Jobs report for August is out, here come more downward revisions

Same story with inflation.

"Inflation is down to 3%, look how well Biden is doing!"...while ignoring the 40%-60% higher prices that are already baked into the cake.

The liberal mind is an amazing place.
A gallon of milk cost 98 cents under Trump at Walmart. Same gallon is $3.04 now.

A loaf of bread cost $1.00. Same loaf of bread is $1.54 now under Biden.

A dozen eggs cost 38 cents under Trump. It's $3.38 now under Biden.

Exact same product. All Staples that everyone needs.

Biden is destroying America.
Typical liberal gaslighting. He wants to give Biden credit for digging us halfway out of a hole he created.

"Gas prices are down! Why don't you give Biden credit???"

Cause he inherited $1.70 a gallon, and ran it up to $5. He doesn't get a cookie for dropping it back down to $3.

He gets a cookie when gas falls to $1.69 a gallon. Till then, he's still almost doubled gas prices under his watch, which is indefensible.
You're wasting time trying to teach my_20mills arithmetic you'll never get back.
My thoughts? Simple. Revisions/corrections happen.

It also appears you and your fellow cultists are hoping and cheering for the economy to tank right now (i.e. taking joy in any negative news you see while ignoring the positive news) for political reasons.

You know, you are placing your party/politics ahead of what is best for the country.

For example, I didn't see any of you share this revision/correction...

I did not know you were a ventriloquist dummy in this life. I guess it a better than being a fly emerging off a skunk carcess. Wait a minute that is the same thing when it comes to this administration.

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