mask vs no mask


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 9, 2002
I did not write this, but sure as hell wish I did.

Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.

We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.

We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.

Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.

Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.

Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.

Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.
I did not write this, but sure as hell wish I did.

Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.

We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.

We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.

Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.

Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.

Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.

Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.
Good for you.... :confused:
I did not write this, but sure as hell wish I did.

Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.

We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.

We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.

Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.

Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.

Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.

Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.
blbronco, that's 200% spot on. Thanks for posting. The responses will definitely be entertaining.
Unfortunately, I believe the person who wrote this story meant to put it in blue.
We’ve already been told that masks are useless. Either they were lying to us then or they’re lying to us now. That’s enough to satisfy me that they’re full of shyt, or simply liars, therefore, I trust my own instincts more than I trust them, meaning, no fvcking mask for me.

You will get no argument from me regarding the mishandling of the mask-wearing early on. There simply were not enough masks for everybody and the healthcare workers that were at the greatest risk of exposure. I am not sure how it could have been handled better, but it was a bad play in retrospect.

That said, what is it, in your instincts, that says not to wear one? I am not saying the government should mandate masks, but people should be wearing them just the same.
You will get no argument from me regarding the mishandling of the mask-wearing early on. There simply were not enough masks for everybody and the healthcare workers that were at the greatest risk of exposure. I am not sure how it could have been handled better, but it was a bad play in retrospect.

That said, what is it, in your instincts, that says not to wear one? I am not saying the government should mandate masks, but people should be wearing them just the same.
Because the commands to wear a mask are largely coming from the left, but even if it were from the right, my response would be the same. I’d rather take my chances with the virus than experience that discomfort. Anyone who is worried about catching the virus from me has the option to simply STF home. That’s called freedom.
Because the commands to wear a mask are largely coming from the left, but even if it were from the right, my response would be the same. I’d rather take my chances with the virus than experience that discomfort. Anyone who is worried about catching the virus from me has the option to simply STF home. That’s called freedom.
Get your ****ing mask on now. Wear your seat belt. Don't drink bleach!
Huh? Putting on a mask in public places makes life less enjoyable?
Absolutely. If I’m at the gym, or church, or the grocery store, I need to breath freely. I’ll tolerate it for places I don’t go to very often, like a barber shop or a doctors office.

But as I’ve said before, they’ve already confirmed themselves to be liars on this issue, so they can shove their masks.

Absolutely. If I’m at the gym, or church, or the grocery store, I need to breath freely. I’ll tolerate it for places I don’t go to very often, like a barber shop or a doctors office.

But as I’ve said before, they’ve already confirmed themselves to be liars on this issue, so they can shove their masks.
Who is they? Data?
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No, because I get the flu vaccine. Those that work in my health system that don't get the flu vaccine are required to wear a mask for the entirety of flu season, October through May.

Next stupid question? :rolleyes:
You can still get the flu after getting the flu vaccine.....presuming you know this but letting other idiots know. Why did you try to act like the flu vaccine was 100% effective? So you should wear the mask during flu season to protect vulnerable people since you could spread the flu virus. Do you not care about others?
You can still get the flu after getting the flu vaccine.....presuming you know this but letting other idiots know. Why did you try to act like the flu vaccine was 100% effective? So you should wear the mask during flu season to protect vulnerable people since you could spread the flu virus. Do you not care about others?
Did I ever say that the flu vaccine was 100% effective? Maybe you can quote my post?

The flu vaccine has shown to consistently lower the mortality in vaccinated people, even if they get the flu despite vaccination.

Next stupid question?
Honestly, I don’t get the mask thing. Keep the f*ck away from people. Don’t let someone lick you, sneeze or cough on you, spit on you, close talk to you, yell at you. Pretty simple really. When you go into a store keep your f**king hands away from your face until you sanitize them. I’ve had hand sanitizer in my vehicle for a long time and use it every day. You want to wear a mask, wear a mask. Leave me the **** alone.
Yeah, well, the data speaks for itself.
Indeed. The data says less than 1% mortality rate.

