@CowboyJD Setting aside your completely binary (accurate vs fake 100% of the time) account of "fake news," the above graph by the NYT is what I was referring to.
The left and right were closer in base ideology in 2008 than the left of 2008 is with the left of 2012. The left of 2016 is further left still. The "right" more or less stayed the same.
I think this is a case of you wanting to justify the middle instead of being genuinely critical of the relative swings to the right and left.
The left and right were closer in base ideology in 2008 than the left of 2008 is with the left of 2012. The left of 2016 is further left still. The "right" more or less stayed the same.
I think this is a case of you wanting to justify the middle instead of being genuinely critical of the relative swings to the right and left.