sense of duty to his heritage, even though he disagreed with slavery.

So he defended slavery and killed Americans because he thought it was the right thing to do? Go General, I guess. Timothy McVeigh thought blowing up the Murrah building was the right thing to do, too. He got a lot fewer people killed, than Lee.

Honor is killing Americans and defending slavery? Might as well tear down that idea, too while we're at it.
Robert E. Lee was a gentleman of the highest class. He participated in the war out of a sense of duty to his heritage, even though he disagreed with slavery. As president of Washington & Lee University he instituted an honor policy that continues to this day. At the time it was known as Washington University, named after George Washington. It was "captured" by the North during the Civil War. The Union soldiers, thinking a statue of Washington on a rooftop was of Jeff Davis shot at it until they learned the truth. Today there will probably be a move to change the name of the school. One can only hope the school will show the same backbone as the men after whom it is named.

His views on slavery were much more complex than just being "against it". They were, in fact, fairly characterized as ambiguous.

Oddly, one thing he was not ambiguous about was the erecting of Confederate Civil War monuments.

Note: none of this is commentary or opinion on the underlying issue of removal of such monuments today. Frankly, my position on that is pretty ambiguous right now. Still sussing it out personally.
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His views on slavery were much more complex than just being "against it". They were, in fact, fairly characterized as ambiguous.

Oddly, one thing he was not ambiguous about was the erecting of Confederate Civil War monuments.

Note: none of this is commentary or opinion on the underlying issue of removal of such monuments today. Frankly, my position on that is pretty ambiguous right now. Still sussing it out personally.
Well said, much better than I.
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Was she fighting for the removal a couple weeks ago?
She's been working on it forevah. All day, every day, when she's not fighting for the poor, hungry, and homeless of course, which is also all day, every day. How does she find the time?
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Lee reportedly freed his inherited slaves a few years before the War Between the States commenced.

Wikipedia: Yes, I know, but just because I didn't want to type it out and wanted to get Custis's will verbatim...

In 1857, his father-in-law died, creating a serious crisis when Lee took on the burden of executing the will. Custis's will encompassed vast landholdings and hundreds of slaves balanced against massive debts, and required Custis's former slaves "to be emancipated by my executors in such manner as to my executors may seem most expedient and proper, the said emancipation to be accomplished in not exceeding five years from the time of my decease."The estate was in disarray, and the plantations had been poorly managed and were losing money.

The words in the will are important. They say the slaves are to be emancipated in the manner Lee deemed most expedient and proper, but not to exceed five years. Lee emancipated at the end of the five years.

Lee's own words regarding slavery:

... In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

— Robert E. Lee, to Mary Anna Lee, December 27, 1856
Wikipedia: Yes, I know, but just because I didn't want to type it out and wanted to get Custis's will verbatim...

In 1857, his father-in-law died, creating a serious crisis when Lee took on the burden of executing the will. Custis's will encompassed vast landholdings and hundreds of slaves balanced against massive debts, and required Custis's former slaves "to be emancipated by my executors in such manner as to my executors may seem most expedient and proper, the said emancipation to be accomplished in not exceeding five years from the time of my decease."The estate was in disarray, and the plantations had been poorly managed and were losing money.

The words in the will are important. They say the slaves are to be emancipated in the manner Lee deemed most expedient and proper, but not to exceed five years. Lee emancipated at the end of the five years.

Lee's own words regarding slavery:

... In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

— Robert E. Lee, to Mary Anna Lee, December 27, 1856
Yep. And there were more than a few northern generals who held similar views on people of color during that time, and whose only reason to take up the sword against the south was to keep it in the Union. William Tecumseh Sherman is one of the first who comes to mind.
Auction them all off to the highest bidders. Take all the money and create four year scholarships to blacks under a certain income level and who are descended from American slaves until the money is gone.


Now everyone take your butthurt, shove it up your asses, and let's try to climb out of this abyss of infinite insanity.
Lee's letter to his son in 1861.

