Mueller has another notch on his gun.

I know that the slave was legally owned by Jefferson and therefore incapable of providing consent to sex with Jefferson.

I know if my daughter was kidnapped and impregnated, I wouldn't need to know the "dynamic" to call that a rape.

I've already ceded the argument to you based on the status of being a slave. It's an inherently pointless and obviously impossible position to argue otherwise. Having said that - you do not know the personal dynamic between those two people. Not sure why that's impossible to acknowledge.
you do not know the personal dynamic between those two people.
I've ceded that.

It is my contention that the personal dynamic beyond "slave-master" has no bearing on whether it is rape.
Cohen, 3 years, for helping Biff.

Wow. Wonder what Individual No. 1 is thinking?

33rd person charged.

Is this Mueller a badass or what?


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