Keep it up Joe

It’s beyond embarrassing at this point.

If this had been Trump saying this to a CNN reporter, how would you have responded? How did you respond when he made similar comments to reporters?

If this had been Trump saying this to a CNN reporter, how would you have responded?

I swear your retorts are always to turn things back to irrelevancy rather than address the subject at hand. You come off like a 15 year old girl rather than a 42 year old man. I asked you on another thread where you wen to college (if you did at all) and what was your major? If you gained higher eduction you should ask for a refund.
I swear your retorts are always to turn things back to irrelevancy rather than address the subject at hand.
Funny how you think exposing the hypocrisy of the right-wing in this country is somehow irrelevant on an issue how like this. Right-wingers going to have a stroke over this (faux outrage), but when Trump did it, they cheered and laughed.

I asked you on another thread where you wen to college (if you did at all) and what was your major?
And I answered your question.
If this had been Trump saying this to a CNN reporter, how would you have responded? How did you respond when he made similar comments to reporters?


Evidently it is, I don't see you saying Biden was wrong to have said that.
Evidently it is, I don't see you saying Biden was wrong to have said that.
When you say Trump was wrong to say some of the things he said to reporters, I'll let you know what I think about this comment. If you don't think Trump was wrong though, why would you be upset or think it is wrong all of a sudden when Biden does it?
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Whataboutism is a childish retort.
Not when right-wingers embraced the exact same behavior from the last President but now are feigning faux outrage when another President does it.

You want to do finally condemn Trump for his comments, I'm all ears. Till then, I have no problem explosing the hypocrisy. Sorry it makes you uncomfortable.
If this had been Trump saying this to a CNN reporter, how would you have responded? How did you respond when he made similar comments to reporters?

Once again, the thread had nothing to do with Trump. I hope like hell Trump doesn't even run so your act doesn't fly with me but keeping up with your marching orders. Trump, Trump, Trump!! This entire debacle of an administration has nothing to do with him. It is about the current leader of the free world who can't tie his shoes. He is an absolute embarrassment and I feel sorry for those like yourself who can support such incompetence.
Once again, the thread had nothing to do with Trump. I hope like hell Trump doesn't even run so your act doesn't fly with me but keeping up with your marching orders. Trump, Trump, Trump!! This entire debacle of an administration has nothing to do with him. It is about the current leader of the free world who can't tie his shoes. He is an absolute embarrassment and I feel sorry for those like yourself who can support such incompetence.

Throwing Trump overboard now? Perhaps starting to realize how he completely undercuts all of your faux outrage about Biden?

This just never gets old!
Not when right-wingers embraced the exact same behavior from the last President but now are feigning faux outrage when another President does it.

You want to do finally condemn Trump for his comments, I'm all ears. Till then, I have no problem explosing the hypocrisy. Sorry it makes you uncomfortable.

Trump said things that was crude and offensive.

I said it then and say it now.

Meanwhile, your little ideological school boy crush on all things D won't allow you to see that the emperor has no clothes.
Trump said things that was crude and offensive.

I said it then and say it now.
I don't recall you ever doing this, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this one time.

What Biden said was crude and offensive too, just as it was when Trump did it. It wasn't a mistake on Biden's part either. Second time he has done this recently. It part of a change in political strategy that we have been observing from him over the past month.

While I understand the political calculation for the change, I'm not sure it is the right political move.
I don't recall you ever doing this, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this one time.

What Biden said was crude and offensive too, just as it was when Trump did it. It wasn't a mistake on Biden's part either. Second time he has done this recently. It part of a change in political strategy that we have been observing from him over the past month.

While I understand the political calculation for the change, I'm not sure it is the right political move.
"Political strategy."

That's a hoot.

The real Joe Biden has been outed over the last year. He's not a kind, tender-hearted grandfatherly type that wants to bring America together.

He's a mean-spirited tyrant who wants everyone under his thumb.
"Political strategy."

That's a hoot.
Yes, get tougher and create a perception of a tough guy who is ready to fight the Republicans.

Again, I'm not sure this is the right strategy if it goes to far.

He's a mean-spirited tyrant who wants everyone under his thumb.
You realize this is exactly what Democrats have been saying about Trump since 2016 and right-wingers laughed and dismissed, correct?

I feel like I'm in the upside down world.
Yes, get tougher and create a perception of a tough guy who is ready to fight the Republicans.

Again, I'm not sure this is the right strategy if it goes to far.

You realize this is exactly what Democrats have been saying about Trump since 2016 and right-wingers laughed and dismissed, correct?

I feel like I'm in the upside down world.
Weak whataboutism again. You just can't help yourself can you?

Trump was/is mean-spirited.

But he was no tyrant. If he was a tyrant, he would have sent the army out to crush the Marxists that were burning down our cities last summer.

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