...The South, in my opinion, has been aggrieved by the acts of
the North, as you say. I feel the aggression, and am willing to
take every proper step for redress. It is the principle I contend
for, not individual or private benefit. As an American citizen,
I take great pride in my country, her prosperity and institu-
tions, and would defend any State if her rights were invaded.
But I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than a
dissolution of the Union. It would be an accumulation of all
the evils we complain of, and I am willing to sacrifice every-
thing but honor for its preservation. I hope, therefore, that all
constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort
to force. Secession is nothing but revolution. The framers of
our Constitution never exhausted so much labor, wisdom, and
forbearance in its formation, and surrounded it with so many
guards and securities, if it was intended to be broken by every
member of the Confederacy at will. It was intended for “per-
petual union,” so expressed in the preamble, and for the estab-
lishment of a government, not a compact, which can only be
dissolved by revolution, or the consent of all the people in
convention assembled. It is idle to talk of secession. Anarchy
would have been established, and not a government, by Wash-
ington, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison, and the other patriots
of the Revolution. .... Still, a Union that can only be
maintained by swords and bayonets, and in which strife and
civil war are to take the place of brotherly love and kindness,
has no charm for me. I shall mourn for my country and for the
welfare and progress of mankind. If the Union is dissolved,
and the Government disrupted, I shall return to my native
State and share the miseries of my people, and save in defense
will draw my sword on none.
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I don't understand why people care one way or the other. Tear them down or leave them up, it's not going to change history and it will just be something else tomorrow. If there are dumb ass racists worshipping these statues and that offends people then tear them down and move on. No need to waste energy fighting for people on the losing side of a losing battle. Who cares? Now lower my damn taxes and health insurance.
I don't understand why people care one way or the other. Tear them down or leave them up, it's not going to change history and it will just be something else tomorrow. If there are dumb ass racists worshipping these statues and that offends people then tear them down and move on. No need to waste energy fighting for people on the losing side of a losing battle. Who cares? Now lower my damn taxes and health insurance.
I don't give a shit about monuments either. My OP was to point out the hypocrisy of these race baiting Democrats that foam at the mouth over statues depicting historical people but think it's perfectly acceptable to display "art" that's anti-police in the capitol while officers are being killed in alarming numbers. History is harmful and cops are pigs. Pretty disgusting message.
I might have said tear them down had I not visited Budapest. They still have a lot of communist monuments, the reason being is to remind people of the past and why they never want it to happen again.
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Now everyone take your butthurt, shove it up your asses, and let's try to climb out of this abyss of infinite insanity.

New York was named after one of the most vicious slavers in colonial America.

If they really care about people of color, they'll change the name.

I don't give a shit about monuments either.


I've never seen so much red-ass over such an insignificant deal. Guys, I'm sorry they're taking down the confederate monuments. I know all the pain that must cause. It's as if your very identities are under attack. Why are ya'll so worked up over this? Medic's making silly, desparate arguments and Thor is reverting to pre-chill Thor, and AC... huh? Was the slaver's name "New" or "York?"
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I've never seen so much red-ass over such an insignificant deal. Guys, I'm sorry they're taking down the confederate monuments. I know all the pain that must cause. It's as if your very identities are under attack. Why are ya'll so worked up over this? Medic's making silly, desparate arguments and Thor is reverting to pre-chill Thor, and AC... huh? Was the slaver's name "New" or "York?"
The Duke of York

I've never seen so much red-ass over such an insignificant deal. Guys, I'm sorry they're taking down the confederate monuments. I know all the pain that must cause. It's as if your very identities are under attack. Why are ya'll so worked up over this? Medic's making silly, desparate arguments and Thor is reverting to pre-chill Thor, and AC... huh? Was the slaver's name "New" or "York?"
What you talkin' bout Willis?

You've been a mellower Thor for the last year or so. All of a sudden this statue thing has you wound up again.

Ya'll are more angry with a culture that tears down monuments to racial superiority and cruelty than a culture that erected them. I just don't get it.

I've never seen so much red-ass over such an insignificant deal. Guys, I'm sorry they're taking down the confederate monuments. I know all the pain that must cause. It's as if your very identities are under attack. Why are ya'll so worked up over this? Medic's making silly, desparate arguments and Thor is reverting to pre-chill Thor, and AC... huh? Was the slaver's name "New" or "York?"

Duke of York dummy.

Why are you so insensitive to people of color?
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I don't give a shit about monuments either. My OP was to point out the hypocrisy of these race baiting Democrats that foam at the mouth over statues depicting historical people but think it's perfectly acceptable to display "art" that's anti-police in the capitol while officers are being killed in alarming numbers. History is harmful and cops are pigs. Pretty disgusting message.

Look, buddy. The democrats had those monuments put there. The democrats can take those monuments down.
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