I’m Curious, @Medic007

I’m not seeing what a woman escaping serial killers has to do with moslem terrorists shooting up a music festival, baking babies in ovens, and raping an internet influencer/model before shooting and beating her to death. Very poor analogy.
Got it. In the world SiL occupies an analogy is not an analogy unless it is exactly like that which it analogizes, which isn’t an analogy but is exactly the same thing. Sure, SiL, that makes perfect sense.
As you so often do you write something that makes no sense.
Do I need to make it simple for you?
If the person that stabbed the kidnapper in the neck had instead run over to the kidnapper's neighbor's house, stabbed the neighbors in the neck and then not have been charge your analogy might have worked. Instead your use of this analogy is just another one of your failures.
Do I need to make it simple for you?
If the person that stabbed the kidnapper in the neck had instead run over to the kidnapper's neighbor's house, stabbed the neighbors in the neck and then not have been charge your analogy might have worked. Instead your use of this analogy is just another one of your failures.
That’s just stupid.
Got it. In the world SiL occupies an analogy is not an analogy unless it is exactly like that which it analogizes, which isn’t an analogy but is exactly the same thing. Sure, SiL, that makes perfect sense.
analogy /ə-năl′ə-jē/


  1. A similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
    "sees an analogy between viral infection and the spread of ideas."
  2. A comparison based on such similarity.
    "made an analogy between love and a fever."
  3. Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.
The violence committed by the woman escaping the serial killer, and the violence committed by the terrorstinians against Israel are not even remotely similar, nor is the reasoning behind them. Your girl Kaitlyn is just a flat out crazy bitch, who probably needs a short stay in some sort of facility.
Do you consider this a good analogy?

Do you have a favorite palm reader too?
Do you consider this a good analogy?

Dodge, before I engage yet another of your Jew hating conspiracy theorist blogger's blog posts, you're going to have to grow a pair of balls and answer the question that has terrorized you for a bit now. Answer it and I'll click your clickbait crap and give a response.

What would you do if your neighbors came into your house and murdered your wife, kidnapped one of your children, tortured and raped your mother, and then promised to do it repeatedly until your whole family was dead?
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Dodge, before I engage yet another of your Jew hating conspiracy theorist blogger's blog posts, you're going to have to grow a pair of balls and answer the question that has terrorized you for a bit now. Answer it and I'll click your clickbait crap and give a response.

What would you do if your neighbors came into your house and murdered your wife, kidnapped one of your children, tortured and raped your mother, and then promised to do it repeatedly until your whole family was dead?
I understand, Medic. You made a complete fool of yourself the last time I made an analogy you couldn't refute and you're terrified you might do it again. As for your attempt to rejuvenate your tarnished reputation, I have answered your question several times. But I'll answer it again: I don't know what I would do, but I know I would not take the "Zionist approach" and go on my own killing spree of innocent people.
I understand, Medic. You made a complete fool of yourself the last time I made an analogy you couldn't refute and you're terrified you might do it again. As for your attempt to rejuvenate your tarnished reputation, I have answered your question several times. But I'll answer it again: I don't know what I would do, but I know I would not take the "Zionist approach" and go on my own killing spree of innocent people.

You continually link an astrology huckster AND talk about someone else’s reputation.

You need a map back to reality.
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You continually link an astrology huckster AND talk about someone else’s reputation.

You need a map back to reality.
It's a common tactic in political punditry when you can't refute the argument your next step is to belittle the person making the argument. As for Medic's reputation he's the one that made a fool of himself when he couldn't refute an analogy. As for the "astrology huckster" please point to anything of hers I have linked that had anything to do with astrology. I'll save you the time of having to look for it: there are none. Refute her argument if you can (which you don't seem to be able to, that's why you want to belittle her).
It's a common tactic in political punditry when you can't refute the argument your next step is to belittle the person making the argument. As for Medic's reputation he's the one that made a fool of himself when he couldn't refute an analogy. As for the "astrology huckster" please point to anything of hers I have linked that had anything to do with astrology. I'll save you the time of having to look for it: there are none. Refute her argument if you can (which you don't seem to be able to, that's why you want to belittle her).

She tricks morons.

Obviously she found another mark.
I understand, Medic. You made a complete fool of yourself the last time I made an analogy you couldn't refute and you're terrified you might do it again. As for your attempt to rejuvenate your tarnished reputation, I have answered your question several times. But I'll answer it again: I don't know what I would do, but I know I would not take the "Zionist approach" and go on my own killing spree of innocent people.

You don't know what you'd do but you know you wouldn't take Israel’s approach of defending itself? That's like you being certain that your beloved Hamas didn't commit mass rape while having no clue what mass rape even is.

You don't know what you'd do but you know you wouldn't take Israel’s approach of defending itself? That's like you being certain that your beloved Hamas didn't commit mass rape while having no clue what mass rape even is.
Nonsense. You're trying too hard to recover from your earlier humiliation. I absolutely would not take the Zionist approach of slaughtering innocent people in retaliation. Frankly I'm surprised that surprises you. Is that what you would do, start murdering everyone in sight in hopes one of them is the perpetrator? You know you wouldn't. You're not that morally jaded. You need to get over your anger at me. You're the one that shot yourself in the foot. And I hate to break it to you, but you're doing it again.
It's a common tactic in political punditry when you can't refute the argument your next step is to belittle the person making the argument. As for Medic's reputation he's the one that made a fool of himself when he couldn't refute an analogy. As for the "astrology huckster" please point to anything of hers I have linked that had anything to do with astrology. I'll save you the time of having to look for it: there are none. Refute her argument if you can (which you don't seem to be able to, that's why you want to belittle her).

You should order her book on astrology. LMAO
Nonsense. You're trying too hard to recover from your earlier humiliation. I absolutely would not take the Zionist approach of slaughtering innocent people in retaliation. Frankly I'm surprised that surprises you. Is that what you would do, start murdering everyone in sight in hopes one of them is the perpetrator? You know you wouldn't. You're not that morally jaded. You need to get over your anger at me. You're the one that shot yourself in the foot. And I hate to break it to you, but you're doing it again.
Yet you side with the Palestinians who escalated all of this with the slaughtered 1200 innocent, unsuspecting defenseless Israelis in acts of cold blooded murder and brutal rapes. SMFH

You should order her book on astrology. LMAO
Why? I have zero interest in astrology.
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Refute the astrologer regarding her criticism/analysis of the American empire. You’re a smart guy. At least you think you are. Refute something of hers that I have posted.

I did.

You should thank me for saving you future embarrassment.
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