One of the best speeches I have ever heard


Heisman Candidate
Feb 15, 2002
He comes from the left and right and explains how bad things are for our children.

Also an insane takedown of American universities.

Do we love our children?

A more condensed version

He was dead on about Zuckerberg, universities and their endowments and old people.
I think he's a little off base on old people at least in my case. I've been raising hell about government spending and the direction of the country since the days of Reagan. He's also off base on most young people, the vast majority of young people are lazy, have little work ethic and think the world owes them something. He also doesn't account for the fact the younger generations are on the verge of inheriting vast wealth from those old people.
Sounds like a very intelligent Hollywood entertainer speaking to an audience of Coastal Elitists ready to have congratulatory insights over a fruity with hints of oak yet refreshingly crisp Napa Valley pino noir.
Guy is correct on kids being the most important asset we have but I do disagree with much of his recommendations for getting there. We need less government involvement not different government involvement.
I'm blessed my son doesn't have his melon in his kiester. God dam I'm blessed.
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He makes some good points but he does not have it all right.

I started working at Texaco Station at 13 and was paid until I was 16 in cash. Since 16 I have been paying in to the Social Security fund, I am now 62. To act like the elderly in this country never paid in to the system and ignoring this is a joke, as if they are stealing. What a crock of shit. Penalize hard working people again for youth that want 30 hour work weeks and make $100K a year.

If we had been allowed to not pay in to the Social Security system and allowed to put that in investments for retirement, you would have something for retirement, probably get more than what SS is going to pay you.

But that is not how this works. And who gets to decide "if you don't need it or not"? Does anyone trust these young a-holes to decide that? If you paid in to the system, you should get the benefits you are entitled to. This is no different than the youth of our country expecting cancellation of their student loans. I paid mine off early back when the interest rates we have now look low in comparison.

I am fortunate never in my life have I been unemployed, many 60 - 80 hour work weeks. I have never missed paying in to the system for almost my entire life. I have not stolen from anyone, I am sure everyone that has paid in feels the same way. And who is going to benefit from an estate upon the death of parents? The children mostly.
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He makes some good points but he does not have all right.

I started working at Texaco Station at 13 and was paid until I was 16 in cash. Since 16 I have been paying in to the Social Security fund, I am now 62. To act like the elderly in this country never paid in to the system and ignoring this is a joke, as if they are stealing. What a crock of shit. Penalize hard working people again for youth that want 30 hour work weeks and make $100K a year.

If we had been allowed to not pay in to the Social Security system and allowed to put that in investments for retirement, you would have something for retirement, probably get more than what SS is going to pay you.

But that is not how this works. And who gets to decide "if you don't need it or not"? Does anyone trust these young a-holes to decide that? If you paid in to the system, you should get the benefits you are entitled to. This is no different than the youth of our country expecting cancellation of their student loans. I paid mine off early back when the interest rates we have now look low in comparison.

I am fortunate never in my life have I been unemployed, many 60 - 80 hour work weeks. I have never missed paying in to the system for almost entire life. I have not stole from anyone, I am sure everyone that has paid in feels the same way. And who is going to benefit from an estate upon the death of patents? The children mostly.

The speaker is a highly intelligent Coastal Elite, speaking to Coastal Elite's at a Coastal Elitist TedX conference. They'll all High 5 about how smart they are, how screwed up things are, and how stupid "society" is, and of course how brilliant they are - back patting all around. If you panned the camera across the audience you would see ZERO hourly people and ZERO people that work with their hands, other than the Artists.

The TedX "Humble Brag" equation is disgustingly simply and works every time on the Self-Appointed Intelligensia.

The only TedX talks worth watching are the one's TedX bans. LOL

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