I was wrong about Trump. MAGA!!!

He reminds me of a guy I used to work for. He would be talking about one subject, branch off into another, come back to the story, branch off again and come back to the original story. Was maddening at times but you learned to deal with it because the money you made and the success you had working for him was worth it. I always assumed he had ADD from hell.
He reminds me of a guy I used to work for. He would be talking about one subject, branch off into another, come back to the story, branch off again and come back to the original story. Was maddening at times but you learned to deal with it because the money you made and the success you had working for him was worth it. I always assumed he had ADD from hell.
So basically, Trump is a regular guy. Instead of talking down to people, his delivery style is as though he was standing there with you shooting the shit. Oh how awful!!!!!!
How about he is a liar and never had that conversation with a MIT scientist.

If he did they would told how stupid it was.

Stupid as in, that's not how it works. Even an avg IQ American knows the answer.
Are you an MIT scientist? (Hint: Answer starts with “N” and ends with “O”.
How about he is a liar and never had that conversation with a MIT scientist.

If he did they would told how stupid it was.

Stupid as in, that's not how it works. Even an avg IQ American knows the answer.
So you don’t like people who lie? Is that it?
The amount of defensiveness in this thread over a harmless gaffe truly exemplifies the cult of personality that lunatic has created lol

carry on
How's Biden's truck driving career coming along? Any more sightings with his Amtrak engineer friends? Biden's gaffes and lies are so frequent that his handlers won't allow him to talk without a teleprompter and even then he struggles to not screw it up.
How's Biden's truck driving career coming along? Any more sightings with his Amtrak engineer friends? Biden's gaffes and lies are so frequent that his handlers won't allow him to talk without a teleprompter and even then he struggles to not screw it up.
Couldn’t agree with this more, but how does it justify Trump's bizarre lying behavior?
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Neither or none

This MIT deal is not just a lie but an example of stupidity.
Who are you voting for in November? Simple enough question which I doubt you’ll answer, because then you might have to play defense, God forbid.

Note: The above question makes the rather ambitious assumption that you’re old enough to vote. Your posts, even those that lean to the right, don’t really reflect more than a middle-schooler’s grasp of issues.
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Randall Terry

Randall Terry wants you to vote for Trump.

“Q. Won’t this campaign hurt Trump?

A. NO! We do not even ask for your vote. Our campaign has 3 Goals to Defend the babies, Defeat Biden and Destroy the Democrat Party!”

The amount of defensiveness in this thread over a harmless gaffe truly exemplifies the cult of personality that lunatic has created lol

It just messes with their cult programming lol. They are told President Biden rambles on about nothing, makes gaffes, etc. And this is because President Biden is losing it. And when President Biden does do that, they talk about it incessantly.

However, when you show them Trump doing the same thing, you can literally see them short-circuiting! All the excuses come out, the double standards, the meltdown.

It truly is hilarious to watch. Sad, but hilarious.

Biden's gaffes and lies are so frequent that his handlers won't allow him to talk without a teleprompter and even then he struggles to not screw it up.
Perhaps, but Trump's gaffes are becoming more and more frequent as well. And his lies have always been frequent.

btw, in the above video, Trump was supposed to be reading off a teleprompter that his handlers had prepared for him too.
We've had 3 1/2 years of nothing but lies, so most people are accustomed to it.
In Biden's case they're not really lies, they're delusions. He actually believes his Uncle was eaten by a cannibal. That dumbass has gotten away with it for over 4 decades but now it's slipped into the stuff you see at nursing homes. And he's the "supposed" leader of the free world. This is all so incredibly dangerous that it's hard to understate.
In Biden's case they're not really lies, they're delusions. He actually believes his Uncle was eaten by a cannibal. That dumbass has gotten away with it for over 4 decades but now it's slipped into the stuff you see at nursing homes. And he's the "supposed" leader of the free world. This is all so incredibly dangerous that it's hard to understate.

Truly appalling.

Almost as bad as openly opining on the efficacy of Lysol injections to kill covid…


carry on
but now it's slipped into the stuff you see at nursing homes.
What you witness from Trump in the above video is also stuff you can see at nursing homes too.

Any worries about Trump being the leader of the free world again from you?
What you witness from Trump in the above video is also stuff you can see at nursing homes too.

Any worries about Trump being the leader of the free world again from you?
Surely you see the sharp distinction of the mental acuity between the two men. Trump is a carny barker blowhard buffoon full of bluster about himself, which in itself is a signal we should not trust him. It shocks me to see how many people are so trusting of him. But Biden is clearly a husk of a man, both mentally and physically. His deterioration is obvious for all to see. It shocks me that anyone would choose him to run the government for 4 more years, I don’t think he will live that long. And if he’s replaced by Kamala Harris it would be a woman with all her faculties, but whose faculties are probably less than Biden’s in his current state. Democracy dies in darkness goes the saying. With these two as our choice there is a black cloud descending over our country that at one time was full of promise.
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I've discussed this before. You can start here . . .

