Kaepernick Nike

Probably. I never chided anyone for deciding to boycott Nike. That is their right. I think the outrage is funny coming from folks who make fun of lib snowflakes all the time. Two sides of the same coin.

I also think Nike will be just fine. They know what they are doing.
OK. So you agree that you’d do the same thing in a similar circumstance, yet you continue to poke me with your stick. Weird hill, indeed.

And will Nike survive? Sure they will. But they can survive without my money.

And one more thing. If you applaud Kaepernick or Knight for standing up for what they believe in, seems like I would be the recipient of the same applause. But no. I get snowflake.

Therefore, for the remainder of the day, your Delta Tau Chi name is WeaselDick.


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Question for consideration....

Aren’t all these Nike burnings, cuttings of the logos from clothes, tweets vowing to never buy Nike again, Pat Tillman tweets kind of the MAGA equivalent of “virtue signaling” that the SJW on the left are accused of doing (accurately accused of for the most part IMO)?

The majority of these folks are gonna buy Nike in the future....their gonna watch the NFL...they probably know next to nothing about Pat Tillman. Isn’t most of this manufactured “outrage” over a business decisionby a company that sells shoes? Just like the lefties still eat at Chik-fil-a.

I’ve got no problem with people deciding they aren’t going to buy a particular brand because they don’t like the advertising. @wyomingosualum, I perfectly good with your decision to follow your ethic and exercise your purchasing power thusly.

But most of these tweets and Facebook posts I see yelling to the world how patriotic you are and how Nike is now dead to you, or how much you honor Tillman every day of your life just makes me roll my eyes.

If they aren’t to you, what’s the difference? Do MAGA-ers simply not “virtue signal” like the left does? Do they do it, but this ain’t how?
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Question for consideration....

Aren’t all these Nike burnings, cuttings of the logos from clothes, tweets vowing to never buy Nike again, Pat Tillman tweets kind of the MAGA equivalent of “virtue signaling” that the SJW on the left are accused of doing (accurately accused of for the most part IMO)?

The majority of these folks are gonna buy Nike in the future....their gonna watch the NFL...they probably know next to nothing about Pat Tillman. Isn’t most of this manufactured “outrage” over a business decisionby a company that sells shoes? Just like the lefties still eat at Chik-fil-a.

I’ve got no problem with people deciding they aren’t going to buy a particular brand because they don’t like the advertising. @wyomingosualum, I perfectly good with your decision to follow your ethic and exercise your purchasing power thusly.

But most of these tweets and Facebook posts is see yelling to the world how patriotic you are and how Nike is now dead to you, or how much you honor Tillman every day of your life just makes me roll my eyes.

If they aren’t to you, what’s the difference? Do MAGA-ers simply not “virtue signal” like the left does?
I dunno. I’m not burning anything as I consider that to be wasteful. I’m wearing my old angry white guy Nikes until they wear out. And when the time comes to replace them, it’s not going to be with more Nikes.
I dunno. I’m not burning anything as I consider that to be wasteful. I’m wearing my old angry white guy Nikes until they wear out. And when the time comes to replace them, it’s not going to be with more Nikes.

Which is kind of my point.

You’re acting on your principles...and I believe you when you say what you are going to do in the future.

I haven’t seen you tweeting and facebooking out to the world trying to prove how much you love the flag, and law enforcement, and Pat Tillman, and ‘Merica!

You’re not virtue’re following your principles.
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Question for consideration....

Aren’t all these Nike burnings, cuttings of the logos from clothes, tweets vowing to never buy Nike again, Pat Tillman tweets kind of the MAGA equivalent of “virtue signaling” that the SJW on the left are accused of doing (accurately accused of for the most part IMO)?

The majority of these folks are gonna buy Nike in the future....their gonna watch the NFL...they probably know next to nothing about Pat Tillman. Isn’t most of this manufactured “outrage” over a business decisionby a company that sells shoes? Just like the lefties still eat at Chik-fil-a.

