Mr Stolen Valor

I never said election was stolen. Weird response and defection. Have fun ‘discussing’ with others.
Biden had 2 campaign rallies. Of the dozens who attended, many wore MAGA hats and jeered. And Biden raked in an all time record 81 million votes? Ho, ho, ho!!!

I recommend Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and the documerntary film 2000 Mules. Mark Zuckerberg dropped $400M on the 2020 election. Was it for overnight drop boxes stuffed with Biden ballots in 7 states? Thinking people guesses right.

Zuckerberg says he ain't droppinjg a dime on the 2024 election. Trump may have a chance if the border czar's 4 year wide open border and registered illegals doesn't get him.
Biden had 2 campaign rallies. Of the dozens who attended, many wore MAGA hats and jeered. And Biden raked in an all time record 81 million votes? Ho, ho, ho!!!

I recommend Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and the documerntary film 2000 Mules. Mark Zuckerberg dropped $400M on the 2020 election. Was it for overnight drop boxes stuffed with Biden ballots in 7 states? Thinking people guesses right.

Zuckerberg says he ain't droppinjg a dime on the 2024 election. Trump may have a chance if the border czar's 4 year wide open border and registered illegals doesn't get him.
The day after the election, Rush Limbaugh said what every sane person in America was thinking.

Something doesn't feel right about this. I heard that, and I felt vindication. Rush saw what I saw. How could you not??? They weren't going to get away with this.

Then Tucker started openly mocking the claims that the election was stolen. Other media figures on 'our side' followed suit. Then so did the voters on 'our side'. They started parroting what the media told them. The left can't steal an election! That's insane! There's NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD FRAUD!!!!!

4 years later, most of us still don't feel comfortable saying out loud what we all know to be true: They stole the 2020 election. Our votes were absolutely meaningless.

And since we still don't have the spine necessary to say the 2020 election was stolen, that's why they will steal the 2024 election as well.

This ends when we fear living in a country run by Kamala and obama more than we fear saying out loud that they stole the election.
The day after the election, Rush Limbaugh said what every sane person in America was thinking.

Something doesn't feel right about this. I heard that, and I felt vindication. Rush saw what I saw. How could you not??? They weren't going to get away with this.

Then Tucker started openly mocking the claims that the election was stolen. Other media figures on 'our side' followed suit. Then so did the voters on 'our side'. They started parroting what the media told them. The left can't steal an election! That's insane! There's NO EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD FRAUD!!!!!

4 years later, most of us still don't feel comfortable saying out loud what we all know to be true: They stole the 2020 election. Our votes were absolutely meaningless.

And since we still don't have the spine necessary to say the 2020 election was stolen, that's why they will steal the 2024 election as well.

This ends when we fear living in a country run by Kamala and obama more than we fear saying out loud that they stole the election.
I will say it out loud from the roof tops. They unleashed the Chinese Virus and stole the election. They tried everything to get rid of Trump from day 1 and couldn't do it. What will they do before November to make sure Kumula wins? They have already unleashed the State Run Media to Prop her up and her lying drunk Commie Running Mate and that has backfired on them. He was a "Great Pick" right @my__2cents? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I will say it out loud from the roof tops. They unleashed the Chinese Virus and stole the election. They tried everything to get rid of Trump from day 1 and couldn't do it. What will they do before November to make sure Kumula wins? They have already unleashed the State Run Media to Prop her up and her lying drunk Commie Running Mate and that has backfired on them. He was a "Great Pick" right @my__2cents? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good man! The reality is, they will continue to steal elections until we stop them. And we won't stop them until there is a MANDATE from the people.

Right now, all Trump supporters know the 2020 election was stolen. That's about 80% of Republicans. Of the remaining pubs, I think half will say the 2020 election was stolen. So altogether, about 90% of republicans will say the 2020 election was stolen.

For independents, it's tough to say. I would guess about 25% of independents would say the 2020 election was stolen. Of course 0% of dems will say that cause dems are dishonest people who are fine with cheating when it benefits them.

So that means between pubs and indies, we are looking at about 33-35% of Americans knowing the 2020 election was stolen. We need it to be at least double that amount.

So that means, they will steal the 2024 election. When that happens, we will need every pub and every independent voter at minimum to say it was stolen and demand that something is done. So the cheating would have to be so egregious that all the indies see it and demand action.

I don't think that will happen. I think they will steal the 2024 election, a few more pubs and a few more indies will see the light, but nothing changes.

So then we go forward to 2028 and have to deal with another 4 years of the left driving the country into the ground.

Guys honest question: Where do you think this country will be at in another 4 years if the left steals another election? I mean, the UK is already arresting people for posting stuff on social media that the government doesn't like. How long do you think it will be before the same is done here?

I don't think this country can survive another 4 years of this. But until the pain of living like this becomes enough to motivate action to stop it, nothing changes.
Good man! The reality is, they will continue to steal elections until we stop them. And we won't stop them until there is a MANDATE from the people.

