Keep it up Joe

Apples and oranges. Trump, from an early age, modeled himself after Roy Cohn. To be ever combative. Always offensive and never defensive. Trump is in his element when insulting and aggressively attacking people. Trump is not effected by the fcat that he is unliked. He thrives on it.

Biden has always been the good ole boy making efforts to be liked. Biden comes off as being "thick as a brick" and not very clever. Biden's handlers are shielding him from reality. This was evident by Biden's response to the caller that said "Let's go Brandon" before Christmas. Biden repeated and then said he agreed. He had no idea it was code for "Fvck Joe Biden".
No offense, but this is exactly what I'm talking about. Making excuses when one side does it, and attacking the other side when they do it.

Both are wrong for doing it, whether one is in his element or not. Both are wrong for doing it, whether they want to be liked or disliked.

And the whole "Fvck Joe Biden" thing is more of the same. Like Democrats chanting "Not my President."

Both sides acting like children.
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It is perfectly okay to hate on Donald Trump. I personally can barely tolerate the sight of the man. He made gaffes, mistakes galore, lied his ass off, was pugnacious, off putting and in general a sleaze ball. But any attempt to compare his mental acuity with that of Joe Biden takes absurdity to new heights. Think what you want about the man (I certainly do), but you make yourself look ridiculous when you say things like “Trump engaged in similar behavior.” No objective person, centrist or otherwise, would dare make such a statement.
Well, I'm a centrist and I'm saying it. Biden is engaging in the same behavior that Trump engaged in.

And it will hurt Biden just like it did Trump. Sure, Biden will score points with his base like Trump did. But us Americans in the middle, we don't like it. Biden was elected as the anti-Trump. I frankly think he would have never been elected President but for Trump. Biden hurts himself with Independents when he starts acting like Trump. That isn't what he was elected to be.
Well, I'm a centrist and I'm saying it. Biden is engaging in the same behavior that Trump engaged in.

And it will hurt Biden just like it did Trump. Sure, Biden will score points with his base like Trump did. But us Americans in the middle, we don't like it. Biden was elected as the anti-Trump. I frankly think he would have never been elected President but for Trump. Biden hurts himself with Independents when he starts acting like Trump. That isn't what he was elected to be.
Just like Trump? It’s going to elicit the same nuclear meltdown around the media?
Well, I'm a centrist and I'm saying it. Biden is engaging in the same behavior that Trump engaged in.

And it will hurt Biden just like it did Trump. Sure, Biden will score points with his base like Trump did. But us Americans in the middle, we don't like it. Biden was elected as the anti-Trump. I frankly think he would have never been elected President but for Trump. Biden hurts himself with Independents when he starts acting like Trump. That isn't what he was elected to be.
This is why I stated earlier that I'm not sure if this change in strategy for Biden will work. I worry that it will push away Independents, and you clearly don't like it and seem to indicate it will.

You are absolutely right about Biden being the anti-Trump too. Trump was a godsend for Biden. That is why it would be beneficial for Biden if Trump runs again in '24.
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Not a good comment from Biden at all. He sounded a lot like Trump and one of the reasons Biden was elected was because many Americans was turned off by the way Trump spoke and treated people. Biden seems to be embracing the same attitude.

I don't see how that is a good look for Biden at all. It will be interesting to see if he issues a public apology for this comment.

Biden was doing it before he got elected.
"Lying dog faced pony soldier"
"I don't work for you"
"If this was high school I would take Trump behind the gym"
"They wanna put yall back in chains"

June 17, 2006

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

To name just a few.
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Just like Trump? It’s going to elicit the same nuclear meltdown around the media?
It already has in the conservative media hasn't it?

Liberal media, probably not.

Exact opposite of when Trump did it. Meltdown in the liberal media, conservative media, on to the next story.

Our media is nothing but an extension of the two parties.
Well, I'm a centrist and I'm saying it. Biden is engaging in the same behavior that Trump engaged in.

