I’ve Asked This Question Before

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
But none of you have given an answer. If Israel has God on its side, as so many of you are convinced it does, what does it need with America? Why isn’t God strong enough to protect his Chosen People all on His own?
Gee I don't know maybe the US is supporting good against evil. Here's a question for you, why are the Palestinians intent destroying Israel instead of living in peace?
Gee I don't know maybe the US is supporting good against evil. Here's a question for you, why are the Palestinians intent destroying Israel instead of living in peace?
At least you admit you don’t know, revealing that your faith is not quite as strong as you tell yourself.

I had this sudden vision of you, Bearcat. You’ve got on your LL Bean hunting boots and camo gear sitting in a duck blind, being all macho, you and your buddies wishing some Hamas fighters would stumble across so you could prove your manhood to each other, when off in the distance you see the mushroom cloud and hear the roar as the nuclear blast races toward you, and just before it eliminates you from existence you yell out “Damn those freaking Muslims!”
Nobody is forcing you to click onto the thread. Maybe you’re more interested than you want anyone to believe.
No, nobody is forcing me to click onto a thread but I am forced to see a little round green letter p all over the fvcking board when I open it. It gets old. It’s not even an interesting debate anymore. You’ve ruined it
No, nobody is forcing me to click onto a thread but I am forced to see a little round green letter p all over the fvcking board when I open it. It gets old. It’s not even an interesting debate anymore. You’ve ruined it
I’m sorry I’ve ruined your joy in knowing Israel is slaughtering Palestinians. I’m sure you are shocked to discover there are people disgusted by it. If I knew how to get one I’d send you a jawbone of a Palestinian baby whose head had been severed by a bomb dropped by the most moral military in the world, and you could put it in your trophy case where every time you looked at it you could mutter quietly to yourself “FAFO.”
I’m sorry I’ve ruined your joy in knowing Israel is slaughtering Palestinians. I’m sure you are shocked to discover there are people disgusted by it. If I knew how to get one I’d send you a jawbone of a Palestinian baby whose head had been severed by a bomb dropped by the most moral military in the world, and you could put it in your trophy case where every time you looked at it you could mutter quietly to yourself “FAFO.”
You have me confused with someone else. I have never, not once, replied to your obsessive drivel regarding Israel and the Palestinians. So you have no idea how I feel about the subject. Quit pretending like you do.
The USA is one of God’s instruments for protecting the good guys and destroying evil in the world. OP smacks of an atheist attempting a “gotcha”.
Is that like Ukraine is one of America's instruments for destroying evil in the world? Well, you know what they say: God works in mysterious ways. It does beg the question of why God doesn't just kill all the Palestinians in the world with one wave of His hand? He has that power, doesn't he? What does he need America for? Why America? Why not Uruguay?
You have me confused with someone else. I have never, not once, replied to your obsessive drivel regarding Israel and the Palestinians. So you have no idea how I feel about the subject. Quit pretending like you do.
Baloney! I know exactly how you feel. You have made it clear you don't want to hear about it. The way to avoid hearing about it is to follow your own advice: don't click onto the thread. Problem solved! In the meantime Palestinians don't want to hear about it either. Too bad for them!
At least you admit you don’t know, revealing that your faith is not quite as strong as you tell yourself.

I had this sudden vision of you, Bearcat. You’ve got on your LL Bean hunting boots and camo gear sitting in a duck blind, being all macho, you and your buddies wishing some Hamas fighters would stumble across so you could prove your manhood to each other, when off in the distance you see the mushroom cloud and hear the roar as the nuclear blast races toward you, and just before it eliminates you from existence you yell out “Damn those freaking Muslims!”
I’m not religious And have never claimed my support for Israel was due to my religion.

Nope sitting at DFW airport on my way to Michigan to play golf. Not much of a duck hunter, more of a Dove, deer hunter that enjoys the outdoors with his family. You should try it sometmes, it’s a great way for a family to spend time together and insures they have survival skills to protect themselves and pass onto future generations.
I’m not religious And have never claimed my support for Israel was due to my religion.

Nope sitting at DFW airport on my way to Michigan to play golf. Not much of a duck hunter, more of a Dove, deer hunter that enjoys the outdoors with his family. You should try it sometmes, it’s a great way for a family to spend time together and insures they have survival skills to protect themselves and pass onto future generations.
I know you could not possibly be religious and support the mass murder of innocent people. Your support for Israel is based on hatred.

I love you, Bearcat! It's a hoot to hear you write about having survival skills out in the wild, as if they will do you any good when the world comes to an end.
  • Haha
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Baloney! I know exactly how you feel. You have made it clear you don't want to hear about it. The way to avoid hearing about it is to follow your own advice: don't click onto the thread. Problem solved! In the meantime Palestinians don't want to hear about it either. Too bad for them!
Congratulations, you're the new cowboyup of this board.

I know you could not possibly be religious and support the mass murder of innocent people. Your support for Israel is based on hatred.

I love you, Bearcat! It's a hoot to hear you write about having survival skills out in the wild, as if they will do you any good when the world comes to an end.
LMAO our survival skills are with a travel trailer city water, lots of groceries and of course plenty of alcohol.