Jobs report for August is out, here come more downward revisions

Oct 31, 2022

Look for this same pattern for Sept: Current month beats, previous months revised downward.

Oh and THIS isn't concerning...

See what the left is doing? Transferring jobs from American citizens to illegals.

Do illegals pay income tax?

Do American citizens pay for the benefits that the left is giving ILLEGALS?

What happens when American citizens are required to pay for benefits for illegals?

Wealth redistribution?

Does this strenghen or weaken the Middle Class?

Who benefits if the Middle Class shrinks and wealth leaves the populace?

Look for this same pattern for Sept: Current month beats, previous months revised downward.

Oh and THIS isn't concerning...

See what the left is doing? Transferring jobs from American citizens to illegals.

Do illegals pay income tax?

Do American citizens pay for the benefits that the left is giving ILLEGALS?

What happens when American citizens are required to pay for benefits for illegals?

Wealth redistribution?

Does this strenghen or weaken the Middle Class?

Who benefits if the Middle Class shrinks and wealth leaves the populace?
@my_2cents @my__2cents (no idea why you need two handles) - what are your thoughts on this?
@my_2cents @my__2cents (no idea why you need two handles) - what are your thoughts on this?
My thoughts? Simple. Revisions/corrections happen.

It also appears you and your fellow cultists are hoping and cheering for the economy to tank right now (i.e. taking joy in any negative news you see while ignoring the positive news) for political reasons.

You know, you are placing your party/politics ahead of what is best for the country.

For example, I didn't see any of you share this revision/correction...

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My thoughts? Simple. Revisions/corrections happen.

It also appears you and your fellow cultists are hoping and cheering for the economy to tank right now (i.e. taking joy in any negative news you see while ignoring the positive news) for political reasons.

You know, you are placing your party/politics ahead of what is best for the country.

For example, I didn't see any of you share this revision/correction...

So because I didn’t post a story I didn’t see I’m rooting for the demise of the country?

Meanwhile you support a party that has created an economy where US-born workers are losing employment at twice the rate of foreigners gaining jobs.

The liberal mind is truly something to behold.
So because I didn’t post a story I didn’t see I’m rooting for the demise of the country?
Prove me wrong. Start sharing the positive economic news instead of focusing solely on what you think is the negative news.

Meanwhile you support a party that has created an economy where US-born workers are losing employment at twice the rate of foreigners.
I'm supporting a party that helped our economy recover from the negative effects of a pandemic and Trump's meddling. An economy that is now one of the strongest in the world.

Yes, areas of improvements are needed. But I support the proposals and policy vision of Democrats over what Trump is offering.

We aren't going back.
Prove me wrong. Start sharing the positive economic news instead of focusing solely on what you think is the negative news.

I'm supporting a party that helped our economy recover from the negative effects of a pandemic and Trump's meddling. An economy that is now one of the strongest in the world.

Yes, areas of improvements are needed. But I support the proposals and policy vision of Democrats over what Trump is offering.

We aren't going back.
And you call other people cultists!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Prove me wrong. Start sharing the positive economic news instead of focusing solely on what you think is the negative news.

I'm supporting a party that helped our economy recover from the negative effects of a pandemic and Trump's meddling. An economy that is now one of the strongest in the world.

Yes, areas of improvements are needed. But I support the proposals and policy vision of Democrats over what Trump is offering.

We aren't going back.
What proposals and policies of Harris's do you support, why and what is the measurement for success of those policies?
What proposals and policies of Harris's do you support
I support all of the economic proposals she has made so far in this campaign.

Because I believe they will both help Americans and assist in strengthening our economy.

and what is the measurement for success of those policies?
Well, they first have to be enacted. We then have to give them time to take effect so that we can see the results. And at that point, we will be able to judge if Americans have been helped.
Prove me wrong. Start sharing the positive economic news instead of focusing solely on what you think is the negative news.

I'm supporting a party that helped our economy recover from the negative effects of a pandemic and Trump's meddling. An economy that is now one of the strongest in the world.

Yes, areas of improvements are needed. But I support the proposals and policy vision of Democrats over what Trump is offering.

We aren't going back.
When there’s good news to share I’ll share it. Things are not good right now. And your party has brought us to this point.

Yet somehow you think they’re the ones to make things better.

