What I disagreed with you about is you were stating flatly you knew "Iran did it" because you have such great common sense, even though the Pentagon was saying they had no proof it was Iran. Even the quote you highlighted does not state without equivocation that "Iran did it." My disagreement came in the form of saying you don't know Iran did it. And by inference you were harping that Iran needs to be hit back and hit hard. I'm saying slow your roll, Buster, let's don't start a war we may not win (or win at huge cost of American lives and treasure), especially when all we have to go on is your Common Sense Meter. But the point trying to be made in the beginning is you are more than willing to accept as "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" when the MSM says something you very much want to believe, and accuse them of being fake news when they don't. And, by the way, Fox News is about as MSM as it gets when it comes to supporting the NeoCon drive for war, war and more war. I thought something Russell Brand said in his interview with Tucker was about as poignant as it could get when he was talking about MSM/NeoCon propaganda as regards the Houthies. A month ago none of us had heard of the Houthies, and now we have been programmed to believe they are an enormous existential threat to our lives and we need to use the might of our military to crush them. That should show all of us the manipulative power of NeoCon propaganda via the MSM.