Mr Stolen Valor

Biden inherited 1.4% inflation, and ran it up to 9%. You are putting your politics before the facts, again.
No, Biden didn't run up inflation. We came out of a pandemic (a pandemic made worse by Trump), and that is what ran up inflation.

Since then, the Biden/Harris administration has responded and inflation has decreased. As even you acknowledge. The problem is being fixed. That is what leadership does.

Stop putting your politics and your spin before the facts.
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I disagree with you that our country has been ran into the ground. That is your politics speaking now.
Are you sure you aren't just projecting?

If the country was in great shape, I'd be fine with it. The economy was humming in the 90s when Clinton was in office. Of course, Slick Willy had nothing to do with it, it was about the rise of eccomerce. Who cared? I was happy the economy was doing good.

The economy under Trump was amazing. America prospered, we had money in our pockets and full bellies, unlike today. Yet libs were still miserable. "Trump is making the richer, richer! Heartless bastard!" So said the libs that put their politics ahead of their country.
You need to prepare yourself. There is going to be a lot more than just 10% of Americans who are going to vote for Harris/Walz. A lot more. And if things continue as they are, Trump will be very lucky to get 46% support again in November.
Oh I am prepared. I've already said unless there is a drastic change, the left will be allowed to steal another election, and we will have to deal with at least 4 more years of this shit.

I don't think we will make it. I think we will have to deal with a massive war, either invasion or Civil War.

But long as the libs get their politics served, I guess its ok?
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No, Biden didn't run up inflation. We came out of a pandemic (a pandemic made worse by Trump), and that is what ran up inflation.

Since then, the Biden/Harris administration has responded and inflation has decreased. As even you acknowledge. The problem is being fixed. That is what leadership does.

Stop putting your politics and your spin before the facts.
Ah so you ignore facts when they hurt your politics and embrace them when they help your politics?

I mean, why not just say Biden lowered inflation his entire term?

If you're gonna lie, why not lie big?
Ah so you ignore facts when they hurt your politics and embrace them when they help your politics?

I mean, why not just say Biden lowered inflation his entire term?

If you're gonna lie, why not lie big?
Because I'm not lying.

I have acknowledged that inflation increased to begin with while Biden was President because of the pandemic. I'm not denying this. But I'm also then continuing to give the facts/context and note that since June 2022, inflation has decreased. The Biden/Harris administration enacted policies that helped bring down inflation. They led. They are working to solve a problem.

I'm giving you the facts, the whole context. Inflation has decreased over the past two years. It is now at 2.97%. You can't deny this. You already even acknowledge it.

These are the facts. And I'm still waiting on one of you right-wingers to explain how Trump plans on "ending inflation and making America affordable again." lol!

We aren't going back.😁
You need to get back in touch with reality.

Of course, this will never happen until you get off Faux News for a while and start thinking for yourself.

You are heading for another November shock.
Oh I live in reality. There is a very real chance people are stupid enough to elect Kamala and the valor stealing lowlife. I just wonder if those that elect her will love the reality they live?
Because I'm not lying.

I have acknowledged that inflation increased to begin with while Biden was President because of the pandemic. I'm not denying this. But I'm also then continuing to give the facts/context and note that since June 2022, inflation has decreased. The Biden/Harris administration enacted policies that helped bring down inflation. They led. They are working to solve a problem.

I'm giving you the facts, the whole context. Inflation has decreased over the past two years. It is now at 2.97%. You can't deny this. You already even acknowledge it.

These are the facts. And I'm still waiting on one of you right-wingers to explain how Trump plans on "ending inflation and making America affordable again." lol!

We aren't going back.😁
What are Kamala's plans to end inflation? Hell what are any of her plans?
These are the facts. And I'm still waiting on one of you right-wingers to explain how Trump plans on "ending inflation and making America affordable again." lol!
No you aren't. You've already been shown that information:

16 pages of detailed explanation of Trump's 20 points.