You have no clue how Kamala plans to grow the economy because she doesn’t either.

Voting for Kamala is like sh!ting your pants, and then changing your shirt to fix it.

If you really loved the country you’d vote to make things better.
When there’s good news to share I’ll share it. Things are not good right now.
Things are good right now. Again, I just shared a link that discussed good news. Want some more?

Gas prices are down. We could be headed for lows not seen since 2021

Falling Pump Prices Blunt Trump’s Inflation Attacks on Harris

Again, why didn't you share this? Did you even know about this?

lol, just be honest. You aren't going to share the good news because you don't want to see/hear the good news. You want the economy to tank for political reasons. That is what you are cheering for and want to believe. No need to lie about it.

You have no clue how Kamala plans to grow the economy because she doesn’t either.
Sure I do.

Perhaps you should stop believing/embracing sham stories and instead actually keep in touch with reality.

If you really loved the country you’d vote to make things better.
I'm voting for Harris because I love my country. I believe she will be better for our country than Trump ever will be.

We've been there, done that with the convicted felon. We aren't going back.
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I support all of the economic proposals she has made so far in this campaign.

Because I believe they will both help Americans and assist in strengthening our economy.

Well, they first have to be enacted. We then have to give them time to take effect so that we can see the results. And at that point, we will be able to judge if Americans have been helped.
What specific policies?
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Things are good right now. Again, I just shared a link that discussed good news. Want some more?

Gas prices are down. We could be headed for lows not seen since 2021

Falling Pump Prices Blunt Trump’s Inflation Attacks on Harris

Again, why didn't you share this? Did you even know about this?

lol, just be honest. You aren't going to share the good news because you don't want to see/hear the good news. You want the economy to tank for political reasons. That is what you are cheering for and want to believe. No need to lie about it.

Sure I do.

Perhaps you should stop believing/embracing sham stories and instead actually keep in touch with reality.

I'm voting for Harris because I love my country. I believe she will be better for our country than Trump ever will be.

We've been there, done that with the convicted felon. We aren't going back.
1) What crime was Trump convicted of?
2) Check out this chart. $3 gas - is that better or worse than when Trump was in the WH?

I’ll start sharing the “good news” about gas prices when liberals quit depleting our strategic oil reserves for political talking points.

Kamala is in favor of banning fracking, was the key vote passing the Green New Deal and wants to ban drilling on federal land. What do you think those actions will do to gas prices?

3) When there’s actual good news to share - I’ll share it. This is “well things are as terrible as they were” news.
1) What crime was Trump convicted of?
So far, he has been convicted on 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree. Felonies. Crimes of dishonesty and/or false statements.

2) Check out this chart. $3 gas - is that better or worse than when Trump was in the WH?
Gas prices rose in 2017 and 2018. This was after we had low gas prices from 2015-2016 due to the oil price collapse. Gas prices did began to ease in 2019. Then, of course, the pandemic hit, and we saw another oil price collapse, moving the prices back down to around 2016 levels. Demand then recovered quickly from the pandemic, and that is why we saw gas prices increase, along with Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Presidents have very little to do with gas prices. They can help or hurt a little on the margins, but in reality, Presidents are beholden to outside forces as it relates to gas prices.

Which, btw, is one reason among many that we should end our dependency on oil. Why we should embrace a renewable energy future.

I’ll start sharing the “good news” about gas prices
No you won't as long as we have a Democratic President. If, God forbid, Trump becomes President again, yes, you will then start sharing good news about gas prices.

Kamala is in favor of banning fracking,
Not anymore unfortunately.

was the key vote passing the Green New Deal
Yes and thank goodness for this! We need to move away from our dependency on fossil fuels. This is what is best for our country's future.

What do you think those actions will do to gas prices?
Not much of anything. Maybe slight movement on the margins, but not much.

With that said, again, we need to move away from our dependency on fossil fuels. We need to embrace a Green fufure, a renewable energy future.

Why do you want to continue to be held hostile to fossil fuels? To those who control the fossil fuels too?

It makes no sense. Embrace a better and cleaner future for our country man.

3) When there’s actual good news to share - I’ll share it.
There has been plenty of actual good news and you don't share it. You won't either as long as there is a Democratic President.

Again, just be honest. No need to lie.
Again, all of them.

