Ho Hum, It’s Just Another Massacre

What are you talking about? Of course I’ve come to grips with it. The point you’re avoiding on this thread is your contention there are no rules when it comes to war tactics has to be applied evenly. You can’t cheer one tactic and boo another when you apply your argument correctly. Here’s how you escape from your conundrum: just admit that for you there are no rules for Israel but there are rules for Hamas.
Obviously there are no rules for Hamas. They do and have committed countless terrorist attacks, they use their citizens as human shields, they steal humanitarian aid provided by sympathetic nations from their people to build tunnels and acquire military equipment, they starve their people hoping useful idiots will blame Israel and no one including you speaks out against it much less tries to hold them accountable. In simple terms and terms confirmed by Sinwar you have been manipulated to become a useful idiot for Hamas. Congrats Dan.
Obviously there are no rules for Hamas. They do and have committed countless terrorist attacks, they use their citizens as human shields, they steal humanitarian aid provided by sympathetic nations from their people to build tunnels and acquire military equipment, they starve their people hoping useful idiots will blame Israel and no one including you speaks out against it much less tries to hold them accountable. In simple terms and terms confirmed by Sinwar you have been manipulated to become a useful idiot for Hamas. Congrats Dan.
Yes! Hamas is guilty of ALL OF THAT! So what? It's a tactic of war and as you have said repeatedly there are no immoral tactics of war. Just win, Baby! If what Hamas has done over the years is immoral, then so is what Israel has done. Morality is universal. Two sides can't do the same things but for one of them it is okay while for the other it is not. Either what both sides do is okay or not okay. Except in your worldview. I'll tell you again, all you have to do to "escape the trap" you've put yourself in is to admit you have picked a side and so for you that side can do no wrong while the other side can do no right. That's all you have to do! Why so reluctant to admit it?
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P-Dan, long ago as I was on my way to my first "real" job interview he told me "create your own value" & when it is time hire people that create value. Someone with more patience on this board will explain that to you.

You say Hezbollah, I say Hamas, you say Hamas and I say Hezbollah. You are boxing well below your weight. When the Jews up and left the Gaza very quickly and in toto, they left a country with infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. All the trappings of a modern society. As nature cannot tolerate a void, neither did what are now known as Hezbollah, and they flooded in. The radical muslims destroyed it and now are crying foul.

This happened again in our time, in S. Africa. The Apartheid movement ravaged & killed whites systematically and they were given the land & infrastructure that was one of the strongest in the world. They ruined it and it is now in shambles.

If, in some modest way you, P-Dan, you create any kind of value that does not need a microscope to measure, please avail us to your secret. Sparing with you has become tedious & unrewarding. Your myopic view of one small geopolitical silo wears out quickly. Let's play a new game and you quit trying to convince us of your intellect. I know you are slow playing us, but we are big boys & girls so "come on P-Dan, give 'em the real stuff" (sorry, blatant reference to 'The Natural'
Sorry, @fairdinkem, I'd reply to this if I had the faintest clue what you are talking about, but I don't. You sound like Joe Biden when he was interrogating Clarence Thomas at his Supreme Court testimony. Thomas was looking at him like he was wondering "what are you talking about?" If you remember that look on Thomas' face back then you'll have a good picture of what mine looked like when I read what you just wrote.
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Sory, @fairdinkem, I'd reply to this if I had the faintest clue what you are talking about, but I don't. You sound like Joe Biden when he was interrogating Clarence Thomas at his Supreme Court testimony. Thomas was looking at him like he was wondering "what are you talking about?" If you remember that look on Thomas' face back then you'll have a good picture of what mine looked like when I read what you just wrote.
P-Dan, think of this line from the classic SNL skit "Jane, you ignorant $L you T, and fill in your name. The very reason I posted the above is that you don't have a kindergarten knowledge of this part of the world. You really don't know about the Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan or Israel much less Palestine.

In 1967 my aunt was working for the United Nations and stationed in the Gaza. When the 7-day war broke out she had to hide under her kitchen sink with her cat. Her apartment was shot up and a bullet came through the wall and killed the cat sitting next to her.