I’ve got no problem with people deciding they aren’t going to buy a particular brand because they don’t like the advertising. @wyomingosualum, I perfectly good with your decision to follow your ethic and exercise your purchasing power thusly.

But most of these tweets and Facebook posts I see yelling to the world how patriotic you are and how Nike is now dead to you, or how much you honor Tillman every day of your life just makes me roll my eyes.

If they aren’t to you, what’s the difference? Do MAGA-ers simply not “virtue signal” like the left does? Do they do it, but this ain’t how?

Like I said. Two sides of the same coin.
Question for consideration....

Aren’t all these Nike burnings, cuttings of the logos from clothes, tweets vowing to never buy Nike again, Pat Tillman tweets kind of the MAGA equivalent of “virtue signaling” that the SJW on the left are accused of doing (accurately accused of for the most part IMO)?

The majority of these folks are gonna buy Nike in the future....their gonna watch the NFL...they probably know next to nothing about Pat Tillman. Isn’t most of this manufactured “outrage” over a business decisionby a company that sells shoes? Just like the lefties still eat at Chik-fil-a.

I’ve got no problem with people deciding they aren’t going to buy a particular brand because they don’t like the advertising. @wyomingosualum, I perfectly good with your decision to follow your ethic and exercise your purchasing power thusly.

But most of these tweets and Facebook posts I see yelling to the world how patriotic you are and how Nike is now dead to you, or how much you honor Tillman every day of your life just makes me roll my eyes.

If they aren’t to you, what’s the difference? Do MAGA-ers simply not “virtue signal” like the left does? Do they do it, but this ain’t how?

I think the answer is that you don't let a vocal minority besmirch the integrity of the vast majority of reasonable people from either side. I'll sure consider my options the next time I purchase athletic apparel. But I'm sure not going to burn what I have or run to social media (I have none) to tell everyone my outrage in order to show how much better of a person I am because of my outrage.

Painting with too broad a brush is the evil of both sides lately.
Kaepernick repping Nike is definitely hilarious irony. You can't make this stuff up.
I don’t know. Seems unlikely to change the trade situation or affect Trump”s plans.

IMO Nike thinks that most people don’t care, and that they will gain a new customer for every one that gets pissed and boycotts.

Oh yeah...and... any kind of publicity is good publicity.
Adopted by another family when his dad flew the coup and his mom didn’t want to raise him, given a free college education for playing a game and then got millions of dollars to play that game and then decides this country is oppressive. Now he is a marketing campaign for sacrifice. His adoptive parents who lost two children to heart defects sacrificed to save his ass from who knows what kind of life. They should be a marketing campaign.

From Taya Kyle, Chris Kyle’s widow:

Nike, I love your gear, but you exhaust my spirit on this one. Your new ad with Colin Kapernick, I get the message, but that sacrificing everything thing…. It just doesn’t play out here. Sacrificing what exactly? A career? I’ve done that both times I chose to stay home and be with my kids instead of continuing my business climb… and it wasn’t sacrificing everything. It was sacrificing one career and some money and it was because of what I believe in and more importantly, who I believe in.

At best, that is all Colin sacrificed… some money and it’s debatable if he really lost his career over it. Maybe he sacrificed the respect of some people while he gained the respect of others. Or maybe he used one career to springboard himself into a different career when the first was waning. I don’t know. What I do know is, he gained popularity and magazine covers he likely wouldn’t have gotten without getting on his knees or as you say, “believing in something.” I’m also thinking the irony is that while I am not privy to the numbers, it’s likely he gained a lucrative Nike contract. So yeah… that whole “sacrificing everything” is insulting to those who really have sacrificed everything.

You want to talk about someone in the NFL sacrificing everything? Pat Tillman. NFL STARTING, not benched, player who left to join the Army and died for it. THAT is sacrificing everything for something you believe in.

