We made a huge mistake when we forced regime change in Ukraine in 2014.
It also didn't help when we started building and operating bio-labs in Ukraine.
It also didn't help when we encouraged military exercises near the Russian border including firing into Russian lands.
Have another nation do that (and more) near the Canadian and/or Mexican border and the United States would be in a war in no time.
We've got to stop our involvement in regime change. It almost always blows up in our face and becomes an expensive mess.
And it is all a money laundering scheme on the back of American taxpayers.
The new regime gets paid. The U.S. military industrial complex gets paid. Congress gets paid under the table, they can also make their insider trading deals on military stocks, and lobbyists don’t even hide paying off Congress.
And needless bloodshed occurs that is so morally reprehensible, making money off dead bodies. The higher the body count, the more profit that is made.
How much money was spent per dead soldier or civilian in Ukraine and Russia? A graph of the spend and body count would mirror each other.
My CEO has a son who was in special forces. They did off the book stuff. He said he primarily worked with a group of 10 guys who were deployed under Bush. 1 was killed in action and 4 others when they came back to the U.S. committed suicide. He told me they did some hand to hand combat stuff that they needed to kill silently, cutting guys throats and stuff. Nasty wet work. The dirty little secret is that we sometimes lose more guys to suicide than in combat. His son has PTSD and is getting therapy. I know 2 weeks ago he left the office suddenly and said I need to go take care of my son.
We should never, ever, be involved in any war that our Congress, or any civilian in the US would not pick up a rifle and go fight. I know we have a voluntary military currently, but that is no reason for Congress to hide behind treating our fighting men and women as nothing more than employees who we send off to fight whatever political war they want to fight.
The goal is to retain so much actual military strength no one dares messes with the U.S. And if we do have to go war, we have clearly defined objectives with an end defined, and we go all in like it is WW3 and end it really fast to decrease casualties.
The longer a war, the more that die.