ISIS On The Rise Again


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

JV team at it again now the Biden has given them free reign and destroyed to the intelligence gathering capability of the US military. Amazes me how terrorist groups always seem to prosper when a Democrat is in office. Almost like Democrats want the world to be unstable.

JV team at it again now the Biden has given them free reign and destroyed to the intelligence gathering capability of the US military. Amazes me how terrorist groups always seem to prosper when a Democrat is in office. Almost like Democrats want the world to be unstable.
Terrorism creates fear. Fear creates the environment necessary to establish freedom-restricting controls. Whether its ISIS, Covid, or "Lone Wolf terrorists", drumming of fear will lead to large swathes of people happily giving the government control over their lives in order to 'protect' them.

Unfortunately, Republicans don't have much better of a track record here either. The Patriot Act (the most malicious, Anti-freedom bill passed in my lifetime) was done by Bush and the globalist Republicans.
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