I was wrong about Trump. MAGA!!!

Guess you didn't read the "boy who cried wolf" growing up. Its about your reading level, so I strongly recommend it.
I did. And my response to your post remains.

You are blaming leftists for your own shortcomings, hypocrisy, double standards, etc. Instead of just looking in the mirror and actually thinking through your own reasoning.
No Biden just flat out lies. It's the difference between catching a 2 pound fish and calling it a 6 pound fish as apposed to not catching a fish and saying you did.

You have no room to lecture on hypocrisy. I would stay away from that one.
With all due respect I don't see the difference in the magnitude of the lies.
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His actions are not representative of the Catholic Church. His action are representative of the superb upbring he got from his fantastic parents. He says so, so it must be.
Yeah I know his actions are not representative of the Catholic Church. But he sure loves to claim they are lol.

Not read him make the claim about his upbringing. That is a new one for me.
Incorrect. As a liberal, allow me to help you understand what is truly going on as it relates to this issue you raised.

One of the things that some liberals (who consider themselves to be populists too) don't like is that Trump is giving populism a bad name. They agree with others who recognize Trump as a demagogue, and they worry that his brand of demagoguery will be seen as representing populism as a whole. That is what upsets liberal populists.

You see a perfect example of this in this quote from former President Obama:

"I’m not prepared to concede the notion that some of the rhetoric that’s been popping up is populist. They don’t suddenly become a populist because they say something controversial in order to win votes,. That’s not the measure of populism; that’s nativism or xenophobia or it’s just cynicism. Somebody who labels us versus them, or engages in rhetoric about how we’re going to look after ourselves and take it to the other guy, that’s not the definition of populism." - President Obama, June 29, 2016

I personally could care less. I don't consider myself a populist and I have really never cared for the use of populism in politics. There are aspects of populism that I think are worth utilizing sometimes, but often times, populism does more harm than good. And it can be a useful tool for a demagogue like Trump.
Your lack of self awareness is entertaining.
And so does Trump.

Can you make the exact same statement about Trump? Or do you have some excuses ready to give? Time to blame the left again?
Yet Democrats, the MSM and Democrat voters don't cry about Biden's lies the way they did about Trump's. A little self awareness would go a long way for you on the left.
Incorrect. As a liberal, allow me to help you understand what is truly going on as it relates to this issue you raised.

One of the things that some liberals (who consider themselves to be populists too) don't like is that Trump is giving populism a bad name. They agree with others who recognize Trump as a demagogue, and they worry that his brand of demagoguery will be seen as representing populism as a whole. That is what upsets liberal populists.

You see a perfect example of this in this quote from former President Obama:

"I’m not prepared to concede the notion that some of the rhetoric that’s been popping up is populist. They don’t suddenly become a populist because they say something controversial in order to win votes,. That’s not the measure of populism; that’s nativism or xenophobia or it’s just cynicism. Somebody who labels us versus them, or engages in rhetoric about how we’re going to look after ourselves and take it to the other guy, that’s not the definition of populism." - President Obama, June 29, 2016

I personally could care less. I don't consider myself a populist and I have really never cared for the use of populism in politics. There are aspects of populism that I think are worth utilizing sometimes, but often times, populism does more harm than good. And it can be a useful tool for a demagogue like Trump.
Yet, even when Trump isn't involved, its called populism. The shift right throughout Europe has been called populism by MSM, and it has nothing to do with Trump.

Populist, far-right parties also won record support in this year's European Parliament elections, exit polls indicated late on Sunday. CNBC's Karen Gilchrist has more on what the right-wing surge could mean for Europe and beyond.

Doing a quick google on Populism & Europe and these are the links you get. These aren't about Trump but rather the working class figuring out that elitist leftist globalism doesn't benefit them.

MIT amazed by his smart questions that no one asks.

This dudes IQ, wow

People fail to see Trump's genus ability to reach the non college edumacated voters with his stories. As @Sunburnt Indian would tell us half the nation is < 100 IQ. They don't want to hear about world hunger or TV-for-Burma when they can't pay their electric, food, and gas bills each month.

P.S. Wouldn't you get melted regardless once the battery lights off from the salt water?
Yet, even when Trump isn't involved, its called populism. The shift right throughout Europe has been called populism by MSM, and it has nothing to do with Trump.

Populist, far-right parties also won record support in this year's European Parliament elections, exit polls indicated late on Sunday. CNBC's Karen Gilchrist has more on what the right-wing surge could mean for Europe and beyond.

Doing a quick google on Populism & Europe and these are the links you get. These aren't about Trump but rather the working class figuring out that elitist leftist globalism doesn't benefit them.

And a few more...

Even Vox???

And so does Trump.

