I do not have all the answers, what I am saying is that passing more gun laws is not going to stop determined mass murderers from achieving their goal. Gun laws will be used as a political pawn to obtain votes, with that cutting both directions.
We are very weak in mental health in this country, perhaps our focus should be on helping people before they decide to kill people.
We also have turned in to a society that is very vocal about it being ok to kill. We have Madonna saying blow up the white house and the media is ok with it, we had people ok with shooting the Republican Congressman practicing baseball because of their political beliefs. We had a CBS news lawyer that said the people in Vegas deserved what happened because they were most likely Republican and supported gun rights. We have more people today believing that the end justifies the means. We have a bunch of divisive and hateful rhetoric in this country right now, we have people that are intentionally trying to start a race war IMO. We are a very hateful society right now, it would be nice for the media to stop the divisive rhetoric and trying to turn people against each other. We can start with rebuilding respect for people and each other. I can guarantee you have some in the media right now and even in politics right now who do not care about the lives lost, and all they can see is more ratings, creating more hate, and creating divisive politics to create votes. PEOPLE are the problem, PEOPLE are screwed up in their thinking, PEOPLE need to change, PEOPLE need mental help, and PEOPLE need to stop putting their own selfish agenda's first and want to look out for this country and our communities first.
I travel some, I get out of the house each day. I do not see all this hate in my everyday life, I do not see all this hateful rhetoric as I live my day and the people I interact with. BUT, if you watch mainstream media? HATE. RACISM. DIVISIVENESS. I stopped watching mainstream media again, but you turn it on to get NEWS about the shooting and all you get is a good dose of POLITICAL DIVISVENESS thrown in.
We would have a more accepting and loving country if mainstream media was abolished.
People need to change in this country, that is the solution, we need to learn to care about our neighbors again.