Ho Hum, It’s Just Another Massacre

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Who cares? They’re Palestinians, not fellow human beings. This is all Hamas’ fault. Israel is the real victim here. Harden your heart. Harden your heart. Let the hatred wash over you. Harden your heart. These subhuman animals deserve what the righteous Israelis bring on them. Don’t let the video of the little girl screaming for her papa affect you. Harden your heart to this well deserved suffering.

There shouldn't have been terrorists using human shields there. According to international law, when civilian sites are hijacked by belligerent combatants, those sites become valid military targets. But you already know this.
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Who cares? They’re Palestinians, not fellow human beings. This is all Hamas’ fault. Israel is the real victim here. Harden your heart. Harden your heart. Let the hatred wash over you. Harden your heart. These subhuman animals deserve what the righteous Israelis bring on them. Don’t let the video of the little girl screaming for her papa affect you. Harden your heart to this well deserved suffering.

You and your wife are empty -nesters, right? How many refugees are living in your spare bedrooms?
There shouldn't have been terrorists using human shields there. According to international law, when civilian sites are hijacked by belligerent combatants, those sites become valid military targets. But you already know this.
Atta boy, harden that heart! Whatever you do watch the video and blame the terrorists. It's clearly their fault. Israel is the victim. We've already established that Israel is the victim. Israel is always the victim. Israeli victimhood is what makes bombings of schools filled with refugees morally acceptable. If you don't understand that you can never make you heart hard enough to stomach what Israel is doing in self defense.
Atta boy, harden that heart! Whatever you do watch the video and blame the terrorists. It's clearly their fault. Israel is the victim. We've already established that Israel is the victim. Israel is always the victim. Israeli victimhood is what makes bombings of schools filled with refugees morally acceptable. If you don't understand that you can never make you heart hard enough to stomach what Israel is doing in self defense.
I realize you’re trying to be a smart-ass (sadly, dumbass is the highest skill level you’ll ever attain) but this is exactly how the world works. The terrorstinians have brought their own death and destruction upon themselves by terrorizing civilization. Apparently they’re willing to fight to the last man, woman, and child. Israel’s two choices are to either capitulate or fight back. Apparently you consider the former to be the moral choice. Why? Pray tell.
Who cares? They’re Palestinians, not fellow human beings. This is all Hamas’ fault. Israel is the real victim here. Harden your heart. Harden your heart. Let the hatred wash over you. Harden your heart. These subhuman animals deserve what the righteous Israelis bring on them. Don’t let the video of the little girl screaming for her papa affect you. Harden your heart to this well deserved suffering.

Who cares? They’re Palestinians, not fellow human beings. This is all Hamas’ fault. Israel is the real victim here. Harden your heart. Harden your heart. Let the hatred wash over you. Harden your heart. These subhuman animals deserve what the righteous Israelis bring on them. Don’t let the video of the little girl screaming for her papa affect you. Harden your heart to this well deserved suffering.

This is absolutely horrible Dan. At least a 100 people killed. How many were children? We probably will never know.

It is sickening and this needs to stop. I don't see how anyone can defend these types of attacks by the IDF.

You are definitely fighting the good fight on this issue Dan. But, sadly, you are never going to convince some of these posters. I respect your willingness though to stand up for what is right regarding what this issue, even as you are viciously attacked by some other posters.
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1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Fewer terrorstinians on the planet helps not only Israel, but the entire civilized world.
But they didn't just kill "terrorists." They killed innocent people. Children.

Which is only going to make the families of those killed what? Angry. Resentful. Possibly desiring revenge. All this attack did was possible create more "terrorists." It just makes the current situation worse.

This attack didn't help the future of Israel at all.
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Brandon told dear Followers we stand with Israel. You better obey. 🤣🤣
Perhaps Cumula the Cvnt has chosen the Terrorists side?
That would explain your disloyalty to "kicked to the kurb Brandon"
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But they didn't just kill "terrorists." They killed innocent people. Children.

Which is only going to make the families of those killed what? Angry. Resentful. Possibly desiring revenge. All this attack did was possible create more "terrorists." It just makes the current situation worse.

