Keep it up Joe

Trump was/is mean-spirited.

But he was no tyrant. If he was a tyrant, he would have sent the army out to crush the Marxists that were burning down our cities last summer.
Of course you don't think he was a tyrant, but are convinced that Biden is. 🤣🤣 That is the point I am making that is clearly going right over your head.

btw, let me know when Biden claims an election was stolen from him, pushes a big lie, attempts to overturn an election (just find me some more votes GA officials!), and encourages an attack on our Capitol. Till then, your whole "Biden is a tyrant" nonsense is exactly that, nonsense.
Why would I say that?
When you say Trump was wrong to say some of the things he said to reporters, I'll let you know what I think about this comment. If you don't think Trump was wrong though, why would you be upset or think it is wrong all of a sudden when Biden does it?

I don't need you to answer to know exactly what you think. You are nothing more than a useful idiot for Democrats.

I find it hilarious that Biden is losing his temper when confronted on his failed policies and that is with a press that has been fawning over him for a year. Can't wait to see how bad Biden reacts when the MSM is ordered to destroy him the way they tried to do to Trump. Those interaction will be glorious.
I find it hilarious that Biden is losing his temper when confronted on his failed policies and that is with a press that has been fawning over him for a year.
Peter Doocy from Fox Wews is a press member that has been fawning over him for a year?

Are you even paying attention? Seriously? 🤣🤣
Of course you don't think he was a tyrant, but are convinced that Biden is. 🤣🤣 That is the point I am making that is clearly going right over your head.

btw, let me know when Biden claims an election was stolen from him, pushes a big lie, attempts to overturn an election (just find me some more votes GA officials!), and encourages an attack on our Capitol. Till then, your whole "Biden is a tyrant" nonsense is exactly that, nonsense.
Here is your big chance on the big stage.

Tell us all how Trump was a tyrant.
And yet again we get to watch people rush in to prove the people they’re arguing with exactly right. 🤣
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You may be stupid enough to think that was a witty reply but the rest of us are laughing at your ineptness.
You love logical fallacies, don't you?

Do you know the logical fallacy you just committed? Argumentum ad populum. You use this one often when you are proven wrong.

Tell me again how Peter Doocy has been frowning over Biden for over a year now.🤣🤣
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You love logical fallacies, don't you?

Do you know the logical fallacy you just committed? Argumentum ad populum. You use this one often when you are proven wrong.

Tell me again how Peter Doocy has been frowning over Biden for over a year now.🤣🤣

Obtuse and stupid is no way to go through life but here you are.
Speak for yourself.

I'm not going to a leftist source.

Absolutely no credibility.
I am a leftist source. If you read my comments, you are reading the comments of a leftist.

Grow up, be a man for once, step outside your close-minded box, and read something that challenges your thinking.
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Up next for you, the Ad Hominem fallacy.


Peter Doocy frowning over Biden for over a year!🤣🤣
I would advise all participants on this board to recognize that @my_2cents is a certified expert in recognizing the ad hominem fallacy. He uses it often (literally daily) and with great zeal. If anyone on this board knows ad hominem when he sees it, it’s @my_2cents hands down.
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what’s this have to do with Joe Brandon criticizing a reporter for asking questions that are on every honest american’s mind?
Just like Donald Trump criticizing reporters for asking questions that were on every honest American's mind?

Same thing.
I would advise all participants on this board to recognize that @my_2cents is a certified expert in recognizing the ad hominem fallacy. He uses it often (literally daily) and with great zeal.
As do you.

This fallacy is a very common fallacy on this board, used by almost all the posters.
If this had been Trump saying this to a CNN reporter, how would you have responded? How did you respond when he made similar comments to reporters?

Please provide an example of Trump being vulgar towards a media member.

Also, please explain to me how the treatment Biden receives is anything remotely close to how Trump was treated by the media his whole Presidency?

Please provide proof to me how Trump incited/encouraged the events at the Capitol.

Last but not least, please provide evidence to me how Biden is doing a better job than Trump did?
- Border control
- Inflation
- Economy
- Voter’s rights
- Foreign policy

I can’t wait….
Please provide an example of Trump being vulgar towards a media member.
Insulting a reporter and having a meltdown, here you go...

Now go ahead, make your exuses for how this is "different." 🤣🤣
Just like Donald Trump criticizing reporters for asking questions that were on every honest American's mind?

Same thing.
Trump, Trump, Trump. Do you think before you type? He isn’t the president yet it’s Groundhog Day with you. This thread like many others are about the clown at the helm as we speak.
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Insulting a reporter and having a meltdown, here you go...

Now go ahead, make your exuses for how this is "different." 🤣🤣
That’s your proof. Ha that’s a damn joke. No way that’s even comparable. He asked numerous times for that guy to move on and let another person ask a question. That reporter was being rude and completely disrespectful to the POTUS. Not to mention to his fellow reporters. Then he went on about the fake Russian news.

