Look! Africa!


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
Love the way the cons are trying to whatabout the umpteenth consecutive wingnut mass murderer. Yet ANOTHER white guy that's so stupid and afraid and weak, he kills innocent, unarmed people, so now we reeeeally are concerned with poor Nigeria. I'll bet that if we trace this latest "Look! Africa!" board wingnut talking point, they're parroting a right wing talking point from FOX or social media. Now they post about Africa.

@Pokeabear another example of conservative projection: liberalism is a mental disorder. Pissed off wingnuts going mass murder is a cliche, so accuse the libs of having a mental disorder.

Thank you all -- there's so much "Africa!" talk on the board now that I wanted to unify one response and recognize the pitiful attempt to distract from another real-life example of MAGA's murder-inspiring ways.
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Love the way the cons are trying to whatabout the umpteenth consecutive wingnut mass murderer. Yet ANOTHER white guy that's so stupid and afraid and weak, he kills innocent, unarmed people, so now we reeeeally are concerned with poor Nigeria. I'll bet that if we trace this latest "Look! Africa!" board wingnut talking point, they're parroting a right wing talking point from FOX or social media. Now they post about Africa.

@Pokeabear another example of conservative projection: liberalism is a mental disorder. Pissed off wingnuts going mass murder is a cliche, so accuse the libs of having a mental disorder.

Thank you all -- there's so much "Africa!" talk on the board now that I wanted to unify one response and recognize the pitiful attempt to distract from another real-life example of MAGA's murder-inspiring ways.
Dry night at the truckstop?
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Love the way the cons are trying to whatabout the umpteenth consecutive wingnut mass murderer. Yet ANOTHER white guy that's so stupid and afraid and weak, he kills innocent, unarmed people, so now we reeeeally are concerned with poor Nigeria.

**Always** consider Per Capita, Sys.









This is the edge of the conversation. The data.
A white supremacist says that’s as good as they can ever be. Their genetics and their iq make those numbers. We need to segregate them from our population.

A liberal spits and sputters thinking the same thing but flooding the issue with things that make them feel better even though a look at the last 60 years proves they make things worse. Also ironically this group is calling for segregation on campuses and other public spaces.

The rest of us see these two groups going at it, fueled by social media like rabid animals and it’s a helpless feeling. The worst part is that 50% of the country is fighting with 5% of the country.
Another group of us wants to analyze, and reverse, what LBJ’s “war on poverty” did to American families, after its creation in 1964.

LBJ’s war on poverty was more destructive to American life — and especially black families — more than anything else in the 20th century.

Two parent families are so critical to a child’s future outcomes, and the war on poverty obliterated them — in all demographics, but especially blacks. Until we reverse this trend, things cannot improve.

See trends from 1964:




The dude on the left was a terrible man. And he knew exactly what he was doing.


Conservatives haven’t done enough to help. How awesome would it be if low income young males were given temporary housing close to a vocational school and at night they used those facilities and resources to train in skilled blue collar programs? Piece of cake federal program that would solve two problems. The WPA is the perfect blue print but no one ever mentions its return.
Conservatives haven’t done enough to help. How awesome would it be if low income young males were given temporary housing close to a vocational school and at night they used those facilities and resources to train in skilled blue collar programs? Piece of cake federal program that would solve two problems. The WPA is the perfect blue print but no one ever mentions its return.

@Syskatine doesn't know how to handle your plot twist, evil con.
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@Syskatine doesn't know how to handle your plot twist, evil con.

Hey, wait a second.

If yours truly hasn’t introduced LBJ and his “war on poverty” into the conversation — Harry’s (quality) plot twist wouldn’t even have been possible.

Give credit where credit’s due.

Nobody ever brings up LBJ on this board besides me. LBJ only caused us to spend three times more than every war in US history — and obliterated American families in the process.
Hey, wait a second.

If yours truly hasn’t introduced LBJ and his “war on poverty” into the conversation — Harry’s (quality) plot twist wouldn’t even have been possible.

Give credit where credit’s due.

Nobody ever brings up LBJ on this board besides me. LBJ only caused us to spend three times more than every war in US history — and obliterated American families in the process.

I've seen plenty random bashing of LBJ, but I don't specifically know if it's this board or tMB.
Hey, wait a second.

If yours truly hasn’t introduced LBJ and his “war on poverty” into the conversation — Harry’s (quality) plot twist wouldn’t even have been possible.

Give credit where credit’s due.