Can you make the exact same statement about Trump? Or do you have some excuses ready to give? Time to blame the left again?
Trump tells a lot of jokes. There is a difference between jokes which Biden doesn't do and lies. Case in point uncle Brody got eaten by cannibals. That's not a joke, it's just a lie.
Trump tells a lot of jokes. There is a difference between jokes which Biden doesn't do and lies. Case in point uncle Brody got eaten by cannibals. That's not a joke, it's just a lie.
I would say that’s dementia more than an intentional lie. The man has a history as a pathological liar, but dementia has taken over.
Yeah, lets' talk about the deal he made with the Taliban.
Ok, lets do.

Let's start here. First, do you fully agree with the Doha Accord? If not, where do you disagree? And second, do you believe this "deal" helped or hurt our desire to have a peaceful and successful withdrawal from Afghanistan?

As I've already told you, who the hell knows how these wars exactly get resolved.
Exactly, you have no clue how Trump will resolve them. Yet, you believe beyond a doubt he will. I understand your position.

Why didn't Trump bring peace between Israel and Palestine during his first term? Did some of his actions make the situations between the two worse?

Did he settle the Ukraine/Russia problem? Why not?

but the dude knows how to work a deal.
I've already told you I disagree with this. Again, actually look at most of his deals. They usually end up in failure.

But now we sit on a razor's edge with a complete idiot, congenital liar and a crook for President and a cackling unintelligible DEI hire for a VP. Biden is way past his expiration date and his decline is exponential...not linear. His wife should be charged with Elderly Abuse for allowing him to run again. That means the cackling imbecile will be our President sooner rather than later.
You claim I have TDS, what about your BDS? Read again your crazy rant about President Biden, and then look in the mirror.

President Harris. Can you imagine how humiliating that would be? Now THAT would be an even more extremely dangerous world to live in.
Wouldn't be humiliating at all or more extremely dangerous. I would have no problem with a President Harris, indeed, I would favor four years of a President Harris over another four years of President Biden.

It will also be entertaining to watch sexist hateful right-wing nuts like yourself have an even worse meltdown when you realize there is now a liberal black woman as your President. To realize just how far our nation has progressed and how far removed we are from the vision you hold of this country.

A war with China would very likely mean they'd have to bring back the draft.
There isn't going to be a military war with China.
Yet Democrats, the MSM and Democrat voters don't cry about Biden's lies the way they did about Trump's.
Some do.

Have you paid attention to the polls that ask Democrats if they would rather have another presidential candidate other than President Biden? Have you notice how some Democrats are considering voting for a third party candidate? There are reasons for this.

I'm sorry Bearcat, but Democrats as a whole do not treat President Biden the way most Republicans treat Donald Trump. President Biden has support among Democrats, but it isn't the crazy cultist worship that you see on display with Trump and his supporters.

You need to spend some time on a Democrat or leftist political board. I think you would be shocked at the disagreements many on the left have with President Biden.
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Yet, even when Trump isn't involved, its called populism.
Yes, "right-wing populism" or "populist right-wing parties." Notice the distinction.

There is left-wing populism too. And I told you in my last response one of the worries left-wing populists have about right-wing populists.

These aren't about Trump but rather the working class figuring out that elitist leftist globalism doesn't benefit them.
Well yes, this is how right-wing populists and/or fascists want to spin it. I would firmly disagree with it of course, but again, I'm not a populist.
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I would say that’s dementia more than an intentional lie. The man has a history as a pathological liar, but dementia has taken over.
Here is where you and I still disagree. I don't think President Biden has dementia. I just think he is older, just as is Trump. And they both show signs of their age, sometimes similarly and sometimes differently.

President Biden also deals with a stuttering impediment, and many of his political opponents fail to understand (or don't care) how this impacts his speech and speeches.
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But you have yet to explain the difference except to say it all the leftists fault. And, apparently. President Biden is a Democrat and Trump is a Republican.

Other than that, no explanation
I never said any of that. Where did I say it was the leftists fault? Answer: I didn't. Where did I say it was R and D thing? Answer: I didn't. You don't get an answer to idiotic statements.

This is reason number 1,245 why I have such a low opinion of you.
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I still think they drop Biden before the election.
Who is "they?" Time for the conspiracy nonsense huh?

If President Biden "drops" before the election, it will be his decision and his alone. However, at this point, I don't see how politically he can drop out unless he has a major health issue arise. Maybe withdraw before the convention, but again, I don't any indication of that happening.
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Who is "they?" Time for the conspiracy nonsense huh?

If President Biden "drops" before the election, it will be his decision and his alone. However, at this point, I don't see how politically he can drop out unless he has a major health issue arise. Maybe withdraw before the convention, but again, I don't any indication of that happening.
They = Dem leadership and donors.

Right here . . .

You blamed the leftists in the above post.

I qualified this with the word "apparently." That statement was my opinion based on what seems apparent.

