hydroxychloroquine Approved

All fair criticisms. However, if you do the research, you can find plenty of physicians on the front lines who are saying that it is not helping their patients (the reports I have seen have been in reference to patients who are critical). It might turn out to be a good medication in some situations, but I do think there is enough smoke out there to suggest that it needs to be used with caution.
Those aren't my statements. They're from the article. I've read the actual article. I'm underwhelmed for several reasons. It's very difficult to control for confounders in a retrospective chart review study like that. Much like the flu, there likely isn't going to be a slam dunk treatment, just things that will hopefully make it less severe.

I don't disagree about the drug at all Been, but let's let the physicians and scientists do what they do and not gobble up a Politico article about a study that hasn't been published and peer reviewed as some kind of concrete evidence that it doesn't work.
Those aren't my statements. They're from the article. I've read the actual article. I'm underwhelmed for several reasons. It's very difficult to control for confounders in a retrospective chart review study like that. Much like the flu, there likely isn't going to be a slam dunk treatment, just things that will hopefully make it less severe.

I don't disagree about the drug at all Been, but let's let the physicians and scientists do what they do and not gobble up a Politico article about a study that hasn't been published and peer reviewed as some kind of concrete evidence that it doesn't work.
Like when people gobbled up the Presidents recommendation to take it if they got it, against Dr. Fauci recommendation at the same podium minutes/seconds before. Critical thinking is only applied if it’s something that challenges you, if the president says it then it’s all good, dive on in.
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Like when people gobbled up the Presidents recommendation to take it if they got it, against Dr. Fauci recommendation at the same podium minutes/seconds before. Critical thinking is only applied if it’s something that challenges you, it the president says it then it’s all good, dive on in.
So the President can prescribe drugs? Interesting. That's usually reserved for licensed physicians.
Sadly predictable how quickly the usual suspects are willing to dismiss these non-peer reviewed studies but quick to dismiss the initial French and Chinese studies suggesting the drug's efficacy as being non-peer reviewed.

I do love how it puts them in a position to cheer against good news, because Trump you know.
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Sadly predictable how quickly the usual suspects are willing to dismiss these non-peer reviewed studies but quick to dismiss the initial French and Chinese studies suggesting the drug's efficacy as being non-peer reviewed.

I don't think you typed what you meant to type.
Sadly predictable how quickly the usual suspects are willing to dismiss these non-peer reviewed studies but quick to dismiss the initial French and Chinese studies suggesting the drug's efficacy as being non-peer reviewed.

I do love how it puts them in a position to cheer against good news, because Trump you know.
french study

and you trust the Chinese? El lol
So the President can prescribe drugs? Interesting. That's usually reserved for licensed physicians.

So, let's recap.

You posted a tweet about a Politico article that commented on a small study that hasn't been reviewed. I posted quotes from the article about the study. Been responded to me and I replied with my thoughts on the study. You responded to me with some muh Trump blather. I pointed out that Trump doesn't prescribe drugs. If any physician is taking medical advice from Trump, they're doing it wrong.

Does that about cover it?

Did you read the study referenced in the Politico article or just the article?
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So, let's recap.

You posted a tweet about a Politico article that commented on a small study that hasn't been reviewed. I posted quotes from the article about the study. Been responded to me and I replied with my thoughts on the study. You responded to me with some muh Trump blather. I pointed out that Trump doesn't prescribe drugs. If any physician is taking medical advice from Trump, they're doing it wrong.

Does that about cover it?

Did you read the study referenced in the Politico article or just the article?
Yes I read it, no it doesn’t cover it. Your beef was with people taking a politico article with any weight because people should trust the professionals. I post that Trump himself is singing its praises from the podium hint he’s not a doctor, or any kind of expert and in fact ignores the advice given by the expert merely minutes before from the podium. Your brain melts and you attempt to position yourself as righteous. That about sums it up.
Yes I read it, no it doesn’t cover it. Your beef was with people taking a politico article with any weight because people should trust the professionals. I post that Trump himself is singing its praises from the podium hint he’s not a doctor, or any kind of expert and in fact ignores the advice given by the expert merely minutes before from the podium. Your brain melts and you attempt to position yourself as righteous. That about sums it up.
El lol. Yeah, I'm not the one looking at any of this through political eyes, super chief. I'm sorry that pointing out that your Politico article that itself pointed out limitations in the study isn't anything to draw conclusions from chapped your fragile butt. You'll survive.

