Bernie plagiarized ...

Blanket statements that then vary by person are a gimmick...not interested. Call me selfish, but proposed solutions like this hit my pocketbook WAY to much with very little benefit to me.
Really? So Bernie can't count on your vote?
Because you’re not too stupid to understand that his final goal is not to provide those opportunities and rights to everyone in this country.

I kinda like this quote. Because it’s A). It’s true and B). It’ll trigger the F out of a few in here.

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
-Ebeneezer Scrooge
He is mirroring Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Why would I want another FDR? We will have another recession, regardless of president. It will happen because it always does. But, why would I want a president that advocates increased government regulation and taxation as the solution, when any economist knows that simply prolongs and deepens the damage by limiting (or freezing entirely) corporate spending.
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Why would I want another FDR? We will have another recession, regardless of president. It will happen because it always does. But, why would I want a president that advocates increased government regulation and taxation as the solution, when any economist knows that simply prolongs and deepens the damage by limiting (or freezing entirely) corporate spending.
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-Ebeneezer Scrooge
Not quite.

And to be clear, I’m 100% supportive of social security reform that would provide for all elderly at a rate that could provide the basics. There’s no reason there should be a cap on the income level for paying SS tax. I’m also for helping the people that can’t help themselves through NO FAULT of their own.
While we’re at it, can I get a good example of better, bigger gubment? No troll, actually wouldn’t mind a good example.
Nordic countries

Ah, yes. Countries that make everyone equal no matter ‘Merica, we calls those unions. I worked in a union facilty once. Worst job I ever had. Young, hard working men (and a lady or two) soon turned to average because,.....why not?

Ever wonder why the US, even though one of the youngest, got to be the most technologically advanced, highest standard of living ever known, and most sought after country in the world?

Maybe because we award the smart and hard working? Counter opposite to today’s unions.

But whatever, let’s just up and flip everything upside down so Toon doesn’t have to cook biscuits and some 22 year old with no spouse can have her fifth kid.
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Ah, yes. Countries that make everyone equal no matter ‘Merica, we calls those unions. I worked in a union facilty once. Worst job I ever had. Young, hard working men (and a lady or two) soon turned to average because,.....why not?

Ever wonder why the US, even though one of the youngest, got to be the most technologically advanced, highest standard of living ever known, and most sought after country in the world?

Maybe because we award the smart and hard working? Counter opposite to today’s unions.

But whatever, let’s just up and flip everything upside down so Toon doesn’t have to cook biscuits and some 22 year old with no spouse can have her fifth kid.
Yeah man Nordic countries, AKA unions, suck.
Whats the thesis? Nordic countries aren't actually sociallist? Or, Nordic countries aren't actually good?
Nordic Americans do better in the US than their counterparts in the nordic countries. No nordic country resembles the US. There are reasons nordic countries have been successful and it isn't because of public policies (hint, it's cultural). It's basically a Myth Busters book for your nordic mythology.
Nordic Americans do better in the US than their counterparts in the nordic countries. No nordic country resembles the US. There are reasons nordic countries have been successful and it isn't because of public policies (hint, it's cultural). It's basically a Myth Busters book for your nordic mythology.
Nordic people are just so good that not even a large welfare state bordering on socialism can ruin things?
You mean those Nordic countries which have single digit diversity rates and near zero population growth? And the same ones that stayed out of the EU so they could maintain immigration controls? What about those #facts sound anything like today's America?
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LOL, you had to choose the whitest countries (pre-Syria refugee crisis) with the highest social trust.

If you want to know what importing third world diversity really does to a society, look no further than this massive study promoted by (ironically) the NYT.


Shocked by this finding in the country that invented white flight
You mean those Nordic countries which have single digit diversity rates and near zero population growth? And the same ones that stayed out of the EU so they could maintain immigration controls? What about those #facts sound anything like today's America?
I think you may have discovered the reasons the forces of reaction have been able to stave off social democracy in America

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