NPC memes ...

Hilarious. You guys must have loved what they did with Pepe.


Wojak, also known as Feels guy, is a popular internet meme. It is drawn as a bald white colored man that is used to express emotions such as melancholy, regret or loneliness and is often paired with Pepe the Frog.


According to Know Your Meme, the earliest instances of the meme were posted in May 2010 on the German language image board Krautchan by a user named "Wojak".[1] He said he found the image on the Polish language image board Vichan under the filename "ciepła twarz.jpg", which translates to "warm face".[2] It spread to other international image boards, including 4chan, where by 2011 an image of two Wojaks hugging each other under the caption "I know that feel bro" gained popularity. Wojak's face was also paired with the phrase “that feel” or “that feel when."[1] Later variants often featured an originally unrelated meme known as Pepe the Frog.[3]

In 2016 big and small brain Wojaks emerged as a way to assert opinions on intelligence.[4] During the 2018 cryptocurrency crash pink Wojaks were used by traders to express their distress over losses.[5]

NPC memeEdit
NPC is a further evolution of the Wojak meme. NPC, a video game reference, stands for "non-playable character". Popular representation of the NPC meme is a Wojak with a gray face, a pointy nose and a blank expression. In October 2018 about 1500 NPC Twitter accounts posing as liberal activists were suspended for spreading misinformation about the upcoming United States midterm elections.[6][7]
“spreading information”

Ja Ja

:eek: Projection’s one hell of a drug. :cool:
Holy sh*t!! Press play!!!

You’ve haven’t seen anything like this ever. Literally.

I haven’t either, and I’ve seen a lot.

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Hilarious. You guys must have loved what they did with Pepe.


Wojak, also known as Feels guy, is a popular internet meme. It is drawn as a bald white colored man that is used to express emotions such as melancholy, regret or loneliness and is often paired with Pepe the Frog.


According to Know Your Meme, the earliest instances of the meme were posted in May 2010 on the German language image board Krautchan by a user named "Wojak".[1] He said he found the image on the Polish language image board Vichan under the filename "ciepła twarz.jpg", which translates to "warm face".[2] It spread to other international image boards, including 4chan, where by 2011 an image of two Wojaks hugging each other under the caption "I know that feel bro" gained popularity. Wojak's face was also paired with the phrase “that feel” or “that feel when."[1] Later variants often featured an originally unrelated meme known as Pepe the Frog.[3]

In 2016 big and small brain Wojaks emerged as a way to assert opinions on intelligence.[4] During the 2018 cryptocurrency crash pink Wojaks were used by traders to express their distress over losses.[5]

NPC memeEdit
NPC is a further evolution of the Wojak meme. NPC, a video game reference, stands for "non-playable character". Popular representation of the NPC meme is a Wojak with a gray face, a pointy nose and a blank expression. In October 2018 about 1500 NPC Twitter accounts posing as liberal activists were suspended for spreading misinformation about the upcoming United States midterm elections.[6][7]

I have no idea who Pepe is, but all of this is hilarious and way better than most anything Libs have done lately. Did you pay attention to how the idiots acted with BK? Have you paid attention to all of the pus thugs have done on the streets? Break windows, men mocking women, spitting on members of congress, treating cops like shit.. Do I need to go on?
Part of the hilarity of all of this is that nowadays, conservatism is no longer mainstream, it's counterculture. Counterculture humor has always been edgy and funnier.

Liberal mainstream humor is so tied to politically correct constructs that it's terrified who it is going to offend and is no longer close to being funny.

Look at Jim Carrey these days, he's a pathetic joke. Dave Chappell has gone back into hiding because of his non PC humor (the gay Nazis skewered him for his comments -- he apologized, which I wish he wouldn't have, and it still wasn't enough for them).
Part of the hilarity of all of this is that nowadays, conservatism is no longer mainstream, it's counterculture. Counterculture humor has always been edgy and funnier.

Liberal mainstream humor is so tied to politically correct constructs that it's terrified who it is going to offend and is no longer close to being funny.

Look at Jim Carrey these days, he's a pathetic joke. Dave Chappell has gone back into hiding because of his non PC humor (the gay Nazis skewered him for his comments -- he apologized, which I wish he wouldn't have, and it still wasn't enough for them).
I have no idea who Pepe is, but all of this is hilarious and way better than most anything Libs have done lately. Did you pay attention to how the idiots acted with BK? Have you paid attention to all of the pus thugs have done on the streets? Break windows, men mocking women, spitting on members of congress, treating cops like shit.. Do I need to go on?

I posted this yesterday, I think. "Not sure how I feel about this" How come you had nothing to add to it and just posted this? Funny how you just show up when you feel like there is a need to support some BS.

Then he doesnt use words to respond in supporting a rational thought or position.

I’ve been on the fence about this for a long time. Of course I never want to see public/private property damaged/destroyed and don’t wish to see people injured, but I also think it’s time now for the liberals to get shit shoved back in their face. The deck has been stacked for so long now and the liberals (which not all Democrats are) with the unscrupulous, unending and unfettered aid of cretins like Soros have facilitated and put into action so much incivility that for the conservatives to not fight back (like W, Romney & McCain) frankly makes them look like disinterested pusses. Trump has offered them an artificial backbone to fight back with but even then some are content to be punching bags for the liberal lies and manifestations of faux protests and unending harassment.

Remembered seeing protests in other countries basing a president or US policy (Afghanistan and Gaza/West Bank come to mind) Most of these countries had extremely high rates of illiteracy but yet everyone was carrying signs in English! Like the crap you see in the US now paid for protesters are the worst cockroach like scum on the planet and while they have no compunction in hassling anyone with an opposing view to their paid protest message. Would they sit in the yard of one of Maxine Water’s houses for the good of the cause? I highly doubt it.

Protests are good for “democracy” but chasing people down at restaurants, converging on their homes, releasing private information and so on, I’ve always considered cowardly and chickenshit. There’s always been an un-equitable distribution of the abuse re liberals vs conservatives, it time to balance the scales back out. Sure it will lead to more privacy type laws and maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all in this day and age. Probably lead to some injuries or even deaths, which will be sad but for this mess to ever get cleaned up people are going to have to stand up and be heard.

I’ve been in Rio the last 5 days and have seen almost unanimous support for Bolsonaro, who promised to clean up the country and kill criminals in the street if need be. In speeches he has already apologized to moms who’s sons are criminals, saying “I’m sorry after this election that many of your sons will not be coming home or will be in prison.” Good for him!

Politics in the US now is so awash in money, until more transparency is required and the spigot is closed sbout 95% of the way (everyone including the dam unions) the incivility will persist. As long as it does, it’s time to start feeding the liberals their own medicine.
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Can’t or won’t? Most “leftist” aren’t into memetic warfare. It’s effective no doubt but not everyone wants to participate in a lower form of chaos magick, willingly or not.


I thought toon would play the boob.

Let's see how long it take for him to figure out what he's done.