You read the actual study? Let's discuss it. What do you see as the obvious limitations?
Is this the point where I cry to the moderators? I've never done that before so I figured I'd ask the expert.

Nah, just lie, you do that better than anyone on here.

I didn't turn you in. Per Alf, Jeff thought it was over the line. Which it was. Not everyone is obsessed with penis like you.
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El lol. Yeah, I'm not the one looking at any of this through political eyes, super chief. I'm sorry that pointing out that your Politico article that itself pointed out limitations in the study isn't anything to draw conclusions from chapped your fragile butt. You'll survive.

You read the actual study? Let's discuss it. What do you see as the obvious limitations?
The projection levels are through the roof. Grab a small size stress ball, and squeeze it all out.
Nah, just lie, you do that better than anyone on here.

I didn't turn you in. Per Alf, Jeff thought it was over the line. Which it was. Not everyone is obsessed with penis like you.
Bwaaahahahaha! Yeah, we all saw the @moderator.
The study was posted on an online site for researchers and has been submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine, but has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work.

Researchers analyzed medical records of 368 male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.

About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too, but the difference between that group and usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.

Hydroxychloroquine made no difference in the need for a breathing machine, either.

reached a deal on a new round of coronavirus aid. The Senate could approve it Tuesday.

Confirmed U.S. Cases: 804,194 | U.S. Deaths: 43,200
Researchers did not track side effects, but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

Earlier this month, scientists in Brazil stopped part of a hydroxychloroquine study after heart rhythm problems developed in one-quarter of people given the higher of two doses being tested.

Many doctors have been leery of the drug.

At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, “I think we’re all rather underwhelmed” at what’s been seen among the few patients there who’ve tried it, said Dr. Nasia Safdar, medical director of infection control and prevention.

Patients asked about it soon after Trump started promoting its use, “but now I think that people have realized we don’t know if it works or not” and needs more study, said Safdar, who had no role in the VA analysis.

The NIH and others have more rigorous tests underway.
The study was posted on an online site for researchers and has been submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine, but has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work.

Researchers analyzed medical records of 368 male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.

About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died too, but the difference between that group and usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.

Hydroxychloroquine made no difference in the need for a breathing machine, either.

reached a deal on a new round of coronavirus aid. The Senate could approve it Tuesday.

Confirmed U.S. Cases: 804,194 | U.S. Deaths: 43,200
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Researchers did not track side effects, but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

Earlier this month, scientists in Brazil stopped part of a hydroxychloroquine study after heart rhythm problems developed in one-quarter of people given the higher of two doses being tested.

Many doctors have been leery of the drug.

At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, “I think we’re all rather underwhelmed” at what’s been seen among the few patients there who’ve tried it, said Dr. Nasia Safdar, medical director of infection control and prevention.

Patients asked about it soon after Trump started promoting its use, “but now I think that people have realized we don’t know if it works or not” and needs more study, said Safdar, who had no role in the VA analysis.

The NIH and others have more rigorous tests underway.

A TON of Dr's got on twitter and said e1 needed to slow their roll when Fatass was pushing it from the podium. His drones all snarfed it up and were loading their guns, lol. There was data out of italy that it wasn't working and doing more harm than good and he kept pushing it. Fortunately the only people that take his word just kind of self-cull.
A TON of Dr's got on twitter and said e1 needed to slow their roll when Fatass was pushing it from the podium. His drones all snarfed it up and were loading their guns, lol. There was data out of italy that it wasn't working and doing more harm than good and he kept pushing it. Fortunately the only people that take his word just kind of self-cull.
Italy, Brazil, France and now USA. But we should wait maybe the President is correct???
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You asked me, I answered.
How dare you forthrightly answer a question. Now what?

Ask him to put on his thinking hat and get him going on climate change. He informed me at one point that only non-academics, non-goverment people could contribute meaningful data. See, anyone in academia or government is biased. You gotta rely on Exxon and right wing think tanks. No bullshit, he actually believed and expressed that.
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Think maybe you and Mega have learned a lesson about believing the wrong people?
We know you can't science. I was hoping that pokeabear could converse above the toddler level.

Pokeabear, the study population was adult males over the age of 65, the majority of whom were black males. This is prominently stated in the article by the researchers and also in their demographic data. You did read the study, right?