Why continue to engage in dishonesty? First it was claiming Biden is responsible for inflation falling, but not the rise that came first, now you claim no one will give you details that you've been given multiple times?

See this is what it means to be a liberal. You become a shitty person justifying shitty people doing shitty things.
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I'm sure you don't think you are. Or at least you've convinced yourself that it's ok to lie about this, cause Trump must be stopped (from destroying my politics) at all costs.
You have yet to show how I'm lying. You have even acknowledged most of what I'm saying is true.

I've not convinced myself of anything but the facts, which is what I've given you.
The irony is....the only plan she has is no tax on tips.

And she stole that from Trump.

So her entire current platform is stolen from Trump, yet the lib can't stand Trump, and loves Kamala LOL
Yet the two faced bitch signed off on more IRS agents and targeting tips. Her followers so easily duped.
What are Kamala's plans to end inflation?
Harris is planning on unveiling her economic policy platform this week heading into the Democratic Convention. I would advise you listen to what she has to say instead of having it filtered to you through right-wing propganda sources.

I have no doubt though that regardless of what she proposes, you will oppose it immediately.
Harris is planning on unveiling her economic policy platform this week heading into the Democratic Convention. I would advise you listen to what she has to say instead of having it filtered to you through right-wing propganda sources.

I have no doubt though that regardless of what she proposes, you will oppose it immediately.
Strange how you've already bought into her without hearing anything from her. You are a Party over country guy.
Are you sure you aren't just projecting?

If the country was in great shape, I'd be fine with it. The economy was humming in the 90s when Clinton was in office. Of course, Slick Willy had nothing to do with it, it was about the rise of eccomerce. Who cared? I was happy the economy was doing good.

The economy under Trump was amazing.
The country is in good shape, better than it was when Trump left office. Our economy is strong and is humming. It is one of the strongest economies in the world right now. You mention the Clinton years, we've had a lower unemployment rate under the Biden/Harris administration than we did under Clinton in the 1990s. Yes, there is areas of improvement needed in our economy. And we must be prepared to respond to the challenges that lay ahead. But the economy is strong right now.

As for your claim that the economy under Trump was amazing, this is just not true. At the beginning of his term, after the economic growth we saw under Obama, the economy was good. But that was not the case at the end of his term. The Biden administartion inherited a mess from Trump.

Sorry, but the facts don't back up your false claims.

I don't think we will make it. I think we will have to deal with a massive war, either invasion or Civil War.
Who is going to invade us? What country?

As for a Civil War, who is going to start a Civil War? How would such traitors have any success?

You are starting to sound unhinged again.
No you aren't. You've already been shown that information:

16 pages of detailed explanation of Trump's 20 points.
Again, that link doesn't open for me. I've tried and I get nothing.

So just give me the highlights. In your own words, explain how Trump plans on ending inflation and making American affordable again?
I can't show you that you are being dishonest, I know better than to waste my time.
This is a dodge and a lousy cop out. You've had plenty of time to response to all my posts so far today. You have plenty of time to show how I am being dishonest as well.

So go ahead. Do it. Show where I'm lying with the facts I've provided. Don't start dodging now.
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Again, that link doesn't open for me. I've tried and I get nothing.

So just give me the highlights. In your own words, explain how Trump plans on ending inflation and making American affordable again?
Opens for me loser. 😂😂😂😂Let me guess, you are unable to get an ID to be able to vote. Such a poor helpless Dimwit.
Strange how you've already bought into her without hearing anything from her.
Because I know her cole principles, cole values, I know what she is committed to. I know what she has done, what she has voted for, etc. And I know her core principles and values will inform the economic policy platform that she is going to unveil.

This is why I am supporting her right now. This is why I've been her biggest supporter on this board for a while now, which you can't deny.

Are you willing to listen to her economic proposals with an open mind and give them serious consideration?
Opens for me loser. 😂😂😂😂
Whatever, it doesn't open for me. I've tried numerous times and I keep getting an error button and then I get redirected to a spam page.