The mere fact that you "don't have a clue....." is a viable indicator that you need to get educated in a major way or you are going to die from carpal tunnel as you lead your minions in the "somebody on the internet is wrong, we have to fix it".

I would love it for you to do your stand up political act at the RNC this year. I see a fine participation trophy in your future.
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P-Dan, think of this line from the classic SNL skit "Jane, you ignorant $L you T, and fill in your name. The very reason I posted the above is that you don't have a kindergarten knowledge of this part of the world. You really don't know about the Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan or Israel much less Palestine.

In 1967 my aunt was working for the United Nations and stationed in the Gaza. When the 7-day war broke out she had to hide under her kitchen sink with her cat. Her apartment was shot up and a bullet came through the wall and killed the cat sitting next to her.

The mere fact that you "don't have a clue....." is a viable indicator that you need to get educated in a major way or you are going to die from carpal tunnel as you lead your minions in the "somebody on the internet is wrong, we have to fix it".

I would love it for you to do your stand up political act at the RNC this year. I see a fine participation trophy in your future.
I see. Your aunt's experience in 1967 sounds horrific, and I can see why that makes you an expert on the region.
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I see. Your aunt's experience in 1967 sounds horrific, and I can see why that makes you an expert on the region.
When did I claim to be an expert? You ASS-sume wrong there. I did learn a bit on the 28-trips to Herzliya and other cities and aquatic and geological features
When did I claim to be an expert? You ASS-sume wrong there. I did learn a bit on the 28-trips to Herzliya and other cities and aquatic and geological features
Well are you an expert or aren't you? Have you spent a lot of time imbedded with Palestinian families in Gaza or the West Bank? Did you learn anything about what their lives were like?
Well are you an expert or aren't you? Have you spent a lot of time imbedded with Palestinian families in Gaza or the West Bank? Did you learn anything about what their lives were like?
There is no wall like Berlin had. There are Muslims of every nature in the big cities everyday. Sometimes you can tell them apart by their clothing & other things, sometimes you can't. That's the rub. Nearly every establishment has an armed soldier(s) either inside or on at the curb or intersection. Some places have more than others. The security is intense but comforting. Your interesting word, imbedded, that's a $20 word for you. Why on earth would I ever be "imbedded" within a terrorist country? I'm leaving that to you DICK Tracy.

Well, P-Dan, I've got to get on the road to 8800 feet up the east side of the continental divide west of Denver. You'll just have to play with yourself until I get back on, if I do at all.
Well are you an expert or aren't you? Have you spent a lot of time imbedded with Palestinian families in Gaza or the West Bank? Did you learn anything about what their lives were like?
I have. They're mean and nasty, loathe gay people and Jews, and blame everyone but the PA and Hamas for their problems.
I have. They're mean and nasty, loathe gay people and Jews, and blame everyone but the PA and Hamas for their problems.
Really? You've lived with a Palestinian family in Gaza for a period of time? Astonishing! Please tell me all about it! Where did you stay? When? How long did you stay with them? Oh, this is exciting: a true witness to what life is like for the people in Gaza. And as far as loathing gay people goes I'd bet your buddy SiL would get along with them marvelously!
Really? You've lived with a Palestinian family in Gaza for a period of time? Astonishing! Please tell me all about it! Where did you stay? When? How long did you stay with them? Oh, this is exciting: a true witness to what life is like for the people in Gaza. And as far as loathing gay people goes I'd bet your buddy SiL would get along with them marvelously!
You said Gaza OR the West Bank, nimrod.
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You said Gaza OR the West Bank, nimrod.
Oh, the West Bank, that's even better! Were you in the house when there was a knock on the door late at night, the IDF was there telling you you had one hour to get your things and get out because an Israeli settler was given the home? Were you injured and in an ambulance at a checkpoint waiting for over an hour to be allowed to go to the hospital while the guards were playing cards and wouldn't let you pass until they were finished? Did you experience the way Palestinians were allowed into Jerusalem to go to work and out of Jerusalem to go at home after work? Did you notice the nets above the streets where Israelis had thrown their sewage so it dripped on your head? When you asked a Palestinian how far back an Israeli settlement goes did he tell you he had no idea because he wasn't permitted to go there? This is exciting! Tell me everything about your West Bank experience! Where in the West Bank? When? How long were you there? Why were you there?
There is no wall like Berlin had. There are Muslims of every nature in the big cities everyday. Sometimes you can tell them apart by their clothing & other things, sometimes you can't. That's the rub. Nearly every establishment has an armed soldier(s) either inside or on at the curb or intersection. Some places have more than others. The security is intense but comforting. Your interesting word, imbedded, that's a $20 word for you. Why on earth would I ever be "imbedded" within a terrorist country? I'm leaving that to you DICK Tracy.

