Find another wall to argue with. Bad faith actor gonna act in bad faith.
Bad faith actor gonna argue in bad faith without understanding what it even means.Bad faith is the one who can't put their ideas out there to be debated. I did, you refuse.
Whari? You didn't answer about Obama's lying?
Here I am, Bubba.
Sorry shit bag. Keeping doctors and premiums going down. Lied right to your face. Three Pinocchio’s from the wapo.
Now you tell us how Bush tax cuts caused the Great Recession. Maybe pokeabear has room in the get away car so you can avoid answering that for, what is that four times now? Five?
No, I want a cite. Show me where he lied. I'll cite you to thousands of Fatass lies. You're trying to establish some type of functional equivalence to justify the gaslighting and constant lying, let's measure them up.
The Pinocchio’s are at the bottom if you are limited on time.
See I’m against all lying, it didn’t just become a thing when my lady lost an election. I’m against trump lying. It hurts the cause.
I’m doing a lot of leg work here. I hope you reciprocate with your tax cuts claim.
@Pokeabear come get your mans Ive asked him twice.
1. My premiums went down. It didn't last, but they stopped increasing for the first time ever for a couple of cycles.
2. What statement of mine are you attacking? Show me where I said this.
3. Yes, it is an egregious double standard on your part. I've heard this "premiums go down" deal ad nauseum, like he's supposed to keep premiums from ever going up, or if someone's plan changes he's violated some promise. Meanwhile, there are daily, on the reg lies from Fatass and you don't even bat an eye.
1. My premiums went down. It didn't last, but they stopped increasing for the first time ever for a couple of cycles.
2. What statement of mine are you attacking? Show me where I said this.
3. Yes, it is an egregious double standard on your part. I've heard this "premiums go down" deal ad nauseum, like he's supposed to keep premiums from ever going up, or if someone's plan changes he's violated some promise. Meanwhile, there are daily, on the reg lies from Fatass and you don't even bat an eye.
1. You got subsidies or you took someone off your plan.
2. Don’t do this. You’ve said Bush recession for years. Just set me straight. Did George w bush cause the Great Recession or not?
3. I bat eyes. I don’t like lies, but probably half the things you say he lies about aren’t lies. They are misrepresentations or later proven to be true. Read the wapo article. Argue with your own liberal fish wrap, not me.
No, I didn't.
Whooooooa Nellie. First, you get me a cite where I said the Bush tax cuts called the recession. Don't change your narrative. I've seen that multiple times. You show me where I said that. I'll wait patiently before I use your response as yet another example of lying.
Just tell me what it was. How did bush cause it? If it wasn’t tax cuts what was it?
Where did I say anything about Bush tax cuts? First, wtf are you even talking about? Find it. I'll admit if I'm wrong. You got what you wanted, I'm gonna engage you on your topic. Let's start with the basic and I want to see these words you're putting in my mouth.
Where did I say anything about Bush tax cuts? First, wtf are you even talking about? Find it. I'll admit if I'm wrong. You got what you wanted, I'm gonna engage you on your topic. Let's start with the basic and I want to see these words you're putting in my mouth.
You're actually defending that Obamacare wasn't sold using huge lies.
You're actually doing that.
That's hilarious man. Hittin' the weed pen early on July 4th Eve.
I’m not searching the forum for anon quotes. Just set me straight and let’s move on. If George Bush caused the great recession how did he do it? If you say he didn’t, I’ll drop it.
This is a constant statement I've never paused to contest or analyze. I'm all ears though. If he said it would reduce premiums, it did. For a while.
Don't drop it, you've recited it over and over again. I want to see what you are basing that statement on. Either admit you have been lying all this time or show where I said it.
Literally begging you to go on the record now. Please.
Okay, just as soon as you provide me a citation for a statement you've attributed to me five times now.
You got to those bush tax cuts causing the recession yet? Everyone is looking forward to that I know.
Oh zing. You called it Bush recession.
The Great Recession. Break it down to bush and tax cuts.
Bush tax cuts bush tax cuts
. @Syskatine could you clarify your claim for the class? Bonus points for mentioning the bush tax
Bush tax cuts did this
Where did I attribute blame for the tax cuts?
Damn you’ve avoided this consistently.
You were putting words in my mouth, weren't you? Simple question.
No you said it and have yet to prove you didn’t.
If you say they didn’t cause the recession man would I look foolish.
Okay, I've asked you all morning to show me where I said it. Can you or not?
You are so broken, I’ve teed up making me a liar and fool, all you have to do is disagree with joy Behar and the huffpo and you can’t do it, you can’t go against them.
Just say it. Tell me bush and his tax cuts didn’t cause the recession. You’ll have me cornered.
or I have an anon quote in my back pocket that will make a fool out of you.
Roll the dice.
We know you've never paused to contest or analyze anything your Dear Leader did or said. You're the epitome of unaware and compliant, the perfect Democrat. This isn't new to anyone posting here.This is a constant statement I've never paused to contest or analyze. I'm all ears though. If he said it would reduce premiums, it did. For a while.
We know you've never paused to contest or analyze anything your Dear Leader did or said. You're the epitome of unaware and compliant, the perfect Democrat. This isn't new to anyone posting here.
Again, we know.I'm an unaware and compliant cuck.
You know who Jacob Soboroff is right? If you didn't he's a far left activist "journalist" that pushes voter suppression propaganda at will.
The sexual assault was more concerning. That’s just me though.You know who Jacob Soboroff is right? If you didn't he's a far left activist "journalist" that pushes voter suppression propaganda at will.
To make it clear, all cases of sexual assault should be investigated and charged/not charged appropriately.
I also want to say that the several examples provided in the article are actually pretty lame. One points out the kid went to bed hungry because she went to bed prior to food being served. What the heck? That's not news worthy at all.
*AllegedThe sexual assault was more concerning. That’s just me though.
The sexual assault was more concerning. That’s just me though.
El lolIt's all good, but maybe quit crying about sources when yours are garbage?
Honestly critiquing sources is lame AF. Post whatever you want.
And you came running.The loser mating call.