Right now, all Trump supporters know the 2020 election was stolen. That's about 80% of Republicans. Of the remaining pubs, I think half will say the 2020 election was stolen. So altogether, about 90% of republicans will say the 2020 election was stolen.

For independents, it's tough to say. I would guess about 25% of independents would say the 2020 election was stolen. Of course 0% of dems will say that cause dems are dishonest people who are fine with cheating when it benefits them.

So that means between pubs and indies, we are looking at about 33-35% of Americans knowing the 2020 election was stolen. We need it to be at least double that amount.

So that means, they will steal the 2024 election. When that happens, we will need every pub and every independent voter at minimum to say it was stolen and demand that something is done. So the cheating would have to be so egregious that all the indies see it and demand action.

I don't think that will happen. I think they will steal the 2024 election, a few more pubs and a few more indies will see the light, but nothing changes.

So then we go forward to 2028 and have to deal with another 4 years of the left driving the country into the ground.

Guys honest question: Where do you think this country will be at in another 4 years if the left steals another election? I mean, the UK is already arresting people for posting stuff on social media that the government doesn't like. How long do you think it will be before the same is done here?

I don't think this country can survive another 4 years of this. But until the pain of living like this becomes enough to motivate action to stop it, nothing changes.

Or perhaps Trump just simply sucks that much to lose to such a pathetic ticket…

carry on
2023 testing found the US avg. IQ a paltry 97.4. South Korea 106. Any wonder we have Joe-Kamala team handlers running government?
Plus, science has taught us that our effective IQ can fall by as many as 50 points when our emotions get the better of us.

That means the average democrat is operating at around 47 IQ points most of the time when considering issues related to politics and this nation. Suddenly the votes for Biden and Harris are easier to explain.
Good man! The reality is, they will continue to steal elections until we stop them. And we won't stop them until there is a MANDATE from the people.

Right now, all Trump supporters know the 2020 election was stolen. That's about 80% of Republicans. Of the remaining pubs, I think half will say the 2020 election was stolen. So altogether, about 90% of republicans will say the 2020 election was stolen.

For independents, it's tough to say. I would guess about 25% of independents would say the 2020 election was stolen. Of course 0% of dems will say that cause dems are dishonest people who are fine with cheating when it benefits them.

So that means between pubs and indies, we are looking at about 33-35% of Americans knowing the 2020 election was stolen. We need it to be at least double that amount.

So that means, they will steal the 2024 election. When that happens, we will need every pub and every independent voter at minimum to say it was stolen and demand that something is done. So the cheating would have to be so egregious that all the indies see it and demand action.

I don't think that will happen. I think they will steal the 2024 election, a few more pubs and a few more indies will see the light, but nothing changes.

So then we go forward to 2028 and have to deal with another 4 years of the left driving the country into the ground.

Guys honest question: Where do you think this country will be at in another 4 years if the left steals another election? I mean, the UK is already arresting people for posting stuff on social media that the government doesn't like. How long do you think it will be before the same is done here?

I don't think this country can survive another 4 years of this. But until the pain of living like this becomes enough to motivate action to stop it, nothing changes.
Someone is unhinged at the moment. Who is this clown? 🤣🤣

Reality to Ghost, the 2020 election wasn't stolen. That is a lie Trump told you because he couldn't accept that he lost the election. There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen and even Trump himself knows it wasn't stolen. He is playing you for a fool. Wake up.

Guys honest question: Where do you think this country will be at in another 4 years if the left steals another election
We are going to be in a much better place than we would be if Trump is President for the next four years. We are already in a better place now than we were when Trump left office after his disastrous term as President.
Someone is unhinged at the moment. Who is this clown? 🤣🤣

Reality to Ghost, the 2020 election wasn't stolen. That is a lie Trump told you because he couldn't accept that he lost the election. There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen and even Trump himself knows it wasn't stolen. He is playing you for a fool. Wake up.

We are going to be in a much better place than we would be if Trump is President for the next four years. We are already in a better place now than we were when Trump left office after his disastrous term as President.

Have you looked?

Of course not.

You were told there wasn’t so that’s what you mindlessly repeat.

How do you do that after the same people were demonstrably lying to you every day about Biden’s mental health?

Thousands of hours of lying to you.

All on tape.

How does that not register?

What’s obvious to me is the government doesn’t want anyone to question elections.

They’ve made that crystal clear.

Seems really dictatorial.
Have you looked?
Yes. And again, there is no evidence for Trump's lie about a stolen election.

There is a reason that every judicial attempt by Trump to make the legal case for a stolen election failed. Failed completely. Every one of them.

Because there is no evidence. It is a lie.

And the only people who still believe this lie are Trump cultists.
Yes. And again, there is no evidence for Trump's lie about a stolen election.

There is a reason that every judicial attempt by Trump to make the legal case for a stolen election failed. Failed completely. Every one of them.