This attack didn't help the future of Israel at all.
Exactly how innocent are they? They elected terrorists to run their “government”. The blood of any “innocents” is on their hands, not Israel’s. Any that don’t accept that, kill them too. Kill them until they get tired of dying. That’s how you win wars.
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Exactly how innocent are they? They elected terrorists to run their “government”. The blood of any “innocents” is on their hands, not Israel’s. Any that don’t accept that, kill them too. Kill them until they get tired of dying. That’s how you win wars.
How innocent are the children Israel is targeting? I’d say they’re pretty innocent considering they weren’t alive in 2006 when Hamas was elected into power. I’d say they have had no say in who has governed Gaza for their entire existence, especially when you know that it has been Israel that has governed Gaza through their propped up Hamas regime. .
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Exactly how innocent are they? They elected terrorists to run their “government”. The blood of any “innocents” is on their hands, not Israel’s. Any that don’t accept that, kill them too. Kill them until they get tired of dying. That’s how you win wars.
I beg of you to watch the video, watch the little girl standing in the rubble calling out in desperation for her “papa.” Then contemplate whether she deserves what Israel has done to her. Watch the little girl call out for her papa. If it leaves you cold then, yes, indeed your heart is as hard as it can get. But, my friend, that is nothing of which to be proud.
I beg of you to watch the video, watch the little girl standing in the rubble calling out in desperation for her “papa.” Then contemplate whether she deserves what Israel has done to her. Watch the little girl call out for her papa. If it leaves you cold then, yes, indeed your heart is as hard as it can get. But, my friend, that is nothing of which to be proud.
No. She does not deserve what the terrorstinians have done to her.
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How innocent are the children Israel is targeting? I’d say they’re pretty innocent considering they weren’t alive in 2006 when Hamas was elected into power. I’d say they have had no say in who has governed Gaza for their entire existence, especially when you know that it has been Israel that has governed Gaza through their propped up Hamas regime. .
Their parents’ and grandparents’ hatred of Israel exceeds their love for their own children. Not surprising in a culture that practices honor-killings.
I’m glad to see you finally admit the IDF is nothing more than a terrorist enterprise.
Nope. That would be the people you refer to as “palestinians”, aka “terrorstinians”. Here, let me educate you:

portmanteau /pôrt-măn′tō, pôrt″măn-tō′/


2. A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort.
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Their parents’ and grandparents’ hatred of Israel exceeds their love for their own children. Not surprising in a culture that practices honor-killings.
Yeah, that’s it. Their hatred of Israelis far surpasses their love for their children and grandchildren. That’s how you know Palestinians are subhuman, animals. Humans’ love for their children and grandchildren is Number One on their priority list. Hell, Palestinians don’t give a flip for their children or grandchildren. Their whole purpose in living is to hate Israelis.
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Yeah, that’s it. Their hatred of Israelis far surpasses their love for their children and grandchildren. That’s how you know Palestinians are subhuman, animals. Humans’ love for their children and grandchildren is Number One on their priority list. Hell, Palestinians don’t give a flip for their children or grandchildren. Their whole purpose in living is to hate Israelis.
That’s exactly it. That’s why these “ceasefires” (lol) are really just pausefires. Eventually the moslems will go back to their murdering ways once they regroup.
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But they didn't just kill "terrorists." They killed innocent people. Children.

Which is only going to make the families of those killed what? Angry. Resentful. Possibly desiring revenge. All this attack did was possible create more "terrorists." It just makes the current situation worse.

This attack didn't help the future of Israel at all.
You are aware how indoctinerated the children of Palestine are?

Innocent children being killed is wrong, I don't know what Israel was aiming at but I don't believe they killed children just to kill children. There was a valid military target there or it was a mistake, has to be.

Hopefully you were just as horrified when Hezbollah sent a rocket into a soccer field two weeks ago.

Religious wars lead to atrocities.
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You are aware how indoctinerated the children of Palestine are?
Would you claim the children of Israel are also "indoctrinated"? What are children in Israel taught about Palestine and the Palestinians?

Really though, I don't see how any of these questions are relevant. Unless you believe that all children who are indoctrinated deserve to be killed alongside soldiers.

Innocent children being killed is wrong,
I agree.

I don't know what Israel was aiming at but I don't believe they killed children just to kill children. There was a valid military target there or it was a mistake, has to be.
The IDF claims it was a military target. I don't believe the IDF killed children just to kill children (at least I hope not). However, they had to know that striking that location was going to result in the death of innocent children. So that knowledge was part of the decision-making before the attack.

Hopefully you were just as horrified when Hezbollah sent a rocket into a soccer field two weeks ago.
Of course I was. That was horrible as well.

Religious wars lead to atrocities.
I agree. That is why this conflict needs to end. Now. And that should be our primary goal as a country. To see both sides stop fighting and move towards a lasting peace, where both Israel and Palestine can coexist.
Maybe the Palestinians should not have started a war, especially one where they would be used as human shields by a group of terrorist who could give a shit about them.
You didn't answer any of the questions I asked of you.

Again, . . .

Would you have ordered this attack? Do you believe this attack was the right thing for Israel to do?