But hey, why don't you just explain what Trump plans on doing in your own words. Can you tell me how he plans on ending inflation and making America affordable again? Go right ahead. I've been asking all day and have yet to get an answer from one of you right-wingers.
Whatever, it doesn't open for me. I've tried numerous times and I keep getting an error button and then I get redirected to a spam page.

But hey, why don't you just explain what Trump plans on doing in your own words. Can you tell me how he plans on ending inflation and making America affordable again? Go right ahead. I've been asking all day and have yet to get an answer from one of you right-wingers.
I can answer it. It would not change your vote. I don’t have a responsibility to hand feed someone who is lying about a link and a lazy Dimwit so they are no longer ignorant. Readers are leaders. You are neither.
Then answer it. Stop dodging and deflecting with lame excuses.

In your own words, can you tell me how he plans on ending inflation and making America affordable again?
Stop lying like Walz and read it for yourself. You started the deflection with the initial lie. I am not wasting time on someone who would vote for a dead Joe Biden.

But don’t worry, independents and undecideds have no problem with that link, and they can’t find anything on Kamala.
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Stop lying like Walz and read it for yourself. You started the deflection with the initial lie. I am not wasting time on someone who would vote for a dead Joe Biden.
I told you I can't open that link. Perhaps provide another link or something?

Or maybe, just maybe, answer the question in your own words. Shouldn't be hard to tell us what Trump is going to do to end inflation. You said you could answer it, so answer it.

Stop dodging and deflecting for just once and actually contribute something of worth to this board.
This is a dodge and a lousy cop out. You've had plenty of time to response to all my posts so far today. You have plenty of time to show how I am being dishonest as well.

So go ahead. Do it. Show where I'm lying with the facts I've provided. Don't start dodging now.
It always amuses me when trolls get pissed that you aren't giving their trolls the attention they feel they deserve LOL
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Again, that link doesn't open for me. I've tried and I get nothing.
This is a dodge and a lousy cop out. You've had plenty of time to response to all my posts so far today. You have plenty of time to show how I am being dishonest as well.

So go ahead. Do it. Show where I'm lying with the facts I've provided. Don't start dodging now.
Never mind, you did my work for me.
I told you I can't open that link. Perhaps provide another link or something?

Or maybe, just maybe, answer the question in your own words. Shouldn't be hard to tell us what Trump is going to do to end inflation. You said you could answer it, so answer it.

Stop dodging and deflecting for just once and actually contribute something of worth to this board.

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I disagree with you that our country has been ran into the ground. That is your politics speaking now.

Our country has improved under the current administration and is in a better place than it was when Trump left office. Trump left a mess. There is no need to go back to his mess.

I support Harris/Walz because I believe they are the best choice for our country over the next four years. Trump is an existential threat to county and he must be defeated again. Yes, my politics play a role in all of this (as does yours) but I want what is best for our country. And that is why I'm voting for Harris/Walz.

You need to prepare yourself. There is going to be a lot more than just 10% of Americans who are going to vote for Harris/Walz. A lot more. And if things continue as they are, Trump will be very lucky to get 46% support again in November.
With all due respect, this is the type of language that resulted in violence against the former president. You can have different politics and think Harris/Walz is the best way forward, but I don't understand how this heightened rhetoric is good for the country. This actually hurts the discourse. This coupled with Biden again relating Trump to the KKK in the past few days is just baffling.
With all due respect, this is the type of language that resulted in violence against the former president.
First, you don't know if this is a true statememnt. We don't know why the registered Republican tried to assassinate Trump. So why are you trying to push forth a conclusion that hasn't been proven?

Second, sounds like you are now trying to limit free speech by claiming that people can't express their opinion that Trump is an existential threat to this country. You wouldn't be doing this, would you?

And lastly, I frankly could care less what you think about this type of language. It is the truth. It is what millions and millions of Americans believe. Trump is an existential threat to our country and he must be defeated in November.