Nobody ever brings up LBJ on this board besides me. LBJ only caused us to spend three times more than every war in US history — and obliterated American families in the process.

The failure of the war on poverty is pretty well known.
Conservatives haven’t done enough to help. How awesome would it be if low income young males were given temporary housing close to a vocational school and at night they used those facilities and resources to train in skilled blue collar programs? Piece of cake federal program that would solve two problems. The WPA is the perfect blue print but no one ever mentions its return.

PS — this is an excellent, exellent idea.

I think accessible, affordable vocational schools are one of the most critical things we need as a society.

Though I haven’t researched them enough to know how available they currently are, how well they meet our needs, their costs etc.

However, to reverse the catostrophic family trends seen above, men need to work and be able to provide for themselves and their families.

With mass automation, AI and job elimination coming — it seems like trades are one of our best options — for many different reasons.

All that stupid foreign aid money given to countries that hate us and take advantage of us, and stupid money spent on wars — I would happily re-invest all of it into trade schools for men in the inner cities, trade schools near communities ravaged by opioids, near Native American reservations.

As long as they were born in this county, Americans should have easy access to affordable trade schools.

I thought Trump was going to help deliver on this — he campaigned on ending the stupid wars and focusing on rebuilding ourselves — which almost every American taxpayer wants.

The uniparty has other goals though, and Trump hasn’t been able to deliver.
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PS — this is an excellent, exellent idea.

I think accessible, affordable vocational schools are one of the most critical things we need as a society.

Though I haven’t researched them enough to know how available they currently are, how well they meet our needs, their costs etc.

However, to reverse the catostrophic family trends seen above, men need to work and be able to provide for themselves and their families.

With mass automation, AI and job elimination coming — it seems like trades are one of our best options — for many different reasons.

All that stupid foreign aid money given to countries that hate us and take advantage of us, and stupid money spent on wars — I would happily re-invest all of it into trade schools for men in the inner cities, trade schools near communities ravaged by opioids, near Native American reservations.

As long as they were born in this county, Americans should have easy access to affordable trade schools.

I thought Trump was going to help deliver on this — he campaigned on ending the stupid wars and focusing on rebuilding ourselves — which almost every American taxpayer wants.

The uniparty has other goals though, and Trump hasn’t been able to deliver.
Get em' @NZ Poke
Love the way the cons are trying to whatabout the umpteenth consecutive wingnut mass murderer. Yet ANOTHER white guy that's so stupid and afraid and weak, he kills innocent, unarmed people, so now we reeeeally are concerned with poor Nigeria. I'll bet that if we trace this latest "Look! Africa!" board wingnut talking point, they're parroting a right wing talking point from FOX or social media. Now they post about Africa.

@Pokeabear another example of conservative projection: liberalism is a mental disorder. Pissed off wingnuts going mass murder is a cliche, so accuse the libs of having a mental disorder.

Thank you all -- there's so much "Africa!" talk on the board now that I wanted to unify one response and recognize the pitiful attempt to distract from another real-life example of MAGA's murder-inspiring ways.

As one that is neither religious nor overly conservative (and as one with a friend that lives in Africa, Cote d'Ivore, specifically), there is a ton of bs in this. I do not see the republicans as being "whataboutism" here. Not at all. "Whataboutism" is making excuses for their side's transgressions and bullshit behaviors. Pointing out that there are active attacks on others due to religious beliefs, in this case christians, in other countries (not unlike the NZ horror) while hearing nary a peep from the general media is absolutely fair game. This has been the case for a long time. While the media has jumped all over the middle east, they had completely glossed over the civil war in places like the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivore) and the near genocide on the educated class there. Even boko haram was marginally mentioned.

I will grant you the "whataboutisms" that the conservatives here play in the game of politics (including all of Trump's irrational behaviors and decisions), but you are off base and out of line on this one. You are simply playing a single angle (I am avoiding the word "narrative" on purpose) here while disregarding massacres that involve people that do not fit your politics.
PS — this is an excellent, exellent idea.

I think accessible, affordable vocational schools are one of the most critical things we need as a society.

Though I haven’t researched them enough to know how available they currently are, how well they meet our needs, their costs etc.

However, to reverse the catostrophic family trends seen above, men need to work and be able to provide for themselves and their families.

With mass automation, AI and job elimination coming — it seems like trades are one of our best options — for many different reasons.