If this is how you present evidence to an discussion it’s hilarious. Good job kiddo. Better luck next time.
I swear your retorts are always to turn things back to irrelevancy rather than address the subject at hand. You come off like a 15 year old girl rather than a 42 year old man. I asked you on another thread where you wen to college (if you did at all) and what was your major? If you gained higher eduction you should ask for a refund.
soonerinlOUisiana. Is the board's slowest starting to remind you of toto of SoonerSpinZone? Scottsdale_Sooner is making me think of fairdinkem unmerciful abuse of toto.

Scottsdale_Sooner is reminding me of the fairdinkem Indian's masterful wit.
Not a good comment from Biden at all. He sounded a lot like Trump and one of the reasons Biden was elected was because many Americans was turned off by the way Trump spoke and treated people. Biden seems to be embracing the same attitude.

I don't see how that is a good look for Biden at all. It will be interesting to see if he issues a public apology for this comment.
Not a good comment from Biden at all. He sounded a lot like Trump and one of the reasons Biden was elected was because many Americans was turned off by the way Trump spoke and treated people. Biden seems to be embracing the same attitude.

I don't see how that is a good look for Biden at all. It will be interesting to see if he issues a public apology for this comment.
I think what we may be witnessing is a slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills as it begins to dawn on him that he is not viewed by people as good old Uncle Joe. It is possible he has been intentionally sheltered from harsh criticism by his handlers who have been telling him all this time he is adored by the masses. Realizing that is not the case may be taking a toll on his emotional stability.
I think what we may be witnessing is a slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills as it begins to dawn on him that he is not viewed by people as good old Uncle Joe. It is possible he has been intentionally sheltered from harsh criticism by his handlers who have been telling him all this time he is adored by the masses. Realizing that is not the case may be taking a toll on his emotional stability.
I don't think so. Were we watching the slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills when Trump engaged in similar behavior?

What I think is going on is that this type of behavior is welcomed by the extremes in both parties. Biden's base will like what he did, going after a Fox News reporter. And Trump's base liked what he did, taking it to the liberals. It works for both sides because both sides are invested in demonizing the other side.

But all of us in the middle just see the behavior and shake our heads. We can do better.
Not a good comment from Biden at all. He sounded a lot like Trump and one of the reasons Biden was elected was because many Americans was turned off by the way Trump spoke and treated people. Biden seems to be embracing the same attitude.

I don't see how that is a good look for Biden at all. It will be interesting to see if he issues a public apology for this comment.
Lololololololol I’m sure he will apologize.
I don't think so. Were we watching the slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills when Trump engaged in similar behavior?

What I think is going on is that this type of behavior is welcomed by the extremes in both parties. Biden's base will like what he did, going after a Fox News reporter. And Trump's base liked what he did, taking it to the liberals. It works for both sides because both sides are invested in demonizing the other side.

But all of us in the middle just see the behavior and shake our heads. We can do better.
You make some good points.

I didn't like the comment by Biden either. I also think he is trying to look tough for us Democrats. I've seen Democrats praising him for the comment on some of the liberal boards I visit. Good to see though that you can recognize that both sides are engaging in this type of behavior. That is more than most posters on this board can do.
I don't think so. Were we watching the slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills when Trump engaged in similar behavior?
Apples and oranges. Trump, from an early age, modeled himself after Roy Cohn. To be ever combative. Always offensive and never defensive. Trump is in his element when insulting and aggressively attacking people. Trump is not effected by the fcat that he is unliked. He thrives on it.

Biden has always been the good ole boy making efforts to be liked. Biden comes off as being "thick as a brick" and not very clever. Biden's handlers are shielding him from reality. This was evident by Biden's response to the caller that said "Let's go Brandon" before Christmas. Biden repeated and then said he agreed. He had no idea it was code for "Fvck Joe Biden".
What I think is going on is that this type of behavior is welcomed by the extremes in both parties. Biden's base will like what he did, going after a Fox News reporter. And Trump's base liked what he did, taking it to the liberals. It works for both sides because both sides are invested in demonizing the other side.

But all of us in the middle just see the behavior and shake our heads. We can do better.
I don't think so. Were we watching the slow meltdown of a man with limited cognitive skills when Trump engaged in similar behavior?

What I think is going on is that this type of behavior is welcomed by the extremes in both parties. Biden's base will like what he did, going after a Fox News reporter. And Trump's base liked what he did, taking it to the liberals. It works for both sides because both sides are invested in demonizing the other side.

But all of us in the middle just see the behavior and shake our heads. We can do better.
It is perfectly okay to hate on Donald Trump. I personally can barely tolerate the sight of the man. He made gaffes, mistakes galore, lied his ass off, was pugnacious, off putting and in general a sleaze ball. But any attempt to compare his mental acuity with that of Joe Biden takes absurdity to new heights. Think what you want about the man (I certainly do), but you make yourself look ridiculous when you say things like “Trump engaged in similar behavior.” No objective person, centrist or otherwise, would dare make such a statement.
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