Prove me wrong though. Give us an answer that doesn't include blaming leftist or because you agree politically with Trump.
You quoted Aix for what I said? You really are dense.

You qualified? This is your excuse for being wrong....again?

I have already proved you wrong, how about give me an answer that doesn't include your normal BS before you go back on ignore.
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Some do.

Have you paid attention to the polls that ask Democrats if they would rather have another presidential candidate other than President Biden? Have you notice how some Democrats are considering voting for a third party candidate? There are reasons for this.

I'm sorry Bearcat, but Democrats as a whole do not treat President Biden the way most Republicans treat Donald Trump. President Biden has support among Democrats, but it isn't the crazy cultist worship that you see on display with Trump and his supporters.

You need to spend some time on a Democrat or leftist political board. I think you would be shocked at the disagreements many on the left have with President Biden.
LMAO the only reason some Democrat voters would rather have a different candidate than Biden is they fear he can not win the election. It's not because his policies are destroying the country, he's a corrupt POS or is on deaths door.

Your kind created Trump's support. It has nothing to do with worship, it's a huge middle finger to Democrats who are in the process of destroying this country.

If you have a recommendation of a leftist political board I'll be more than happy to participate.
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So still, no answer from you. Just the typical hate and name-calling. And you even took the Lord's name in vain. All actions of a true representative of the Catholic Church, huh? :rolleyes:

Let me know when you finally decide to answer my question and are done dodging/deflecting.
I didn’t take the Lord’s name in vain. He agrees with me.
Ok, lets do.

Let's start here. First, do you fully agree with the Doha Accord? If not, where do you disagree? And second, do you believe this "deal" helped or hurt our desire to have a peaceful and successful withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Exactly, you have no clue how Trump will resolve them. Yet, you believe beyond a doubt he will. I understand your position.

Why didn't Trump bring peace between Israel and Palestine during his first term? Did some of his actions make the situations between the two worse?

Did he settle the Ukraine/Russia problem? Why not?

I've already told you I disagree with this. Again, actually look at most of his deals. They usually end up in failure.

You claim I have TDS, what about your BDS? Read again your crazy rant about President Biden, and then look in the mirror.

Wouldn't be humiliating at all or more extremely dangerous. I would have no problem with a President Harris, indeed, I would favor four years of a President Harris over another four years of President Biden.

It will also be entertaining to watch sexist hateful right-wing nuts like yourself have an even worse meltdown when you realize there is now a liberal black woman as your President. To realize just how far our nation has progressed and how far removed we are from the vision you hold of this country.

There isn't going to be a military war with China.
"Wouldn't be humiliating at all or more extremely dangerous. I would have no problem with a President Harris, indeed, I would favor four years of a President Harris over another four years of President Biden."

Unbelievable. After that statement, our conversation is officially over. I've never met anyone who said she was competent on any level whatsoever. It ain't a black thing, it's a stupid incompetent thing. It comes in all colors. You aren't right in the head and you're apparently so woke that you are blind. Next.

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They = Dem leadership and donors.

You quoted Aix for what I said? You really are dense.

You qualified? This is your excuse for being wrong....again?

I have already proved you wrong, how about give me an answer that doesn't include your normal BS before you go back on ignore.
Does anyone here believe I can teach my_20mils to become worthy of avoiding the ignore feature? I will even encourge a Dan opinion.
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You quoted Aix for what I said? You really are dense.
My bad. I was carrying on a conversation with two of you at the same time on this thread, and mixed you up. Most of you right-wingers on this board talk from the same script, so it can be easy to mix up who one is talking to. I fixed my mistake.

With that said, you have yet to explain the difference, besides the fact that one is a Democrat and the other is a a Republican.
They = Dem leadership and donors.
That isn't going to happen.
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LMAO the only reason some Democrat voters would rather have a different candidate than Biden is they fear he can not win the election.
This is absolutely wrong Bearcat. It is clear you don't talk to a lot of Democrats.

I am not worried about President Biden losing in November, but I would still prefer another nominee. For me personally, this is because I do have concerns about Biden's age and I would prefer a more progressive President. I also would like to see a new generation of Democratic leadership across the board. I know Democrats who cite other reasons that have nothing to do with worries over Biden losing.

But, yes, there are some Democrats who are worried about President Biden losing. But they don't represent all Democrats and their worry is not the only reason a lot of Democrats would prefer another nominee.

Your kind created Trump's support. It has nothing to do with worship, it's a huge middle finger to Democrats who are in the process of destroying this country.
If you mean my kind help create Trump's support by the election of Obama in 2008 and 2012, I would agree with you this was one factor. But it just wasn't Democrats who voted for Obama both times.

If you mean my kind help create Trump's support by supporting left of center and liberal-to-progressive policies, I would agree with you this was one factor. But the support of these policies helped Biden defeat Trump in 2020 and gave Hillary Clinton more votes from the people than Trump received in 2016.