All that stupid foreign aid money given to countries that hate us and take advantage of us, and stupid money spent on wars — I would happily re-invest all of it into trade schools for men in the inner cities, trade schools near communities ravaged by opioids, near Native American reservations.

As long as they were born in this county, Americans should have easy access to affordable trade schools.

I thought Trump was going to help deliver on this — he campaigned on ending the stupid wars and focusing on rebuilding ourselves — which almost every American taxpayer wants.

The uniparty has other goals though, and Trump hasn’t been able to deliver.

Agree, completely.
nd as one with a friend that lives in Africa, Cote d'Ivore,

Thread hijack alert! We (SEDCO) were 10% partners with Phillips back in the 80's when H. Boigny was the "grand old man of Africa". It was an awesome place to visit back then and made several trips as O&G controller. At the height of the drilling, we had 5 offshore rigs/drill ships operation after the initial discovery. After he died, I can't imagine it's nearly as stable/fun as back in the last century.
Conservatives haven’t done enough to help. How awesome would it be if low income young males were given temporary housing close to a vocational school and at night they used those facilities and resources to train in skilled blue collar programs? Piece of cake federal program that would solve two problems. The WPA is the perfect blue print but no one ever mentions its return.
We've been giving away housing to the poor for years. Ever been to a Section 8 neighborhood? There are billions of dollars available for anyone that poor who wants votech or other blue-collar training and is willing to put in the effort for it. But no amount of free anything is going to create the motivation to put that effort in.
We've been giving away housing to the poor for years. Ever been to a Section 8 neighborhood? There are billions of dollars available for anyone that poor who wants votech or other blue-collar training and is willing to put in the effort for it. But no amount of free anything is going to create the motivation to put that effort in.

Section 8 is permanent housing that’s why it turns into a Hell hole. Not everyone lives by a votech.

I agree though, no effort should equal starving in my opinion.
Thread hijack alert! We (SEDCO) were 10% partners with Phillips back in the 80's when H. Boigny was the "grand old man of Africa". It was an awesome place to visit back then and made several trips as O&G controller. At the height of the drilling, we had 5 offshore rigs/drill ships operation after the initial discovery. After he died, I can't imagine it's nearly as stable/fun as back in the last century.

I am hoping things cool off there, as I plan on visiting that friend some time. As a total microbiology geek, I also want to see Sierre Leone as there is a great infectious disease lab. The cocoa in Ivory Coast (as a devout chocoholic) is also too good to pass up!
This is the edge of the conversation. The data.
A white supremacist says that’s as good as they can ever be. Their genetics and their iq make those numbers. We need to segregate them from our population.

A liberal spits and sputters thinking the same thing but flooding the issue with things that make them feel better even though a look at the last 60 years proves they make things worse. Also ironically this group is calling for segregation on campuses and other public spaces.

The rest of us see these two groups going at it, fueled by social media like rabid animals and it’s a helpless feeling. The worst part is that 50% of the country is fighting with 5% of the country.

You're so full of shit. Africa! Chicago! Blacks are such criminals everybody, and its the dems fault! Chicago! Black crime! Black marriage! Not the south, not the bible belt, not vast swaths of red state shitholery and poverty -- blacks by god, BLACKETY BLACK CRIMINAL BLACKS for the 500th time. Wtf is your obsession with AAs and race? Its' to the point it's weird. You are to aa's what Dan is to libertarian essays. Just over and over and over and...

LBJ’s war on poverty was more destructive to American life — and especially black families — more than anything else in the 20th century.

Okay, I'm a sucker for data and arguments, and then... that. LBJ's war on poverty. Not Jim Crow. Not the Tulsa race riots. Not discrimination or separate but equal or disenfranchisement of lack of education or inheriting poverty and ignorance... but LBJ.

Conservatives haven’t done enough to help. How awesome would it be if low income young males were given temporary housing close to a vocational school and at night they used those facilities and resources to train in skilled blue collar programs? Piece of cake federal program that would solve two problems. The WPA is the perfect blue print but no one ever mentions its return.

I think accessible, affordable vocational schools are one of the most critical things we need as a society.

Wharry turning to socialism.

We have the best, most affordable, most under-utilized vo-tech system in the entire world right here in Oklahoma. Rural Okla schools routinely bus any kid that gives a shit to them from high schools to attend in lieu of high school. They're accessible and under-used because we don't get to the kids young enough and get them motivated to seek education.

Nobody ever brings up LBJ on this board besides me. LBJ only caused us to spend three times more than every war in US history — and obliterated American families in the process.