The analogy in the OP fails because it compares wearing a mask to generally accepted costs of doing business. I don’t want masks to be a generally accepted cost of human existence. I would also add that I’ll wear a mask when it’s required to enter a courthouse, ie. when I’m getting paid to do so.
Honestly, I don’t get the mask thing. Keep the f*ck away from people. Don’t let someone lick you, sneeze or cough on you, spit on you, close talk to you, yell at you. Pretty simple really. When you go into a store keep your f**king hands away from your face until you sanitize them. I’ve had hand sanitizer in my vehicle for a long time and use it every day. You want to wear a mask, wear a mask. Leave me the **** alone.
I’m a people watcher...I’ve been watching how people wear masks and if these fvckers’ masks are the line of defense for me getting the Shanghai Shivers, I’m going to get it.

All of the scientific studies claiming masks reduce the transmittal are pure bullshit. It requires the masks to be work properly, be of proper material, and be cleaned. 90% of the public is doing none of the above and is likely making themselves more at risk for picking up other infections or diseases.

masks are appropriate in certain situations, but not just “being in public”.

you obviously can’t wear one earring in a restaurant...if it is so important, then we should mandate closure of any business that you can’t wear one in, right?
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If Trump wasn't president, this debate and this thread wouldn't exist.

Yeah, I know the response to this, "Dat becuz a Democrat presidint wud hav stopped the viris". Bullshit. There have been bad virus' like this down through the ages. The mask argument, just like the ever-changing CDC guidelines and reporting methods, are politically motivated. The left politicizes everything, and COVID is no exception.

Your Chinese mask isn't going to stop this virus. It's typical leftist 'symbolism over substance'.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go to Waste" - Rahm Emanuel
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Helps more than it hurts. Some of you are just being dumb for the sake of *insert whatever dumb reason you can come up with*...and that's ok.

Just isn't political.
One other thing, whenever someone approaches me with their “for the common good” bullshyt, that’s an immediate red flag that I should probably tell that person to FOAD, until I can be convinced otherwise, which hasn’t happened in the case of masks.
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Why does a surgeon wear a mask during surgery?
If wearing a mask provides that much protection to everyone else why are we not wearing one everyday even when there isn't a pandemic?

Why do I want your filthy germs in the air around me on a normal day?

Sorry I dont see the risk as any worse than what it was last year. Same filthy people, still breathing the same filthy air, in the same places, infecting the same people.
I did not write this, but sure as hell wish I did.

Welcome to the Freedom Cafe! We trust you to make your own choices if you want to wear a face mask. And, in the same spirit of individual liberty, we allow our staff to make their own choices about the safety procedures they prefer to follow as they prepare and serve your food.

We encourage employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom, but understand that some people may be allergic to certain soaps or may simply prefer not to wash their hands. It is not our place to tell them what to do.

We understand that you may be used to chicken that has been cooked to 165 degrees. We do have to respect that some of our cooks may have seen a meme or a YouTube video saying that 100 degrees is sufficient, and we do not want to encroach on their beliefs.

Some of our cooks may prefer to use the same utensils for multiple ingredients, including ingredients some customers are allergic to. That is a cook’s right to do so.

Some servers may wish to touch your food as they serve it. There is no reason that a healthy person with clean hands can’t touch your food. We will take their word for it that they are healthy and clean.

Water temperature and detergent are highly personal choices, and we allow our dishwashing team to decide how they’d prefer to wash the silverware you will put in your mouth.

Some of you may get sick, but almost everyone survives food poisoning. We think you’ll agree that it’s a small price to pay for the sweet freedom of no one ever being told what to do - and especially not for the silly reason of keeping strangers healthy.

It’s probably a pretty safe bet you’re putting others at risk in some way with choices you make in your life...everyone does. This is a dumb game