Because there is no evidence. It is a lie.

And the only people who still believe this lie are Trump cultists.

You can’t say “I will vote for Biden” after the debate AND call people cultists.

That’s painfully stupid.

I’m embarrassed for you.
We are going to be in a much better place than we would be if Trump is President for the next four years. We are already in a better place now than we were when Trump left office after his disastrous term as President.
Im sure in your mind, this makes total sense.

Because you put your politics at the center of your life. Your entire identity and sense of self-worth is tied to your politics. So if your politics benefit, you benefit.

Trump returning to power crushes your politics. So in your mind, Trump returning to power means we will be in a much worse place.

I actually understand what you are thinking. I can't imagine being in the same lowly place you are, but I do see why you believe as you do.
Someone is unhinged at the moment. Who is this clown? 🤣🤣

Reality to Ghost, the 2020 election wasn't stolen. That is a lie Trump told you because he couldn't accept that he lost the election. There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen and even Trump himself knows it wasn't stolen. He is playing you for a fool. Wake up.

We are going to be in a much better place than we would be if Trump is President for the next four years. We are already in a better place now than we were when Trump left office after his disastrous term as President.
Yea 20% inflation, massive personal debt increases, housing costs skyrocketing to the point first time home buyers can not afford to buy houses, interest rates through the roof, energy cost skyrocketing, 10 million illegals sucking our social services dry and killing our citizens, Government running two trillion dollar debts every year, wars in Ukraine and Israel and the rest of the world laughing at the senile corrupt POS in the White House. Yea we are so much better off. SMFH
I notice that 2cents is no longer defending the stolen valor topic.
There is nothing to defend. Clearly, the right-wing attack on Walz failed. There is no stolen valor.

Walz was a great addition to the ticket and has brought more positive energy. Harris/Walz continue to surge in the polls while the Trump campaign continues to struggle.
Inflation is not at 20%. Inflation stands at 2.97%.

See, your very first statement in that crazy rant was false. You are doing nothing but repeating lies, falsehoods, and misrepresentations Bearcat.
LMAO your spin isn't going to work. Inflation is up 20% since Biden took office and that is undeniable. The only lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations are coming from you. What's next, you going to try to say illegal immigration is down under Biden? LMAO
Well, it will help the country, so you should be fine with it.

Do you think Harris being elected won't help the country? And if so, do you arrive at this conclusion based on your politics?
No, I base it on the fact that she's been in office for 4 years while she helped run the country into the ground.

You didn't see it that way cause her being in office helped your politics. I get it.
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There is nothing to defend. Clearly, the right-wing attack on Walz failed. There is no stolen valor.

Walz was a great addition to the ticket and has brought more positive energy. Harris/Walz continue to surge in the polls while the Trump campaign continues to struggle.
Only if you stick your head where it shouldn't be.
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LMAO your spin isn't going to work. Inflation is up 20% since Biden took office and that is undeniable. The only lies, falsehoods and misrepresentations are coming from you.
Again, inflation is at 2.97%. Inflation has fallen since June 2022.

That are the facts.

What's next, you going to try to say illegal immigration is down under Biden? LMAO
In some areas concerning this issue, the Biden/Harris administration has had more success than Trump did. More individuals have been removed under the Biden/Harris administration than under Trump, more deportations in the past year than in any year under Trump, etc.

Unauthorized immigrants were crossing the border when Trump was President and Trump did nothing to fix our immigration system in four years. Nothing at all. Didn't even sign into law one bill.

More facts for you.

Sorry Bearcat, but we aren't going back.
No, I base it on the fact that she's been in office for 4 years while she helped run the country into the ground.

You didn't see it that way cause her being in office helped your politics. I get it.
I disagree with you that our country has been ran into the ground. That is your politics speaking now.

Our country has improved under the current administration and is in a better place than it was when Trump left office. Trump left a mess. There is no need to go back to his mess.

I support Harris/Walz because I believe they are the best choice for our country over the next four years. Trump is an existential threat to county and he must be defeated again. Yes, my politics play a role in all of this (as does yours) but I want what is best for our country. And that is why I'm voting for Harris/Walz.

You need to prepare yourself. There is going to be a lot more than just 10% of Americans who are going to vote for Harris/Walz. A lot more. And if things continue as they are, Trump will be very lucky to get 46% support again in November.
  • Haha
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Again, inflation is at 2.97%. Inflation has fallen since June 2022.

That are the facts.

In some areas concerning this issue, the Biden/Harris administration has had more success than Trump did. More individuals have been removed under the Biden/Harris administration than under Trump, more deportations in the past year than in any year under Trump, etc.

Unauthorized immigrants were crossing the border when Trump was President and Trump did nothing to fix our immigration system in four years. Nothing at all. Didn't even sign into law one bill.

More facts for you.

Sorry Bearcat, but we aren't going back.