And it will hurt Biden just like it did Trump. Sure, Biden will score points with his base like Trump did. But us Americans in the middle, we don't like it. Biden was elected as the anti-Trump. I frankly think he would have never been elected President but for Trump. Biden hurts himself with Independents when he starts acting like Trump. That isn't what he was elected to be.
We are talking past each other in this subject. Watch this video. JP Sears is a conservative comedian who has found a treasure trove of things by Biden to poke fun of. Here he’s mocking Biden’s brain. Ignore Sears, I know he’ll offend your sensibilities. Concentrate on Biden. I challenge you to find anything by Trump that resembles this mental confusion. That’s the point I’m making. There is no similarity of any kind that would show Trump as bewildered and confused in the middle of something he’s saying. It’s absurd to say there are similarities.

It already has in the conservative media hasn't it?

Liberal media, probably not.

Exact opposite of when Trump did it. Meltdown in the liberal media, conservative media, on to the next story.

Our media is nothing but an extension of the two parties.

And? ”Faux Newz” has been “faux newz” since I graduated high school.

Last sentence is correct though.
We are talking past each other in this subject. Watch this video. JP Sears is a conservative comedian who has found a treasure trove of things by Biden to poke fun of. Here he’s mocking Biden’s brain. Ignore Sears, I know he’ll offend your sensibilities. Concentrate on Biden. I challenge you to find anything by Trump that resembles this mental confusion. That’s the point I’m making. There is no similarity of any kind that would show Trump as bewildered and confused in the middle of something he’s saying. It’s absurd to say there are similarities.
We are not talking past one another. You want me to just criticize Biden and not Trump. You want me to see it how you see it when that isn't how I see it.

Biden makes gaffes and misspeaks. So did Trump. So did Obama. So did W., did he ever! So did Reagan. You want to ignore what has happened in the past and focus on Biden for some reason. I don't believe Biden is any more mentally compromised than Trump, or W, or Reagan were. The mental compromised charged is a common political attack that both sides use to attack a political opponent. Democrats did it to Reagan, W, and Trump. Republicans are now doing it to Biden.

Go to YouTube and search "Trump's gaffes" or "Trump's confused." Look at all the examples that pop up.

If you really think Biden is mentally compromised, ok. I don't think he is and that is my opinion. I think he is like all Presidents who make mistakes when speaking and those mistakes are used by the other side to attack.
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It already has in the conservative media hasn't it?

Liberal media, probably not.

Exact opposite of when Trump did it. Meltdown in the liberal media, conservative media, on to the next story.

Our media is nothing but an extension of the two parties.

Our media makes it seem like it’s balanced.

What about our media environment is balanced?
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You want me to just criticize Biden and not Trump.

You are learning about what @Ponca Dan is all about. Get ready though. He is going to start claiming it isn't about Trump at all, that you need to just focus on Biden, that he isn't a right-winger, and so forth. He is will also get passive aggressive with you too. Be ready for that.
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We are not talking past one another. You want me to just criticize Biden and not Trump. You want me to see it how you see it when that isn't how I see it.

Biden makes gaffes and misspeaks. So did Trump. So did Obama. So did W., did he ever! So did Reagan. You want to ignore what has happened in the past and focus on Biden for some reason. I don't believe Biden is any more mentally compromised than Trump, or W, or Reagan were. The mental compromised charged is a common political attack that both sides use to attack a political opponent. Democrats did it to Reagan, W, and Trump. Republicans are now doing it to Biden.

Go to YouTube and search "Trump's gaffes" or "Trump's confused." Look at all the examples that pop up.

If you really think Biden is mentally compromised, ok. I don't think he is and that is my opinion. I think he is like all Presidents who make mistakes when speaking and those mistakes are used by the other side to attack.
Ummmmmmm nobody on this planet didn’t hear all about Orange Mans gaffes.

All day every day.

Comparing the coverage is simply gaslighting. 😂
Our media makes it seem like it’s balanced.

What about our media environment is balanced?
You can get what you want. If you are a Republican, you have numerous media sources you can go to. Same if you are a Democrat. If I want to know what Democrats are thinking, I tune into MSNBC. Republicans, tune into Fox News. Online is the same thing.
Ummmmmmm nobody on this planet didn’t hear all about Orange Mans gaffes.

All day every day.

Comparing the coverage is simply gaslighting. 😂
And you don't hear about Biden's gaffes? I do.