Well, P-Dan, I've got to get on the road to 8800 feet up the east side of the continental divide west of Denver. You'll just have to play with yourself until I get back on, if I do at all.
Safe travels. I hope and pray Tulsi Gabbard is not on your flight!
1987 I lived in a dorm with a few Palestinians. One was a nice guy but the others were hate filled @sses. All of them hated Jews. One of the arrogant @sses was a pilot in the Jordanian Airforce. He was there getting an engineering degree. He was rude to everyone even his roommate.

Interesting story, one of the students was a grad assistant in the chemistry dept. I actually had him for lab. Supposedly his father was a well connected PLO guy. He fell off a cliff and drowned over Christmas break my freshman year. The circumstances seemed odd and even then rumor was that Mossaad took him out.
Yes! Hamas is guilty of ALL OF THAT! So what? It's a tactic of war and as you have said repeatedly there are no immoral tactics of war. Just win, Baby! If what Hamas has done over the years is immoral, then so is what Israel has done. Morality is universal. Two sides can't do the same things but for one of them it is okay while for the other it is not. Either what both sides do is okay or not okay. Except in your worldview. I'll tell you again, all you have to do to "escape the trap" you've put yourself in is to admit you have picked a side and so for you that side can do no wrong while the other side can do no right. That's all you have to do! Why so reluctant to admit it?
Yep Israel, after the October 7th attack is perfectly within their right to do what is required to defeat Hamas.
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Including genocide, right? Starve two million of them to death like Smotrich wants to do and complains the world won't let him. Whatever it takes, right?
It's not up to Israel to feed the Palestinians even though they and the rest of the world have provided millions in humanitarian aid. That would be up to Hamas. Maybe you should ask why Hamas is not feeding their people, they are in charge.
It's not up to Israel to feed the Palestinians even though they and the rest of the world have provided millions in humanitarian aid. That would be up to Hamas. Maybe you should ask why Hamas is not feeding their people, they are in charge.
No, you're dodging. Smotrich wants to starve the entire Gazan population to death. And you're good with that right? Whatever it takes, no matter how many are killed or what is the method of killing them, you're all for it. And you'll blame Hamas for the deaths. My goodness Israel has you by the short hairs!
No, you're dodging. Smotrich wants to starve the entire Gazan population to death. And you're good with that right? Whatever it takes, no matter how many are killed or what is the method of killing them, you're all for it. And you'll blame Hamas for the deaths. My goodness Israel has you by the short hairs!
More like Sinwar wants to starve the Palestinians to further gain sympathy from the useful idiots.
Who started the hostilities on October 7th, there's who you blame?
No Dan, common sense has me by the short hairs. You should try using what little common sense you have left.
More like Sinwar wants to starve the Palestinians to further gain sympathy from the useful idiots.
Who started the hostilities on October 7th, there's who you blame?
No Dan, common sense has me by the short hairs. You should try using what little common sense you have left.
I have repeatedly acknowledged that Hamas started the current round of hostilities. You have defended Israel’s counter attacks and mass murder as normal war tactics and insisted there are no rules in war. You kill and destroy until one of you quits. That’s what war is, you say. Okay, if there are no rules in war why do you decry Hamas’ war tactic of Oct 7 but defend the war tactics of Israel and your only complaint is they’re not killing enough Palestinian civilians and they’re not killing them fast enough. If, as you have argued many many times, ALL tactics in war are legitimate then you have to say Hamas’ tactic on Oct 7, while cowardly, savage and brutal should also be considered a legitimate war tactic.
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I have repeatedly acknowledged that Hamas started the current round of hostilities. You have defended Israel’s counter attacks and mass murder as normal war tactics and insisted there are no rules in war. You kill and destroy until one of you quits. That’s what war is, you say. Okay, if there are no rules in war why do you decry Hamas’ war tactic of Oct 7 but defend the war tactics of Israel and your only complaint is they’re not killing enough Palestinian civilians and they’re not killing them fast enough. If, as you have argued many many times, ALL tactics in war are legitimate then you have to say Hamas’ tactic on Oct 7, while cowardly, savage and brutal should also be considered a legitimate war tactic.
Was the attack on Pearl Harbor a cowardly act? 9/11?
P-Dan, you have given your version of the practice of war which I find hilarious. Did you ever serve in a US military uniform? What do you say major corporal? How could anyone take your screed as to war behaviors if you did not serve. I did not either but I took the second best route to knowledge I built up a paper & digital library of war bios and battle descriptions that now exceeds 400-titles. What you crow about is rubbish. The only real rules of war is when war is over and the prosecutions begin. You'd pi$$ yourself if some 10-year old girl in a dirty burka leveled an ak at your face with mal intent. What would you do then smart guy?
P-Dan, you have given your version of the practice of war which I find hilarious. Did you ever serve in a US military uniform? What do you say major corporal? How could anyone take your screed as to war behaviors if you did not serve. I did not either but I took the second best route to knowledge I built up a paper & digital library of war bios and battle descriptions that now exceeds 400-titles. What you crow about is rubbish. The only real rules of war is when war is over and the prosecutions begin. You'd pi$$ yourself if some 10-year old girl in a dirty burka leveled an ak at your face with mal intent. What would you do then smart guy?

