Movie Recommendation


MegaPoke is insane
Jul 31, 2014
Parts Unknown
"The Good Lie,"

Should be out on video. On demand on HBO. It's about the plight of the lost boys and girls. The Sudanese children who successfully made the trek from their war ravaged homeland to the United States.

Riveting, funny, and heartbreaking. It's a Ron Howard film -- he almost always does good work.

If you've ever spent time in Africa or around the African people, you'll love this movie. You might love it anyway.
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They did multiple 60 minutes on these guys, will have to check it out.
I read a book a few years ago called a long way gone...Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah. His experience was based upon his youth in Sierra Leone where he was forced into becoming a soldier...I think he was like 12 when this happened.

Is this movie about the Sudanese kids based upon a similar story?
Yes. Horrific what Islam does when it gains a foothold in a nation. Not going to make a political or religious comment beyond that.

Funny seeing how they had to adapt to American culture once they got here.

They were so innocent in a number ways when they first arrived.
I wonder if there are any stats on the Vietnamese kids who landed on US Soil after the fall of Saigon? Two brothers entered my junior high (military bases were where you found most families because they were typically sponsored by former/current military who had met them in Vietnam) in 1976.

Neither could speak much beyond a rudimentary few words in English, apparently picked up in their refuge camp before getting to Oklahoma.

I don't know what the younger one did, but my classmate became an MD and practiced here in MWC for a few years and is now with Saint Anthony.
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