Bernie plagiarized ...

Dan I still argue that Norway and Finland are socialist, but in this case I don't have to because okstatefan1 merely asked for an example of big government being good. It's telling how everyone rushed to get out their talking points though.

Hey @HighStickHarry, look at this freakin guy.

Is Germany Nordic? Or nah?

Germans.... amiright?

1980’s @Sys would be against this. Now, any enemy of the globalists is a Nazi.

I did just remember I never heard the deets on that Bush recession and which of his policies was the one that caused it. @Syskatine could you clarify your claim for the class? Bonus points for mentioning the bush tax cuts.
Uh that would be the slimy fag sub-prime lending scam Frank/Dodd act you are referring to