Any particular one you would like to discuss?
Of course you do.
Give first time buyers 25K to buy a house? LMAO, 25K will not make a dent in the payment for first time buyers. The median price of a home in this country has risen dramatically under this administration to the point of 412k. Median income is less than 40K a year in this country. 25K will lower the payment about 175 dollars a month but the remaining payment is still over $2500 and that's without taxes or insurance. Now add in the cost to the tax payers and it does nothing but create another economic disaster.

Raising capital gains? Raising capital gains tax reduces investment, we need more investment not less. SMFH

Ban grocery price gouging? LMAO if you know the slightest thing abut the grocery business you know this is nothing but pandering to the dumbasses.

Raise taxes on corporations who will in turn raise prices on the middle class.

Raise taxes on the wealthy? LMAO the same wealthy that have donated millions to her campaign? You maybe dumb enough to fall for that one but I'm not.

Please tell me these are not the policy positions you think will create prosperity in this country?
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Give first time buyers 25K to buy a house? LMAO, 25K will not make a dent in the payment for first time buyers. The median price of a home in this country has risen dramatically under this administration to the point of 412k. Median income is less than 40K a year in this country. 25K will lower the payment about 175 dollars a month but the remaining payment is still over $2500 and that's without taxes or insurance. Now add in the cost to the tax payers and it does nothing but create another economic disaster.
Yep, fully support it.

I would like to see more given to first-time home buyers but Harris is playing it safe here hoping she can at least get this amount through Congress. It is definitely better than nothing, which is what Trump and Republicans are offering.

This also includes a $10,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers. Which I also support.

btw, this would not hurt tax players, it would help them. And it would help the economy as well. Might even help some of your friends or your children's friends.

Raising capital gains? Raising capital gains tax reduces investment, we need more investment not less. SMFH
Another great idea. And this won't reduce investment, that is a scare tactic the very wealthy use. And apparently you believe it lol.

btw, what is Trump's position on the capitol gains tax? Do you know?

Ban grocery price gouging?
Yes, support this too and it is also definitely needed. The price gouging needs to stop. This will help many Americans on a daily basis.

Raise taxes on corporations who will in turn raise prices on the middle class.

Raise taxes on the wealthy?
Yes and yes! Corporations and the wealthy need to pay their fair share.

Please tell me these are not the policy positions you think will create prosperity in this country?
Because all of this will help Americans, especially working class Americans. It continues the same policies that have helped strength our economy since the pandemic, making our economy one of the strongest in the world right now.

I must say though. It is both hilarious and sad to see you oppose policies that would help you and your family. Help those around you too. While you turn around and support policies that will never help you but only help 1% of the most wealthy Americans. 🙄

Lastly, I remember when you once claimed Harris didn't have any real proposals. lol, you aren't making such a claim anymore.
Yep, fully support it.

I would like to see more given to first-time home buyers but Harris is playing it safe here hoping she can at least get this amount through Congress. It is definitely better than nothing, which is what Trump and Republicans are offering.

This also includes a $10,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers. Which I also support.

