It's actually very easy to spot. Very easy.
I believe you are wrong. Likely doesn't matter to you, but calling you out to put up or shut up on this one...It's actually very easy to spot. Very easy.
Good for you. You can believe what you want. And you are correct, it doesn't matter to me. I'll continue to be amused with or without your approval.I believe you are wrong. Likely doesn't matter to you, but calling you out to put up or shut up on this one...
More on media's current hypocritical hysteria:
That's a good article. Thanks for posting it.More on media's current hypocritical hysteria:
I don't know enough yet to have an opinion on this but it sure is interesting this dropped at the same time the Seth Rich thing heated up. We can all admit that is sure unusual timing.
Of course, based upon any bias one might have they could believe that the Seth Rich thing was dropped at the same time the Russia thing is heating up....but yes, interesting.