Hamas Murders A Gazan Doctor In An Israeli Torture Chamber

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Why, oh why won’t Hamas just surrender? Don’t they see what they’re putting the poor Israelis through? Israel doesn’t want to torture doctors, it’s Hamas’ fault that they have to. Isn’t it incredible how those Israeli torture chambers just sprang up out of nowhere? But as long as they’re there they might as well be used. It’s a good thing the Israeli people are so moral. They’re well known as the most moral people in the world. If you don’t know that just ask Bibi Netanyahu, a paragon of moral virtue himself, he’ll assure you it’s true. I wonder how bad they could be if they ever release their inner demons. But I’m sure we’ll never have to find out. They’re God’s Chosen People after all! By definition that means they cannot do anything immoral. We all need to follow their example. Then the world would be like heaven on earth!


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