btw, this would not hurt tax players, it would help them. And it would help the economy as well. Might even help some of your friends or your children's friends.
Well there you have it, you want to (GIVE) first time buyers other people's money to try and disguise the terrible economic policies that created the inflation that caused interest rates to rise to levels not seen in decades. That's not an economic policy that creates prosperity, that's socialist's wealth redistribution. Instead of essentially stealing other people's money to buy votes, why not implement polices to reduce interest rates and create a prosperous economy. Oh that's right Democrats don't want prosperity they want government reliance.
Another great idea. And this won't reduce investment, that is a scare tactic the very wealthy use. And apparently you believe it lol.
Bullshit, higher capital gains reduce what, when and where I'm willing to invest into something. You can spread that BS to some but not people that make their living making investments.
btw, what is Trump's position on the capitol gains tax? Do you know?
LMAO, he hasn't proposed raising it. He's pro investment and economic growth very much unlike Democrats.
Yes, support this too and it is also definitely needed. The price gouging needs to stop. This will help many Americans on a daily basis.
Proof of of grocery stores price gouging other than some BS allegation by the Democrats that caused the inflation that caused the price hikes?
Yes and yes! Corporations and the wealthy need to pay their fair share.
Corporations don't pay taxes, the consumers of their products or services pay the taxes the corporations pay.
You must not pay attention, the wealthy's share of taxes paid has been increasing since 2001 from 33% to 46%. We don't need more taxes on anyone, we need less government spending on BS that destroys the country. See illegal alien spending for just one example of many.
Because all of this will help Americans, especially working class Americans. It continues the same policies that have helped strength our economy since the pandemic, making our economy one of the strongest in the world right now.
Giving people things does not help anyone, it creates reliance, which is what Democrats want. The only thing government should do is help create and support the economic environment for people to prosper.
I must say though. It is both hilarious and sad to see you oppose policies that would help you and your family. Help those around you too. While you turn around and support policies that will never help you but only help 1% of the most wealthy Americans. 🙄
Well you are right on one thing. I made plenty of money from Democrat policies. Buying foreclosures for pennies on the dollar and then turning around ad either renting them or flipping them for large profits has been great for me. Not so good for those that were foreclosed on. If Kamala somehow manages to win the election I have no doubt another housing crash is coming.
Lastly, I remember when you once claimed Harris didn't have any real proposals. lol, you aren't making such a claim anymore.
She didn't and still hasn't said what they are, only her surrogates or should I say puppet masters.
Well there you have it, you want to (GIVE) first time buyers other people's money
Who says it is "other people's" money? I'm not claiming that. You need to think a little bit more deeply about this before you make such a foolish statement.

to try and disguise the terrible economic policies that created the inflation that caused interest rates to rise to levels not seen in decades.
No one is trying to disguise anything. "Terrible economic policies" didn't create inflation. The pandemic and it's aftermath was the main cause of inflation. But inflation is now decreasing. There is nothing to disguise.

Instead of essentially stealing other people's money to buy votes, why not implement polices to reduce interest rates and create a prosperous economy. Oh that's right Democrats don't want prosperity they want government reliance.
No one is stealing anyone's money or buying votes. This proposed policy will help millions of Americans. It will help the economy. That is why it is being proposed.

Stop fighting against your own interest.

Bullshit, higher capital gains reduce what, when and where I'm willing to invest into something. You can spread that BS to some but not people that make their living making investments.
You are the one spreading BS and fear. You clearly only want the very rich to benefit and proposer in this country, not everyone. That is why you are repeating the false talking point of the most wealthy.

And why you are supporting a man like Trump, who knows nothing about what it is like to be a low-income or middle-income American in this country. That is why Trump is so mad that Kamala Harris worked on McDonald's. She understands most Americans in a way he never will.

This policy, again, will be good for our economy and for our country.

LMAO, he hasn't proposed raising it. He's pro investment and economic growth very much unlike Democrats.
Then why hasn't Trump said he won't raise the tax? In fact, why hasn't he given his position on this?

You like to complain about Harris not giving her positions. Here is an example of Trump not giving his position on an issue.
Proof of of grocery stores price gouging other than some BS allegation by the Democrats that caused the inflation that caused the price hikes?
Ok but you won't accept anything I share with you.

In a March email to his bosses, Andy Groff, Kroger’s senior director for pricing, acknowledged that the company had raised its prices more than required to adjust for higher costs.

Look, if you seriously believe that grocery stores aren't price gouging, you are absolutely delusional. Why do you want to defend those who are getting rich and richer at the expense of average working Americans trying to buy milk and eggs?

You should be ashamed of yourself.

You must not pay attention, the wealthy's share of taxes paid has been increasing since 2001 from 33% to 46%.

lol at you defending corporations and the wealthy while attacking those who want to help the rest of America.🙄

We don't need more taxes on anyone, we need less government spending on BS that destroys the country.
I disagree about the taxes as it relates to the most wealthy. We definitely don't need to give the most wealthy tax breaks at the expense of lower and middle income Americans as Trump wants to do.

As for spending, I don't disagree that there are areas we could cut wasteful spending. But it shouldn't be in the areas that actually help Americans.

Giving people things does not help anyone, it creates reliance, which is what Democrats want.
Wrong. Democrats want to help Americans. We want to level the playing field, give all Americans a chance to succeed and prosper.

You clearly oppose this and only want the wealthy to prosper and succeed.

btw, do you oppose Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

She didn't and still hasn't said what they are,
Of course she has. And you are now talking about them lol!