WIth that said, it is definitely worship, or at the very least, borderline worship for many of the Trump cultists.

If you have a recommendation of a leftist political board I'll be more than happy to participate.
You could start with Democratic Underground. However, you may want to just scroll through and read the posts. I doubt you would last very long as an active poster on that board.
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Unbelievable. After that statement, our conversation is officially over. I've never met anyone who said she was competent on any level whatsoever. It ain't a black thing, it's a stupid incompetent thing. It comes in all colors. You aren't right in the head and you're apparently so woke that you are blind. Next.
Wow, talk about a very revealing post from you. You have never met anyone who believes Vice President Harris is competent to be President and likes her? Seriously lol? If so, you clearly need to get out more, make some friends that aren't right-wingers (actual Democrats perhaps), and talk with them. Or at the very least, read some information sources that aren't just peddling you right-wing propaganda.

And I haven't read enough of your posts to determine if it is a racial thing or even a gender thing. One or both of these tend to be the leading cause with many Trump cultists like yourself, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

With that said, don't use this as a lame excuse to disappear from the conversation about the Doha Accord. Again, . . .

Do you fully agree with the Doha Accord? If not, where do you disagree? And second, do you believe this "deal" helped or hurt our desire to have a peaceful and successful withdrawal from Afghanistan?
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Does anyone here believe I can teach my_20mils to become worthy of avoiding the ignore feature? I will even encourge a Dan opinion.
You know I think the world of you, Sunburnt, and hope to meet you in person some day. That being said it is up to each of us to decide whether to put someone on Ignore.
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Do you fully agree with the Doha Accord? If not, where do you disagree? And second, do you believe this "deal" helped or hurt our desire to have a peaceful and successful withdrawal from Afghanistan?

I'll wade in. Ideologues like you think a strategy (Accord) is sufficient and look to either denigrate or promote a strategy based on how you think it fits with your ideology or political beliefs.

Reality is strategies are fine, but execution matters. Doha Accord was fine. Execution of the withdrawal was intentionally planned and executed to create maximum global destabilization with no concern for Afghani nor American interests.
The only "winners" in Biden's Afghanistan were terrorists (destabilizing) in Afghanistan, Iran (destabilizing), and the western Military Industrial complex now having to build and sell munitions to counter act the well armed destabilizing forces.

Or were you walking this into a sophomoric "get Trump, show up the Conservatives" episode?
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I'll wade in. Ideologues like you think a strategy (Accord) is sufficient and look to either denigrate or promote a strategy based on how you think it fits with your ideology or political beliefs.
I don't know who you are rambling on about here, but you aren't describing how I approach foreign policy strategy or international agreements.

I've already told you that I embrace, for the most part, a Realpolitik approach to foreign policy.

Doha Accord was fine.
Give some more details here please.

Why do you think the Doha Accord was "fine?" Also, do you believe this agreement helped or hurt our desire to have a peaceful and clean withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Execution of the withdrawal was intentionally planned and executed to create maximum global destabilization with no concern for Afghani nor American interests.
I disagree with this, but laying that aside for now, planned by who . . . who planned this?

Remember, President Trump claimed that he was going to withdraw the United States from Afghanistan too. And the Doha Accord, it was claimed, was part of his strategy for withdrawal.

Or were you walking this into a sophomoric "get Trump, show up the Conservatives" episode?
No, at the moment, I'm trying to get any right-winger on this board to have a rational thoughtful conversation about the Doha Accord, about its impact on our goal for a peaceful clean withdrawal from Afghanistan, and whether or not it was a good "deal" or not.

If you are willing to have the conversation, then please answer the questions I've asked about the Doha Accord.
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Trump tells a lot of jokes. There is a difference between jokes which Biden doesn't do and lies. Case in point uncle Brody got eaten by cannibals. That's not a joke, it's just a lie.
It’s worse. It’s literally delusional and out of touch with reality. It’s that psychological condition where you actually lie so much that you actually believe it really happened.
It’s worse. It’s literally delusional and out of touch with reality. It’s that psychological condition where you actually lie so much that you actually believe it really happened.
There are people who look you right in the eye and lie to you (knowing they are lying) but expect you to believe them because they are the ones saying it.

And then there are people who look you right in the eye and lie to you who actually believe it is the truth because they are the ones saying it.

Both are pathological liars. I would say Trump is in the first category and Biden is in the second.
There are people who look you right in the eye and lie to you (knowing they are lying) but expect you to believe them because they are the ones saying it.

And then there are people who look you right in the eye and lie to you who actually believe it is the truth because they are the ones saying it.

Both are pathological liars. I would say Trump is in the first category and Biden is in the second.
There's a difference between a bullshitter and a liar.
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