The failure of the war on poverty is pretty well known.

Neither of you has quantified the "before" and are only focusing on the "after." How can you judge the war on poverty if you don't have a "before" metric?

As one that is neither religious nor overly conservative (and as one with a friend that lives in Africa, Cote d'Ivore, specifically), there is a ton of bs in this. I do not see the republicans as being "whataboutism" here. Not at all. "Whataboutism" is making excuses for their side's transgressions and bullshit behaviors. Pointing out that there are active attacks on others due to religious beliefs, in this case christians, in other countries (not unlike the NZ horror) while hearing nary a peep from the general media is absolutely fair game. This has been the case for a long time. While the media has jumped all over the middle east, they had completely glossed over the civil war in places like the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivore) and the near genocide on the educated class there. Even boko haram was marginally mentioned.

I will grant you the "whataboutisms" that the conservatives here play in the game of politics (including all of Trump's irrational behaviors and decisions), but you are off base and out of line on this one. You are simply playing a single angle (I am avoiding the word "narrative" on purpose) here while disregarding massacres that involve people that do not fit your politics.

They don't give a shit about Africa. They were regurgitating messaging they heard from a conservative media source -- guaranteed. ("Speaking of a Trump loving white supremacist spouting candace owens in his pre-mass murder manifesto, can you believe Africa isn't covered more in the media?")

Please note that both of their energy and attention towards Africa has abated since the weekend btw. Bet there's been newsworthy events over there that hasn't really triggered their curiosity either, or else I missed their new "Oh Africa!" threads. l bet there's so many murders and killings in Africa between muslims, tribes, countries, etc. on a weekly basis that we could CONSTANTLY have updates if they really cared.

Yeah, Africa I'm sure isn't covered enough, but you kind of make the case in your post that there's so much violence. No, I didn't know about the near genocide you mentioned -- it's just an endless train of that shit from Africa. I, like most people, get tired of hearing it, to be honest. How can you really expect an American media outlet to report constant violent outrage from the same region? Personally, nobody's gonna make money selling those stories to me. If New Zealand had 50 more of these mass shootings I'd probably adopt the same position towards outrageous New Zealand stories.
If you ever decide not to run away when challenged let me know.

If you type like an adult I’ll talk to you about anything. When you post like cup when he runs out of lithium pills it’s not going to get you anywhere. I read until “black marriage” and stopped. You might get some other bites though. If you want my perspective read some fbi crime stats and marinate on those for a while.
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Terrible flooding occurring right now in Zimbabwe.

I have a couple of friends I've made over the years that I still haven't heard from.

Empty promises of socialism opened the door to a jack boot dictator thug and left the people there suffering now for generations.
Yeah, Africa I'm sure isn't covered enough, but you kind of make the case in your post that there's so much violence. No, I didn't know about the near genocide you mentioned -- it's just an endless train of that shit from Africa. I, like most people, get tired of hearing it, to be honest. How can you really expect an American media outlet to report constant violent outrage from the same region? Personally, nobody's gonna make money selling those stories to me. If New Zealand had 50 more of these mass shootings I'd probably adopt the same position towards outrageous New Zealand stories.

No, they have been rather consistent in their complaints about christians being persecuted. You want to use what happened in NZ as a way to attack guns/ownership/Muslim attacking/MAGA/whatever. They are not out of line or inconsistent in pointing out what has happened and is happening in Africa as a counterpoint. I am fine agreeing to disagree, but as annoyed as I get with their non-stop crying foul over every single slight, this one is reasonable to me.

As far as the “there is so much violence over there, why bother reporting it” statement, I cannot disagree more. That same argument could be said for the Middle East, etc. Hell, some on the left believe that there is so much violence in schools, so why bother? The difference is, what is happening in Africa does not fit the hot buttons that are being pressed by the current media. It involves Christians and white people getting harmed (there are others, such as the educated class) and that simply doesn’t create the controversy that is being packaged.
It’s so bad it’s not newsworthy.

Ladies and gentlemen the liberal mind and it’s amazing contortions!

For its next act, “so what if trump didn’t collude with Russia!”
If you type like an adult I’ll talk to you about anything. When you post like cup when he runs out of lithium pills it’s not going to get you anywhere. I read until “black marriage” and stopped. You might get some other bites though. If you want my perspective read some fbi crime stats and marinate on those for a while.

Damnation @Syskatine

I'm embarrassed for your pussy ass.

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