He would cry then beg her not to shoot that he is on her side.
He will never get it no matter how much he is told, same as the Liberals that love Palestine and hate Jews.
Palestinians and Hamas are using the Left pretty much the same way their Dear Party does, as useful idiots for the cause.
He would cry then beg her not to shoot that he is on her side.
He will never get it no matter how much he is told, same as the Liberals that love Palestine and hate Jews.
Palestinians and Hamas are using the Left pretty much the same way their Dear Party does, as useful idiots for the cause.
Mao, Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Baby Doc, Yasser, Bebe, Franco, et al are laughing their a$$es off between being rendered by beasts in a sea of fire at the prospect that this guy, their collective spawn, is proudly still carrying their water.
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P-Dan, you have given your version of the practice of war which I find hilarious. Did you ever serve in a US military uniform? What do you say major corporal? How could anyone take your screed as to war behaviors if you did not serve. I did not either but I took the second best route to knowledge I built up a paper & digital library of war bios and battle descriptions that now exceeds 400-titles. What you crow about is rubbish. The only real rules of war is when war is over and the prosecutions begin. You'd pi$$ yourself if some 10-year old girl in a dirty burka leveled an ak at your face with mal intent. What would you do then smart guy?
Yes, I did serve in uniform 1969-1972. We missed your presence. But no worries, you’ve read all about it so I guess that makes you an expert on war, too.
Sorry Dan, Terrorists from Palestine will never have Peace in Hell. Its quite the opposite of Peace. You will likely be joining them for spreading falsehoods against Gods Chosen People. Never too late to repent.
Sorry Dan, Terrorists from Palestine will never have Peace in Hell. Its quite the opposite of Peace. You will likely be joining them for spreading falsehoods against Gods Chosen People. Never too late to repent.
Terrorists should have a special place reserved in hell just for them, whether they be Palestinian or Zionist.
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Terrorists should have a special place reserved in hell just for them, whether they be Palestinian or Zionist.
One day after coaching my son's youth football team I took him and 5-friends to the lake for some tubing. The chatter was across the board in the car until I heard one of them saying someone was stupid. Later their chat landed on one of the guys that were constantly boasting about his new toys claiming he got them because he was "rich".

I asked them "what if the stupid boy and the "rich" boy were one in the same. Silence ensued for a few miles. Finally one replied "well, I guess he would just have to play with himself" missing the double entendre altogether. I passed on the wisdom of my grandfather and told them that the most dangerous person on earth is one that is both arrogant & stupid. See Darwin's law.

Now for your lesson. Please put your computer on the sink in the bathroom and face the mirror. Google up ad hominem then look into the mirror. "There's your number"