The gift of liberating them from Mosaic prohibitions on homosexuality?
No, the gift of cleansing us of all unrighteousness and freeing us from the chains (and results) of our sin.
The gift of liberating them from Mosaic prohibitions on homosexuality?
Yeah but homosexuality is no longer a sin right?No, the gift of cleansing us of all unrighteousness and freeing us from the chains (and results) of our sin.
Wrong.Yeah but homosexuality is no longer a sin right?
Doesn't sound like a blanket prohibition to me, just Paul being a judgey iron age prudeWrong.
Romans 1:26-28 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
That's New Testament, not Mosaic law.
Yeah but homosexuality is no longer a sin right?
Reading is fundamental.Doesn't sound like a blanket prohibition to me, just Paul being a judgey iron age prude
Sin has always been a matter of the heart.Sin still exists, hence our ongoing need for a savior. Obviously this thread is about homosexuality, but on this point I don't want to single it out. Jesus changed the whole paradigm about the nature of our relationship with God. Sin was no longer just what we did - it is a matter of the heart.
Regarding marriage, I believe God set apart marriage between a man and a woman to be a sacred picture of the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:21-33). I don't mean they're identical - I am not my wife's savior, and she is not supposed to worship me. But given that passage specifically mentions husbands and wives only, and the other passages in the New Testament that speak to homosexuality, the conclusion I've come to is that it is still a sin.
I respect your beliefs, but you have to admit that's a pretty questionable case in the face of Luke chapter 10.Sin still exists, hence our ongoing need for a savior. Obviously this thread is about homosexuality, but on this point I don't want to single it out. Jesus changed the whole paradigm about the nature of our relationship with God. Sin was no longer just what we did - it is a matter of the heart.
Regarding marriage, I believe God set apart marriage between a man and a woman to be a sacred picture of the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:21-33). I don't mean they're identical - I am not my wife's savior, and she is not supposed to worship me. But given that passage specifically mentions husbands and wives only, and the other passages in the New Testament that speak to homosexuality, the conclusion I've come to is that it is still a sin.
100 percent agree.Reading is fundamental.
Oh, you mean something Paul wrote in the Bible aka Scripture?Paul and his letter to the romans
No I believe it was a letterOh, you mean something Paul wrote in the Bible aka Scripture?
Did they find any evidence they're born straight?
The Bible says it's wrong.
But religious people also want the right to be able to say they disagree with that lifestyle. That's not hate-speech.
The Bible says a lot of things are wrong. It also describes how an abortion procedure should be performed, which most anti-abortion proponents ignore for some reason.
Regardless though, the Bible isn't the Constitution nor do all people accept the Bible as a guide. Unless you are proposing turning our nation into a theocracy, I don't really understand why you are referencing the Bible.
Are you denying there is an active, hostile and well funded gay mafia in the culture wars?
The Bible says a lot of things are wrong. It also describes how an abortion procedure should be performed, which most anti-abortion proponents ignore for some reason.
They'll say that God has the prerogative to kill babies because he has such a good handle on right and wrong.
You think I'm kidding? Start a thread with numbers 5 and watch!
Can you cite that passage? I'm bible ignorant but I've never heard of any reference to the bible describing how abortion procedures should be performed.The Bible says a lot of things are wrong. It also describes how an abortion procedure should be performed, which most anti-abortion proponents ignore for some reason.
Maybe you can cite that passage?
Can you cite that passage? I'm bible ignorant but I've never heard of any reference to the bible describing how abortion procedures should be performed.
Ah, Numbers 5. A man who truly knows his Bible!
The ordeal of the bitter water.
Can you cite that passage? I'm bible ignorant but I've never heard of any reference to the bible describing how abortion procedures should be performed.
Numbers chapter 5.Can you cite that passage? I'm bible ignorant but I've never heard of any reference to the bible describing how abortion procedures should be performed.
Numbers 5.
Also, check out Exodus 21 and how the Bible treats the fetus as a property interest of the husband and not on the same "level" as the life of the woman.
Passages such as this can be understood in light of Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37 (among others) which teach that breath is life.
Numbers chapter 5.
Doesn't seem like abortion to me, but who knows
None of that isNumbers 5.
Also, check out Exodus 21 and how the Bible treats the fetus as a property interest of the husband and not on the same "level" as the life of the woman.
Passages such as this can be understood in light of Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37 (among others) which teach that breath is life.
It also describes how an abortion procedure should be performed, which most anti-abortion proponents ignore for some reason.
In defense of the bible, they didn't have ultrasound when the bible was written. It's easy to understand why people in that era didn't understand fetal development very well.The passages that speak of breath being life also aren't preached nor are they taught anymore in the conservative Christian seminaries.
John 10:20
Numbers 5 discusses a test of infidelity according to what I just read.
The references in the other passages have nothing to do with abortion procedures by my comprehension.
Abortion advocated in the bible?
Right, and silver will hit 100 bucks an ounce.
Your blasphemy is staggering.
For 2000 years Christians believe that it's more than a letter.No I believe it was a letter
No, I don't consort with myopic fools.It is tough when that political message you get preached every Sunday at church is challenged by using the Bible itself, isn't it?
Want to talk about David and Jonathan's special relationship . . . or would that be too much right now?