How about other warriors? Warriors who will not be on magazine covers, who will not get lucrative contracts and millions of followers from their actions and who have truly sacrificed everything. They did it because they believed in something. Take it from me, when I say they sacrificed everything, they also sacrificed the lives of their loved ones who will never be the same. THAT is sacrificing everything for something they believe in.

Did you get us talking? Yeah, you did. But, your brand recognition was strong enough. Did you teach the next generation of consumers about true grit? Not that I can see.

Taking a stand, or rather a knee, against the flag which has covered the caskets of so many who actually did sacrifice everything for something they believe in, that we all believe in? Well, the irony of your almost leaves me speechless. Were you trying to be insulting?

Maybe you are banking on the fact we won’t take the time to see your lack of judgement in using words that just don’t fit. Maybe you are also banking on us not seeing Nike as kneeling before the flag. Or maybe you want us to see you exactly that way. I don’t know. All I know is, I was actually in the market for some new kicks and at least for now, I’ve never been more grateful for Under Armour.
What makes this whole kneeling thing idiotic to me is that it accomplishes nothing related to the original cause. Kaepernick insults an entire class of people by wearing pigs on his socks, not just the person he’s mad at. As a biracial man, you would think maybe he should understand something about prejudice. In fact, prejudice is a key component in what he’s protesting. So for starters, he’s a hypocrite.

His chosen method of societal change hasn’t accomplished his goal at all. Rather, it’s alienated a huge demographic. Big blunder. Has this helped the cause or done great damage to it?

Consider for a moment this hypothetical. There is a bad police shooting in X City. An officer shot the wrong man and he died under indefensible and unreasonable circumstances. The police chief does nothing. The officer goes unpunished and still has his job. Here is the perfect scenario for an unemployed millionaire to go to work. He could go to X City, canvass neighborhoods, show up at city council meetings, speak during the public address opportunity at those meetings, bring hundreds of people with him as they demand for action to be taken.

When it’s election time, he and his army of like minded motivated people install people in office who will reopen the case and seek justice.

But alas, that will never happen. That would take an actual effort. Much easier to just take a knee during the national anthem, wear stupid socks, and do literally nothing to advance your cause.
If Nike is dependent on cheap Asian labor they probably shouldn't risk pissing off Trump.
Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:
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Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:
Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:

Are martyrs really honored by giving additional millions to a 20x over millionaire to help sell shoes produced on the backs of sweatshop workers?

I have to think that the answer is 'no'
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Are martyrs really honored by giving additional millions to a 20x over millionaire to help sell shoes produced on the backs of sweatshop workers?

I have to think that the answer is 'no'

Is flying the confederate battle flag while driving down the highway honoring our veterans?

I have to think the answer is no but they shouldn’t be arrested or have their citizenship revoked.
Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:
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Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:

You're over-complicating the issue.

Does CK hate America?
You're over-complicating the issue.

Does CK hate America?

Who knows? None of my business.

Does Trump hate America?

He wants Americans arrested for taking a knee and have their citizenship revoked.

Which is the bigger threat?
Question for the board:

Is kneeling during the National Anthem—to honor Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers, and thousands of now deceased unnamed American civil rights warriors or innocent civilians minding their own business who were hung from bridges and trees or drowned with a radiator fan wrapped around thier neck or buried alive in Mississippi for being black or burned alive by lynch mobs or gunned down by Police while unarmed—any different or less American than making a political statement by burning Old Glory, flying Old Glory upside down, or driving down the road while flying a confederate battle flag on the hood of one’s pickup?

What should the penalties be for all of the above? Lock them up like our POTUS would like to see or have their citizenship revoked?

Which department of the government decides what’s “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” and what is not? Who decides who goes to jail? Who makes the arrest? What is the crime?

Veterans respond:

No one should disrespect the flag unless it is for established religious objection.

The consequences should never be given out by the government. However if you get fired or punched in the face by a veteran, you chose to accept the consequences by disrespecting something that means so much to this country.

The other bullshit you posted is very typical of you and of course makes no sense to rational people.

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