“I seriously worry that if Trump is elected again, he will become even more of a tryant and even more of the rights and liberties we enjoy as Americans will come under attack and/or disappear.

I believe Trump desires to be a dictator (as do many of his supporters) and if he is able to, he would destroy our Constitution and our system of government. Or at the very least, continue to wage political war and maybe even more against both.

Trump is a serious existential threat to our country and system of governance. He must not be elected again.”

O, I forgot.

You just recite the msnbc chyron.
So basically then, President Biden is a regular guy too, correct?

Or are you about to show us another double standard you utilize?
Biden supports killing babies, Marxist economic policies, the cultural rot of sodomites and feminists, the GlObAlClImAtEwArMiNgChAnGe hoax, among other things. Far from being a regular guy.
What you witness from Trump in the above video is also stuff you can see at nursing homes too.

Any worries about Trump being the leader of the free world again from you?
Worries? Not a one. I look forward to the Ukraine war ending and a resolution to the mess in The Middle East. It's what he does best. The world fears Trump and the world was in a much better place when he was President. That is indisputable. The guy knows how to negotiate and Putin fears him.
“I seriously worry that if Trump is elected again, he will become even more of a tryant and even more of the rights and liberties we enjoy as Americans will come under attack and/or disappear.

I believe Trump desires to be a dictator (as do many of his supporters) and if he is able to, he would destroy our Constitution and our system of government. Or at the very least, continue to wage political war and maybe even more against both.

Trump is a serious existential threat to our country and system of governance. He must not be elected again.”

O, I forgot.

You just recite the msnbc chyron.
If you’re going to use those kind of words with non_cents, you need to at least tell him what they mean.

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Surely you see the sharp distinction of the mental acuity between the two men.
Not that much. I think they both show signs of aging. That and the pressures of their positions.

But Biden is clearly a husk of a man, both mentally and physically. His deterioration is obvious for all to see. It shocks me that anyone would choose him to run the government for 4 more years, I don’t think he will live that long.
I don't disagree that President Biden shows clear signs of aging. I don't believe though it is to the point yet that he can't fulfill his responsibilities and duties as President. I don't think it is "as bad" as Republicans want everyone to believe. Just like I don't think Trump is "as well off" in this area as Republicans want everyone to believe.

I personally would prefer another Democrat as this year's presidential nominee. I wish President Biden had stepped aside. I also think that almost any other Democratic nominee would probably being easily leading Trump right now in the polls. However, President Biden didn't step aside and therefore, he is the one I will vote for in November.

Democracy dies in darkness goes the saying. With these two as our choice there is a black cloud descending over our country that at one time was full of promise.
I too wish we had a different choice. However, I don't think there is a black cloud descending over our country. Not yet at least.
Biden supports killing babies, Marxist economic policies, the cultural rot of sodomites and feminists, the GlObAlClImAtEwArMiNgChAnGe hoax, among other things. Far from being a regular guy.
What does any of this nonsense have to do with the topic of this thread? Yeah, absolutely nothing.

Stop deflecting and just answer the questions. Or admit your double standard.

So basically then, President Biden is a regular guy too, correct? Or are you about to show us another double standard you utilize?
Worries? Not a one.
So then you have a double standard as it relates to Trump and Biden. Got it.

I look forward to the Ukraine war ending and a resolution to the mess in The Middle East.
How do you think Trump will end the Russian invasion of Ukraine? How do you believe he will bring peace between Israel and Palestine?

The world fears Trump and the world was in a much better place when he was President. That is indisputable.
I agree that many around the world fear Trump, but not because of the reasons you think. Many our friends and allies recognize Trump for what he is, a fascist intent on destruction.

And it is absolutely disputable that the world was a better place when Trump was President. I would dispute such a claim and I would also note that some of the foreign policy problems we are dealing with right now, Trump helped to create.

The guy knows how to negotiate and Putin fears him.
Putin doesn't fear Trump lol. Putin recognizes that Trump will do his bidding. Putin understands that he can control Trump.
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50 years in government disqualifies Biden from being a regular guy.
I agree. And other reasons too. I never claimed President Biden is a "regular guy." I also don't think Trump is a "regular guy" either.

I am addressing @soonerinlOUisiana's response claim to the Trump video and comparing that response to how he responses to very similar behavior by President Biden. Try to keep up please.
Doesn’t matter.

You still picked up all the verbiage.

You just barfed up a million Trump articles in one paragraph.
Do I agree with the verbiage that other Democrats use? Yes, usually. Do I agree with many opinion pieces that discuss Trump's true intents and/or political vision? Yes, usually.

You act like you have discovered something important. A progressive Democrat agreeing with other Democrats and even Independents. How shocking! lol