Just another example of how you were wrong before.
Where does government get it's revenue? From tax payers.
When it (GIVES) money to people, they are giving Tax Payers (other people's) money.
Pretty simple concept.
And/or, they are giving tax payers their own money back.

Pretty simple concept.
And/or, they are giving tax payers their own money back.

Pretty simple concept.

Yet people who support less government intervention and lower taxes are in the eyes of a leftist the greedy ones. SMFH
I remember a time when Democrats believed people should ask what they can do for this country instead of what this country can do for them. Sad to see that is no longer a belief Democrats hold.
Let Americans keep their money to begin with.
Community, state, and national services have to be provided. Services that you enjoy and use every day. Services that you also benefit from every day.

I do agree though that the tax system should be fair and that those at the top should pay both their fair share and more. This is just one reason, among many, ehy I'm supporting Harris over a man who only wants to help the most wealthy as it relates to the tax system.
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Yet people who support less government intervention and lower taxes are in the eyes of a leftist the greedy ones.
Wrong again.

The people who support lower taxes for the very wealthy in this country while punishing low and middle income Americans (and refusing to help them) are the ones we on the left consider greedy.

When one wants to make the rich richer while punishing everyone else, that is a product of greed.

I remember a time when Democrats believed people should ask what they can do for this country instead of what this country can do for them.
It absolutely still is what Democrats believe. The American people make up our country. And helping Americans (such as helping individual Americans buy their first house, or ensuring that large grocery store chains aren't ripping them off, or helping create an opportunity economy) is doing something for your country!
Wrong again.

The people who support lower taxes for the very wealthy in this country while punishing low and middle income Americans (and refusing to help them) are the ones we on the left consider greedy.

When one wants to make the rich richer while punishing everyone else, that is a product of greed.

It absolutely still is what Democrats believe. The American people make up our country. And helping Americans (such as helping individual Americans buy their first house, or ensuring that large grocery store chains aren't ripping them off, or helping create an opportunity economy) is doing something for your country!
More propaganda from a propagandist.

The wealthy have been steadily paying a larger share of taxes over the years.

Top 1%: In 2021, the top 1% of earners paid 45.8% of all federal income taxes, while earning 26.3% of the country's income. This is nearly twice as much as their share of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).

Top 50%: The top 50% of taxpayers paid 97.7% of all federal income taxes in 2021.

Bottom 50%: The bottom 50% of taxpayers paid 2.3% of all federal income taxes in 2021.

Since the wealthy's share of the tax burden is obviously not good enough for you leftist, can you give us a percentage of the tax burden you think the wealthy should be paying?

You are half way right, Democrats believe hard working, law abiding Americans should be asking what they can do for their country, while Democrats and their voters are asking and demanding what the country can do for them.

As has already been pointed out to you, 25K isn't going to help first time home buyers buy a house. The median cost of a home has risen to well over 400K, interest rates on mortgages are around 7% and median income is under 40K. How in the hell do first time buyers afford to buy a house that cost them the majority of their income even excluding taxes and insurance? Answer, they don't. The solution lies getting the government out of the way with all their BS regulations that do little to nothing but increase the costs of buying a home. Create and support sound economic policies that create the environment for economic prosperity for the those willing to work. Those that do not want to work can live on the scrapes Democrats give them.
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The wealthy have been steadily paying a larger share of taxes over the years.
I don't disagree, thanks to the Democratic Party. If Republicans had their way though they would be paying less.

You are half way right, Democrats believe hard working, law abiding Americans should be asking what they can do for their country, while Democrats and their voters are asking and demanding what the country can do for them.
This is just false and shows how you don't get it and don't want to get it

As I stated in my last post, the American people make up our country. And helping Americans (such as helping individual Americans buy their first house, or ensuring that large grocery store chains aren't ripping them off, or helping create an opportunity economy) is doing something for your country.

As has already been pointed out to you, 25K isn't going to help first time home buyers buy a house.
Yes it will. Clearly you don't know many first-time home buyers. You should go talk to some. You will discover quickly how much they support this proposal.

And it is better than nothing, which is what you support. That is what is hilarious about all of this. You are complaining it isn't enough but you wouldn't support giving them even more, as Harris and Democrats would. You would oppose that too! You don't want to help them at all. You just want to help the very wealthy. Which you have made very clear on this thread.