I don't have to go searching for coverage of when Biden messes up just like I didn't have to go searching when Trump messed up.
And you don't hear about Biden's gaffes? I do.

I don't have to go searching for coverage of when Biden messes up just like I didn't have to go searching when Trump messed up.
Lololol well it’s 2022.

From who?

Are your referring to the normal lineup of CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CBS, Atlantic, etc etc etc?
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You can get what you want. If you are a Republican, you have numerous media sources you can go to. Same if you are a Democrat. If I want to know what Democrats are thinking, I tune into MSNBC. Republicans, tune into Fox News. Online is the same thing.

It’s not he same thing online. One side censors the other.

Name all the entertainment that doesent take the piss out of conservatives.
Lololol well it’s 2022.

From who?

Are your referring to the normal lineup of CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, NBC, ABC, CBS, Atlantic, etc etc etc?
Or the lineup of Fox News, NewsMax, OANN, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, The Blaze, The American Thinker, National Review, etc?
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I don't think so. Were we watching the slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills when Trump engaged in similar behavior?

What I think is going on is that this type of behavior is welcomed by the extremes in both parties. Biden's base will like what he did, going after a Fox News reporter. And Trump's base liked what he did, taking it to the liberals. It works for both sides because both sides are invested in demonizing the other side.

But all of us in the middle just see the behavior and shake our heads. We can do better.

you make some awful points. 99% of the media trump took on was against him fur political reasons and at the direction of the leftists they want access to. Biden can’t handle one guy who is against him without having a meltdown. Huge difference.

also, if you have followed Biden and his career, it is very obvious he is declining. Go watch some speeches from 10 or 20 years ago.
Biden was doing it before he got elected.
"Lying dog faced pony soldier"
"I don't work for you"
"If this was high school I would take Trump behind the gym"
"They wanna put yall back in chains"

June 17, 2006

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

To name just a few.
Kamala pegged Joe as a racist in Democrat debates. Joe's handlers tapped Kamala as Joe's runnig mate. Does anyone here believe Kamala is Joe's choice?

Who would argue with me that minorities are not suffering most under Joe? I'll bet only the board's slowest. Grandma in East Cleveland can't buy beef patties or fill her gas tank today.

Its kinda hard to argue with that.

The crackhead has the same Midas touch as PelosI.

His fleecing of his Chinese intelligence contacts was a thing of beauty, all he had to do was insure the flow of proprietary tech.

And his Dad has the most advanced military on the planet to protect his business affairs.

Nice space to operate in, like the mob with an air force.
It’s beyond embarrassing at this point.
Interesting that Biden called Doocy yesterday evening and what Doocy had to say afterwards . . .

"He said ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,'" Doocy said. "And we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and I made sure to tell him that I'm always gonna try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. And he said, ‘You got to.’ And that's a quote from the president, so I'll keep doing it."

When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked if Biden apologized, Doocy responded, "He cleared the air and I appreciate it."

"We had a nice call," Doocy said.

"That's not an answer," Hannity chuckled. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"He said 'It's nothing personal, pal.' And I told him that I appreciate him reaching out," Doocy replied, adding, "Hey Sean, the world is on the brink of, like, World War III right now with all of this stuff going on. I appreciate that the president took a couple of minutes out this evening while he was still at this desk to give me a call and clear the air."

"I don't need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking!" Doocy added. "I think that's enough. That's enough. So we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff."

Love how Doocy essentially told Hannity to move on and get over this. 🤣🤣 And how he understood the significance of the President making a personal call to him.
Kamala pegged Joe as a racist in Democrat debates. Joe's handlers tapped Kamala as Joe's runnig mate. Does anyone here believe Kamala is Joe's choice?
Harris didn't peg Joe a racist. She never called Biden a racist. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been his running mate.

And yes, Harris was Biden's choice.
You can get what you want. If you are a Republican, you have numerous media sources you can go to. Same if you are a Democrat. If I want to know what Democrats are thinking, I tune into MSNBC. Republicans, tune into Fox News. Online is the same thing.
Let me know if the Nightly news starts talking about the 25th amendment for Biden. Until then, comparing the coverage of the two for their gaffes is nonsensical.
Harris didn't peg Joe a racist. She never called Biden a racist. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been his running mate.

