Why do Democrats and Republicans fight over which judges will be put on bench?
Because our current federal system places a lot of power into the hands of politicians when it comes to determining who will sit on the federal bench. Unfortunately, the people have very little input at this point.
But even if we reform the system in this area, there will still be political disagreements over who is on the bench. And that is because we live in a democracy where there is political disagreement.
Have prominent Democrats attacked the Justice system numerous times?
Absolutely. And have you ever seen me agree with those "attacks?" Nope.
btw, there are differences though. For example, Hunter Biden. You don't see many Democrats openly attacking the whole system just to defend Hunter Biden. There are a few, but not many. You haven't seen me once attack the system over Hunter Biden. Indeed, I've done the opposite.
Do these government institutions deserve the criticism?
Generally speaking, no, I don't believe our government institutions deserve the type of criticism and attacks leveled at them by Trump cultists. I think what we see from these individuals, and Trump himself, is very dangerous. Are our institutions perfect? No, of course not. There is always room for improvement. But that doesn't mean they should be attacked in the manner they are by Trump and his cultists.
Have Democrats threatened legal reprisals against their political opponents?
Maybe a Democrat here and there has. I rarely claim all Democrats have or haven't done something. But I haven't seen President Biden or any other Democratic leader threaten legal reprisals against their political opponents.
btw, saying that people will be held accountable for their actions and that the rule of law will prevail isn't threatening legal reprisals.
Are Democrats obsessed with loyalty and do they punish those that disagree with them?
No, Democratic leaders are not as obsessed with loyalty as is Donald Trump. And no, those Democrats who disagree with other Democrats are not punished in the same manner as does Trump with those who disagree with him.
Democrats disagree often.
How is Biden talking poorly about Putin working out for us.
It's working well. Putin understands that President Biden and our allies are not going to allow his aggression to go uncheck. Putin understands that President Biden fully supports NATO, fully supports our European allies, and will not do Putin's bidding.
Talking nice about a dictator is not an obsession, it's a technique to deal with them.
lol, right.
Just change the politician, and see if you would make this statement. Imagine if President Biden was talking nice all the time about dictators. Would you say the same thing?
Of course not.
What actions did Trump take that would lead you to believe he was a dictator.
He openly attacked our democracy and the fairness of our elections when he didn't win in 2020. He could not accept that he lost and he tried to overturn the election. Then there was January 6. Then there were some of his appointments. The way he treated his Vice President when his Vice President simply followed the Constitution. Etc., etc.
he didn't try or talk about stacking the SCOTUS. He didn't create stifling regulations on business.
Neither one of these policy positions are actions that definitely indicate someone wants to be a dictator. They are simply political policy positions that you disagree with.
He didn't do anything that any other President has done yet
Seriously man? Did you really type this with a straight face?
Tell me which President before Trump acted the way Trump did after he lost the 2020 election? Which President before Trump inspired his supporters to engage in an insurrection and attack the United States Capitol? Trump did not support the peaceful transfer of power in this country, indeed, he did the opposite.
Dang, Trump didn't even have the dignity and class to attend his successor's inauguration, as previous current Presidents have.
You leftist need to learn about human nature.
Oh, most leftists understand human nature. We understand it very well and that is why we recognize Trump for what he is.
Trump may or may not be a good President but because you attack him with BS and not on the policy you create more support for him.
We will see if Trump's support has increased from 2020 come November. This is still an open question. Remember, Trump has never been supported by a majority of Americans.
But I agree that among cultists like yourself, attacks against Trump only strengthen your support of him. You can't admit you are wrong about Trump, so you just double down. You will go down with the sinking ship and drink the kool-aid as long as Trump tells you too. Because of your pride, ego, and because you place Trump ahead of everything else, including your own claimed values and your own country.
So much so for the second time in my life I will be voting "for" a President instead of voting against the Democrat. That should tell you something
So you are now voting for a man you claimed for a while to not even like? lol, ok.
This will be the third time you vote for Trump. You have always been one of the strongest defenders of Trump on this board, while also trying to claim you don't like him.
Nothing has changed with you Bearcat, nothing. No need for the lies.