Masks don’t work, vaccine is not a vaccine…

That and just a little common sense.

Like NY which had an excess of beds in field hospitals and an actual hospital ship that never saw patients didn’t put active cases in the middle of the most vulnerable.

That will never make sense.

They may as well‘ve just lobbed grenades in the old folks homes.
What if, from the start, the “experts” encouraged social distancing and described the “vaccine” as an immunity booster, and focused on high risk? I wonder if it would have saved lives?
But then they couldn't have the mass genocide, install their candidate- a pedo senile bought and paid for treasoner anti American puppet, take away our liberties, and get closer to one world government.

It's hard to imagine there are people out there that still don't know this was all intentional.
The secret is out that well educated people can be really dumb as rocks when it comes to life application, consequences of actions versus text book theory. Dr Fauci and our president wore two masks at once. Think about that.
Does everyone think when the demons rolled out all of this Plandemic BS that they really thought the people would join in lockstep and follow what they said?! I believe they never thought Itd be this easy.- I think they are still sitting there going, "wow, do you believe these people blindly shut down, wore obedience diapers, took an untested vaccine (excuse me, so-called vaccine), joined in to mass voluntary genocide, let their loved ones die alone on ventilators"

I think they are still laughing their demonic collective asses off at the herd, but that's me.
lol… The biggest whiney, bitching Gab Gobbling Goober school girl calling someone a flail-er. Dude, you’re totally messed up in the head. lol 😂
So how many boosters have you had yeller and tell us how great they are- put up or shut up
What if, from the start, the “experts” encouraged social distancing and described the “vaccine” as an immunity booster, and focused on high risk? I wonder if it would have saved lives?
1. It was a vaccine. Nothing was ever going to convince people it was effective. The Corndogs are the corndogs, reasoning or explaining will never work. Another large demographic will automatically despise any public health expert that cost money or inconvenienced them, period. Then there's the ones that are just walking, talking, Herman Cain types that can't be told a gd thing. Herman knew it was likely harmless. Laughed and had a great time at the Trump speech. Big confident smiles and then went home and got sick and died from covid.

Millions and millions got that vaccine(s) and have great health.

2. It wasn't just high risk. I've heard person after person that died from covid before the vaccine and were completely healthy. One was a triathlete. Another was a workout fiend and personal trainer. For whatever reason, people block out how overwhelmed hospitals were and how many people died.
Why do they need to be super intelligent? They know the majority of people are dumbasses.
They had people hoarding up toilet paper like it was gold. They used one way aisles in stores. When you can get people to do stupid shit like that the rest comes easy.
This ....nail on the head.....
1. It was a vaccine. Nothing was ever going to convince people it was effective. The Corndogs are the corndogs, reasoning or explaining will never work. Another large demographic will automatically despise any public health expert that cost money or inconvenienced them, period. Then there's the ones that are just walking, talking, Herman Cain types that can't be told a gd thing. Herman knew it was likely harmless. Laughed and had a great time at the Trump speech. Big confident smiles and then went home and got sick and died from covid.

Millions and millions got that vaccine(s) and have great health.

2. It wasn't just high risk. I've heard person after person that died from covid before the vaccine and were completely healthy. One was a triathlete. Another was a workout fiend and personal trainer. For whatever reason, people block out how overwhelmed hospitals were and how many people died.
40 percent more deaths since the gene therapies came out Einstein- keep selling your same Crapola.

These numbers are straight from the life insurance companies. Yes there are only so many Corndogs- but millions of dumb ass sheep and plenty of lefturds like you propagating to said sheep.
1. It was a vaccine. Nothing was ever going to convince people it was effective. The Corndogs are the corndogs, reasoning or explaining will never work. Another large demographic will automatically despise any public health expert that cost money or inconvenienced them, period. Then there's the ones that are just walking, talking, Herman Cain types that can't be told a gd thing. Herman knew it was likely harmless. Laughed and had a great time at the Trump speech. Big confident smiles and then went home and got sick and died from covid.

Millions and millions got that vaccine(s) and have great health.

2. It wasn't just high risk. I've heard person after person that died from covid before the vaccine and were completely healthy. One was a triathlete. Another was a workout fiend and personal trainer. For whatever reason, people block out how overwhelmed hospitals were and how many people died.
1. It was not a vaccine. It did not give you immunity.
2. Dying from Covid if you were under 50 and healthy was extremely rare.
All them cold storage trailers in new York may have been nothing more than a diversion. A hysterical diversion. Couple that with the idiot fauchi? Ain't seen or heard from that idiot in quite some time. 😁
New intelligence? How dumb do they think people are?

They don’t think we’re dumb.

They know we’re dumb.

They know all our tendencies and how to exploit them.

There are two types of people, people who walk into a car dealership and pay sticker and people who know theres a game to be played and have the salespersons playbook.

There aren’t many people willing to learn the playbook that’s used against them.
They don’t think we’re dumb.

They know we’re dumb.

They know all our tendencies and how to exploit them.

There are two types of people, people who walk into a car dealership and pay sticker and people who know theres a game to be played and have the salespersons playbook.

There aren’t many people willing to learn the playbook that’s used against them.

90’s era
sharps and squares in the gambling world

and illegal

pseudo twitter sharps
“live” betting
.20cent lines
pay taxes on winnings for even less chance to profit

it’s all legal lolz
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New intelligence? How dumb do they think people are?
Yea, new intelligence. New intelligence means they finally read the original information and applied middle school critical thinking to it after initial reading was done with kindergarten stem. I look forward to raising thier intelligence levels further.
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They don’t think we’re dumb.

They know we’re dumb.

They know all our tendencies and how to exploit them.

There are two types of people, people who walk into a car dealership and pay sticker and people who know theres a game to be played and have the salespersons playbook.

There aren’t many people willing to learn the playbook that’s used against them.
Google and Facebook have been selling this information for years.

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