As I've stated before, it is sad to watch you oppose proposals and policies that would help you, help your family, and help your neighbors. Instead, you back policies that only help the very wealthy in this country. You are fighting against your own interests and the interests of your neighbors.
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I don't disagree, thanks to the Democratic Party. If Republicans had their way though they would be paying less.

This is just false and shows how you don't get it and don't want to get it

As I stated in my last post, the American people make up our country. And helping Americans (such as helping individual Americans buy their first house, or ensuring that large grocery store chains aren't ripping them off, or helping create an opportunity economy) is doing something for your country.

Yes it will. Clearly you don't know many first-time home buyers. You should go talk to some. You will discover quickly how much they support this proposal.

And it is better than nothing, which is what you support. That is what is hilarious about all of this. You are complaining it isn't enough but you wouldn't support giving them even more, as Harris and Democrats would. You would oppose that too! You don't want to help them at all. You just want to help the very wealthy. Which you have made very clear on this thread.

As I've stated before, it is sad to watch you oppose proposals and policies that would help you, help your family, and help your neighbors. Instead, you back policies that only help the very wealthy in this country. You are fighting against your own interests and the interests of your neighbors.
LMAO I'm in the real estate business, I understand perfectly.

Lower interest rates, cut the BS regulations and get out of the damn way will help more people and cost nothing. Of course Democrats wouldn't have control over people and will never support it.
LMAO I'm in the real estate business, I understand perfectly.
Clearly you don't.

As I stated, I believe it should be more. I'm sure Harris does to. But she is being realistic and trying to get something she can get through Congress.

However, you don't want to give first-time home buyers anything. You don't want to help them at all. You only want to help big corporations and the wealthy. You have made that very clear.

So stop arguing that it isn't enough when you wouldn't support giving more. It is disingenuous.
Community, state, and national services have to be provided. Services that you enjoy and use every day. Services that you also benefit from every day.
That's fine. But taxing the rich at a higher level so they can pay 'their fair share' is moronic and I'm a bit surprised to see you fall for it (not really).

The thinking is we need to take more money from the 'rich' cause they don't 'need' that much and we give it to the government.

That doesn't benefit the rich OR poor. It benefits politicians. Be smarter.
Clearly you don't.

As I stated, I believe it should be more. I'm sure Harris does to. But she is being realistic and trying to get something she can get through Congress.

However, you don't want to give first-time home buyers anything. You don't want to help them at all. You only want to help big corporations and the wealthy. You have made that very clear.

So stop arguing that it isn't enough when you wouldn't support giving more. It is disingenuous.
First off it will never get through Congress with Republicans in control of either chamber. Second you are obviously math challenged. As I have already explained to you 25K at current mortgage rates only reduces a monthly payment about $175. Monthly payment on a median priced home is well over $2500 excluding taxes and insurance. How many first time buyers can afford a $2500 monthly mortgage payment when the median income is under 40K a year $80K per couple? Not many. In other words it's a BS proposal that only the ignorant think will do anything.
If you and your Party of authoritarian corrupt POS truly wanted to help you would get rid of all the bullshit regulations that have increased the cost of building new homes as much as 50K a house, quit spending 2 trillion more a year than the government takes in and get interest rates back to much lower levels. None of that costs tax payers a dime, in fact it saves tax payers money. Government needs to get the hell out of the way and allow the people to benefit from the free market.
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My thoughts? Simple. Revisions/corrections happen.

It also appears you and your fellow cultists are hoping and cheering for the economy to tank right now (i.e. taking joy in any negative news you see while ignoring the positive news) for political reasons.

You know, you are placing your party/politics ahead of what is best for the country.

For example, I didn't see any of you share this revision/correction...

Consumers are 70% of our economy. The bad news? Consumers are saddled with all time record credit card debt. Bidenomics.

My neighborhood Stripes saw E-10 at $1.74 when Trump left office. Today finds gasoline at $2.95. At 16.8 cents per kWh, I'm paying the highest rate for electricity I've ever paid in my life. AOC New Green Deal energy policies.
So far, he has been convicted on 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree. Felonies. Crimes of dishonesty and/or false statements.