And yes, Harris was Biden's choice.
Did you not watch the democratic debates or are you going to tell me how you did but what was said wasn't actually said but rather this was said? I watch this shit live to soak it in my brain that is a weird brain and has a damn near photographic memory She did and your full of shit. You have to be the worse D on this board and that is amazing.
Interesting that Biden called Doocy yesterday evening and what Doocy had to say afterwards . . .

"He said ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,'" Doocy said. "And we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and I made sure to tell him that I'm always gonna try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. And he said, ‘You got to.’ And that's a quote from the president, so I'll keep doing it."

When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked if Biden apologized, Doocy responded, "He cleared the air and I appreciate it."

"We had a nice call," Doocy said.

"That's not an answer," Hannity chuckled. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"He said 'It's nothing personal, pal.' And I told him that I appreciate him reaching out," Doocy replied, adding, "Hey Sean, the world is on the brink of, like, World War III right now with all of this stuff going on. I appreciate that the president took a couple of minutes out this evening while he was still at this desk to give me a call and clear the air."

"I don't need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking!" Doocy added. "I think that's enough. That's enough. So we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff."

Love how Doocy essentially told Hannity to move on and get over this. 🤣🤣 And how he understood the significance of the President making a personal call to him.
This is good to hear -- even though grandpa Joe didn't apologize.
Interesting that Biden called Doocy yesterday evening and what Doocy had to say afterwards . . .

"He said ‘It’s nothing personal, pal,'" Doocy said. "And we went back and forth, and we were talking about just kind of moving forward, and I made sure to tell him that I'm always gonna try to ask something different than what everybody else is asking. And he said, ‘You got to.’ And that's a quote from the president, so I'll keep doing it."

When Fox News' Sean Hannity asked if Biden apologized, Doocy responded, "He cleared the air and I appreciate it."

"We had a nice call," Doocy said.

"That's not an answer," Hannity chuckled. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"He said 'It's nothing personal, pal.' And I told him that I appreciate him reaching out," Doocy replied, adding, "Hey Sean, the world is on the brink of, like, World War III right now with all of this stuff going on. I appreciate that the president took a couple of minutes out this evening while he was still at this desk to give me a call and clear the air."

"I don't need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking!" Doocy added. "I think that's enough. That's enough. So we can move on. We can now move forward. There will be years- three to seven years of opportunities to ask him about different stuff."

Love how Doocy essentially told Hannity to move on and get over this. 🤣🤣 And how he understood the significance of the President making a personal call to him.
I read this over my morning coffee this morning. It is good that Biden reached out to him and spoke with him about it. The reporter didn't seem to be offended by the comment at all and rather impressed the President called him.

Appears to me they all just see it as part of the D.C. back and forth. Wouldn't shock me at all if this reporter went out and had some drinks with his MSNBC counterpart afterwards and bragged about the reaction he got out of Biden. All these guys play the same game and they seem to love it.
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Harris didn't peg Joe a racist. She never called Biden a racist. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been his running mate.

And yes, Harris was Biden's choice.
I personally was floored when Harris went after Biden like that. Was a strong move on her part and very risky. Ended up not playing well with the Democratic base and I think it hurt her more than it helped her.

Biden is a season politician though. He probably thought it was a gutsy move on her part. It clearly didn't stop him from selecting her as his running mate. Maybe that was part of her political play too, who knows.

It is all a game.
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Harris didn't peg Joe a racist. She never called Biden a racist. If she had, she definitely wouldn't have been his running mate.

And yes, Harris was Biden's choice.
You honestly believe she was his choice? How about she was hand picked by the far left to already be in charge but she has as many brain cells as Uncle Joe and it hasn’t/didn’t go to plan. The dumb and dumber regime is on full display. Well done!!!
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I personally was floored when Harris went after Biden like that. Was a strong move on her part and very risky. Ended up not playing well with the Democratic base and I think it hurt her more than it helped her.

Biden is a season politician though. He probably thought it was a gutsy move on her part. It clearly didn't stop him from selecting her as his running mate. Maybe that was part of her political play too, who knows.

It is all a game.
Her strongest game was giving the San Fran mayor BJs to get in the game in the first place.
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