How is this helping Israel?
Maybe the Palestinians should not have started a war, especially one where they would be used as human shields by a group of terrorist who could give a shit about them.
I just had an epiphany about you, Bearcat. You know how the Democrats always and without exception blame every bad thing on Trump? It doesn’t matter what, where or when they always spin it into being Trump’s fault. You’re like that when it comes to Israel. For you it is always and forever Iran’s fault. It doesn’t matter what, where or when you always find reasons to blame Iran.
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Who cares? They’re Palestinians, not fellow human beings. This is all Hamas’ fault. Israel is the real victim here. Harden your heart. Harden your heart. Let the hatred wash over you. Harden your heart. These subhuman animals deserve what the righteous Israelis bring on them. Don’t let the video of the little girl screaming for her papa affect you. Harden your heart to this well deserved suffering.

P Dan, you are rapidly approaching “Toto” (ping Sunburnt Indian for background) status with your diatribes and societal sickness associated with Palestine & Gaza.

You are missing the truthful answer for those brow beaten Palestinians. Just start a campaign to get those military-aged men & maybe others that can fill a role back on the production lines of those cherished Palestinian cars & trucks, agricultural goods, pharmaceuticals, aerospace and telecom products, and the issue is solved. They can generate their own “revenues” to do what they might.

Ideally, they would create a modern banking system and even a modest stock market and leave the Israelis in a position to buy them out for a nice multiple.

Oops. I forgot those rascals only create and export terrorism. My bad.
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Would you claim the children of Israel are also "indoctrinated"? What are children in Israel taught about Palestine and the Palestinians?

Really though, I don't see how any of these questions are relevant. Unless you believe that all children who are indoctrinated deserve to be killed alongside soldiers.

I agree.

The IDF claims it was a military target. I don't believe the IDF killed children just to kill children (at least I hope not). However, they had to know that striking that location was going to result in the death of innocent children. So that knowledge was part of the decision-making before the attack.

Of course I was. That was horrible as well.

I agree. That is why this conflict needs to end. Now. And that should be our primary goal as a country. To see both sides stop fighting and move towards a lasting peace, where both Israel and Palestine can coexist.
Do you have evidence Israel is teaching kids in schools to dedicate their life to ending the lives of Palestinians? I'm serious, I'd like to see it. I can send you several more videos of Palestinian kids singing songs about killing Zionists if you'd like. It's literally core curriculum.

I'm not saying Israel should have hit the school, and it's horrible kids died.

But you claimed "this didn't help Israel". As brainwashed as Palestinians require their school-aged children are required to be I'm not sure I agree.

If Palestine lays down their arms there would be peace. If Israel lays down thiers, there will be genocide.
I just had an epiphany about you, Bearcat. You know how the Democrats always and without exception blame every bad thing on Trump? It doesn’t matter what, where or when they always spin it into being Trump’s fault. You’re like that when it comes to Israel. For you it is always and forever Iran’s fault. It doesn’t matter what, where or when you always find reasons to blame Iran.
Gee I wonder why I could possibly blame Iran for supporting terrorist?
It's time Dan. Time for the United States to flex it's will. 😁

Scorched earth Dan.

What do you expect? Our military is on their land. What would Commander Woody do if their military was on our land?
What do you expect? Our military is on their land. What would Commander Woody do if their military was on our land?
Dan, your pretzel logic has gotten the better of you. If all you know, as a youth raised in Palestine is terror, they commit terror. This is a result of a lifetime of teaching & practice that is terrorism, you terrorize. This is not a Freudian issue. You, as a youth, learn from your parents/mullahs to kill everyone that you are told to kill, no exceptions. You are prohibited from personally possessing or owning a Koran or independent thought, thus all your direction is provided by the satanic Mullas. They are filled with hate & satanism.

It's no different than the ill-directed trainers of pit bull dogs to attach without training.
Dan, your pretzel logic has gotten the better of you. If all you know, as a youth raised in Palestine is terror, they commit terror. This is a result of a lifetime of teaching & practice that is terrorism, you terrorize. This is not a Freudian issue. You, as a youth, learn from your parents/mullahs to kill everyone that you are told to kill, no exceptions. You are prohibited from personally possessing or owning a Koran or independent thought, thus all your direction is provided by the satanic Mullas. They are filled with hate & satanism.

It's no different than the ill-directed trainers of pit bull dogs to attach without training.
Pardon my French, but that is a load of horse manure. Palestinian children are not taught to hate and terrorize any more than are Israeli children. Thirty thousand of two million three hundred thousand Gazans resort to terror. And that doesn’t include the nearly zero terrorists out of another two to three million Palestinians in the West Bank who are submitted to reprehensible treatment by the Zionists on a daily basis. October 7, as bad as it was - and it was a horror show - represents a one-off terror attack out of over half a century of occupation as part of an apartheid state, little better than abject slavery that those people have been subjected to. Are you really surprised that some of them react to being treated with violence by returning it? Please, I beg of you to wake out of your hypnotic slumber. Look at the record. Look at the historical record. Compare the states of terror each group lives under. There is no mistaking that tit-for-tat the terror perpetrated by the Palestinians is amateur hour compared to what Israel has subjected - and continues to this day - to them .
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