No, it's not "Jesus." It's the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. It was passed in 1986. Go to the nearest ER, tell them you have a sore throat, or chest pain, or back pain, or belly pain, or you have a migraine headache, or whatever complaint you can dream up. When they ask you for your insurance, tell them you don't have any. When they ask for any kind of payment, tell them you don't have any money. Report back and tell me what happened next. You and I both know the answer. They'll provide care to you anyhow.
Now imagine you have Medicaid. That ugly bill that YOU would get LATER for not having any insurance will never come. It's "free" to you. That's all day, everyday, in any ER you can point a finger at. No pay, no appointment, no problem. Now, look into whether you can get away with that in the Netherlands or not.
You say "we may have to tweak that policy under berniecare." Show me where any of the lefties have included that as part of their "Medicare for All" plans. Show me where they discuss rationing care. The Medicaid expansion under Obamacare did exactly opposite what they claimed it would. Democrats don't have a good track record when it comes to evidenced based policy making.