Gas prices rose in 2017 and 2018. This was after we had low gas prices from 2015-2016 due to the oil price collapse. Gas prices did began to ease in 2019. Then, of course, the pandemic hit, and we saw another oil price collapse, moving the prices back down to around 2016 levels. Demand then recovered quickly from the pandemic, and that is why we saw gas prices increase, along with Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Presidents have very little to do with gas prices. They can help or hurt a little on the margins, but in reality, Presidents are beholden to outside forces as it relates to gas prices.

Which, btw, is one reason among many that we should end our dependency on oil. Why we should embrace a renewable energy future.

No you won't as long as we have a Democratic President. If, God forbid, Trump becomes President again, yes, you will then start sharing good news about gas prices.

Not anymore unfortunately.

Yes and thank goodness for this! We need to move away from our dependency on fossil fuels. This is what is best for our country's future.

Not much of anything. Maybe slight movement on the margins, but not much.

With that said, again, we need to move away from our dependency on fossil fuels. We need to embrace a Green fufure, a renewable energy future.

Why do you want to continue to be held hostile to fossil fuels? To those who control the fossil fuels too?

It makes no sense. Embrace a better and cleaner future for our country man.

There has been plenty of actual good news and you don't share it. You won't either as long as there is a Democratic President.

Again, just be honest. No need to lie.
1) Wrong. Falsification of business records is a misdemeanor. Why were they elevated to felonies?

2) I don't know what kind of insane gaslighting you're trying to do with gas prices, but Democrats have been in the WH 12 of the last 16 years. Obama's avg gas price, not adjusted for inflation, was $3.10/gallon. Biden, $3.48/gallon. Trump = $2.48. Energy prices go up when Democrats control the executive branch. It's simple math.
So when there's good news to share about gas prices, I'll share it. It's not political.

3) "Held hostage to fossil fuels"? We are sitting on hundreds of years of crude and natural gas, and have proven that we can be energy independent. China controls a vast majority of the rare earth minerals needed to transition to the "green economy" you're so excited about. The people we'd be held hostage by will be China if Kamala gets her way.
The answer for energy has to be something else.

4) The jobs market is terrible and we've been lied to about it on purpose. This does two things: 1) It's election interference, it makes Bidenomics look better than it is. 2) It doesn't give the Fed accurate information in how they manage interest rates, which hurts our ability to manage our way out of the mess Biden and Harris have put us in.

Lay on your back and piss and pretend it's raining all you want, but most people are way worse off in this economy than when Trump was in charge.
Clearly you don't.

As I stated, I believe it should be more. I'm sure Harris does to. But she is being realistic and trying to get something she can get through Congress.

However, you don't want to give first-time home buyers anything. You don't want to help them at all. You only want to help big corporations and the wealthy. You have made that very clear.

So stop arguing that it isn't enough when you wouldn't support giving more. It is disingenuous.
What do you think will happen to home prices if we give every first-time buyer $25k?
2) I don't know what kind of insane gaslighting you're trying to do with gas prices, but Democrats have been in the WH 12 of the last 16 years. Obama's avg gas price, not adjusted for inflation, was $3.10/gallon. Biden, $3.48/gallon. Trump = $2.48. Energy prices go up when Democrats control the executive branch. It's simple math.
So when there's good news to share about gas prices, I'll share it. It's not political.
Typical liberal gaslighting. He wants to give Biden credit for digging us halfway out of a hole he created.

"Gas prices are down! Why don't you give Biden credit???"

Cause he inherited $1.70 a gallon, and ran it up to $5. He doesn't get a cookie for dropping it back down to $3.

He gets a cookie when gas falls to $1.69 a gallon. Till then, he's still almost doubled gas prices under his watch, which is indefensible.
Typical liberal gaslighting. He wants to give Biden credit for digging us halfway out of a hole he created.

"Gas prices are down! Why don't you give Biden credit???"

Cause he inherited $1.70 a gallon, and ran it up to $5. He doesn't get a cookie for dropping it back down to $3.

He gets a cookie when gas falls to $1.69 a gallon. Till then, he's still almost doubled gas prices under his watch, which is indefensible.
Same story with inflation.

"Inflation is down to 3%, look how well Biden is doing!"...while ignoring the 40%-60% higher prices that are already baked into the cake.

The liberal mind is an amazing place.

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