More GDP news from Donald

Of course if the ex-rodent in chief had had those numbers and this economic success the media/libs/prog/dems would right now have a bill on the floor to abolish the 22nd Amendment and make the presidency hereditary.

Like Trump, hate him or loath him the guy, against unbelievable headwinds, has been very good for the American economy and potentially a bright future.

Funny side in Darwin NT at a convention and last night was the costume party. One table of 8 all had MAGA hats on, waving American flags and hair like Trump. He is very well liked here, at least in the O&G industry. One of them was even carrying a sign that said “Build that wall!”
Assuming the guy with the dates posted is correct, I wonder if someone told him its the first time it happened this century, and he interpreted to be first time in a century. Because the former would be an accurate statement (at least according to the posts above...i didn't verify the data myself).
Of course if the ex-rodent in chief had had those numbers and this economic success the media/libs/prog/dems would right now have a bill on the floor to abolish the 22nd Amendment and make the presidency hereditary.

Like Trump, hate him or loath him the guy, against unbelievable headwinds, has been very good for the American economy and potentially a bright future.

Funny side in Darwin NT at a convention and last night was the costume party. One table of 8 all had MAGA hats on, waving American flags and hair like Trump. He is very well liked here, at least in the O&G industry. One of them was even carrying a sign that said “Build that wall!”
Damn, Darwin is a place many people haven't heard of (myself included). Cool story! lol

Edited: Also, people need to probably realize that the President's twitter is the ultimate troll at times. I highly doubt he is actually the one tweeting...
So I hold my leaders to a minimal standard that they dont lie every freaking day.

He lies and you guys defend it, laugh it off or ignore.

Yay, go team.
He did it again.

For future reference, I’ll throw in a couple more now.

He did it again. He did it again.

All good now?
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So I hold my leaders to a minimal standard that they dont lie every freaking day.

He lies and you guys defend it, laugh it off or ignore.

Yay, go team.

this handwringing is great
a politician lies

how’s this truth suit you?

trump runs a government that wants you to keep as much of what you earn as possible

otard ran a government that wanted to redistribute as much of what you earn as possible under the guise of healthcare
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this handwringing is great
a politician lies

how’s this truth suit you?

trump runs a government that wants you to keep as much of what you earn as possible

otard ran a government that wanted to redistribute as much of what you earn as possible under the guise of healthcare

Trump is going to bat on jobs.

As any sane leader would.
Where did I say Democrat? In the state of Lflorida I am recognized as the fasted growing group in the county, unaffiliated.

Ah yes, the place for people of conviction.

kidding, kinda. But that makes me think of a topic that ought to be discussed.

In actuality, when a party changes beneath your feet, 'unaffiliated' is sometimes where you find yourself.
Ah yes, the place for people of conviction.

kidding, kinda. But that makes me think of a topic that ought to be discussed.

In actuality, when a party changes beneath your feet, 'unaffiliated' is sometimes where you find yourself.
I recently looked up the party affiliation numbers of the county I live in. I was kinda shocked.

142,000 Republicans
141,000 Democrats
100,000 unaffiliated...thats the number that surprised me. Almost a third of the voters.

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