One Teddy Bear For Each Child Murdered By Israel In Gaza

All those murdered children are for a good cause, though, don’t you think? It’s standard practice to murder thousands of children in the name of self defense.
Indeed it is.



Israel has agreed to stop the fighting. All Hamas has to do is return all hostages, the ones still alive and the ones who have been murdered and leave Gaza forever.

If Hamas cared about civilian casualties they would accept. The thing you don't want to accept is that Hamas is the ones putting these children in harms way. They want the body count to be has high as possible because they know people like you will blame Israel.
Israel has agreed to stop the fighting. All Hamas has to do is return all hostages, the ones still alive and the ones who have been murdered and leave Gaza forever.

If Hamas cared about civilian casualties they would accept. The thing you don't want to accept is that Hamas is the ones putting these children in harms way. They want the body count to be has high as possible because they know people like you will blame Israel.
You make common sense sound so easy.
Israel has agreed to stop the fighting. All Hamas has to do is return all hostages, the ones still alive and the ones who have been murdered and leave Gaza forever.

If Hamas cared about civilian casualties they would accept. The thing you don't want to accept is that Hamas is the ones putting these children in harms way. They want the body count to be has high as possible because they know people like you will blame Israel.
I am unaware of Israel saying they would stop the mass murder permanently under those conditions. When did they say that, and who and where did he say it?

Hamas has shown no more caring about the safety of its civilians than has Israel. I accept that Hamas has put the children in arm’s way. And I accept that is why they are doing it. Do you accept that Israel is the one slaughtering them?

I think where we part company is •why• Israel is engaged in mass murder/genocide of innocent people. It stopped being in the name of self defense long ago. IMO it has never been about self defense.

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