Hamas Has No Right To Rape, But The IDF Does

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
So say 65% of Israeli citizens. What a deeply sick society Israel is and always has been.

City A and City B are located next to each other.

City A decides it doesn't like being so close to the people in City B. So City A's residents go on a campaign to start robbing the people of City B. They hope that over time, the residents of City B will get upset and move away.

Crime in City B skyrockets as residents of City A come to the city and steal from its residents.

Some residents of City B become frustrated and lose their tempers. "We should go to City A and rob them back! Or at least get our stuff back!"

A poll is conducted: 65% of the residents of City B want to see its residents retaliate to the robberies that City A has committed against them.

Caitlyn writes an article: "65% of City B residents support crime against their neighbors".

Dan reads and thinks to himself "City B is deeply sick, and always has been".
So say 65% of Israeli citizens. What a deeply sick society Israel is and always has been.

Someone at Rivals needs to add an eye roll emoji. How is the view from the pulpit?
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So say 65% of Israeli citizens. What a deeply sick society Israel is and always has been.

"See if you can guess where the P-Dan gets his positions & words now". Caitlin Johnstone, a mega blogger from Oz with nearly 54K followers worldwide. That's a whopping 277 people per country if you round up.

Check these out if you will and see if you can recognize the positions & wording.

"See if you can guess where the P-Dan gets his positions & words now". Caitlin Johnstone, a mega blogger from Oz with nearly 54K followers worldwide. That's a whopping 277 people per country if you round up.
Wait...she only has 54k followers? That's absolutely embarrassing, a political activist writing propaganda pieces for emotional libs? She should have 500k followers minimum. No wonder I'd never heard of her till this board.
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Wait...she only has 54k followers? That's absolutely embarrassing, a political activist writing propaganda pieces for emotional libs? She should have 500k followers minimum. No wonder I'd never heard of her till this board.
Hard hitting journalism at its finest. Straight down the middle facts spitter, this Caitlyn girl.

So say 65% of Israeli citizens. What a deeply sick society Israel is and always has been.

I don’t know, I think Israelis might be mad Hamas attacked, raped and killed civilians with absolutely no military purpose other than terror.

You think that 65% poll number changes if the prisoners are Americans?
Hard hitting journalism at its finest. Straight down the middle facts spitter, this Caitlyn girl.

So she believes genocidal terrorists are misunderstood and so are communists.

I take it her Thorazine drip needs a refill.
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Twenty comments in and the prevailing attitude is in agreement that Hamas should not rape, but like 65% of Israeli citizens it’s acceptable for the IDF to gang rape if its soldiers desire. That plus the uncontrollable urge to change the subject as quickly as possible.
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So she believes genocidal terrorists are misunderstood and so are communists.

I take it her Thorazine drip needs a refill.
In this article what she believes is an Israeli poll showed 65% of its citizens approve of the rape of Palestinians. What she believes in this article is when a society approves such measures it is one screwed up society.
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Twenty comments in and the prevailing attitude is in agreement that Hamas should not rape, but like 65% of Israeli citizens it’s acceptable for the IDF to gang rape the troglodytes that did, and still are raping their hostages, if its soldiers desire. That plus the uncontrollable urge to change the subject as quickly as possible.
Hamas rejects another ceasefire to end hostilities, Dan and Caitlyn blame Israel. LMAO
Either you don’t know the story behind the rejection of which you speak, or you do know but hope no one else does so you can continue your ruse.
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Either you don’t know the story behind the rejection of which you speak, or you do know but hope no one else does so you can continue your ruse.
Wasn't interested enough to waste time reading into it. Hamas doesn't have permission to accept a cease fire from the Iranian regime.
Either you don’t know the story behind the rejection of which you speak, or you do know but hope no one else does so you can continue your ruse.
Again, outraged at accusations that Israelis don’t think criminal charges should be levied against wartime rapists (only military punishment) while ignoring the side who doesn’t offer ANY suggestions for punishment and chant God is Great while raping.

Odd argument you’re having with yourself here.
Thirty-six comments in and you’re still running from the topic .
Actually the topic is “what punishment does Hamas suggest for raping Israelis?”

The poll didn’t say “no punishment” it said “no criminal charges”. But you know that, it just doesn’t fit the agenda.

And these forums have a handy little button that says “reply”.

It’s helpful when replying to someone. Makes it obvious who and what you are replying to. You should try it!
Actually the topic is “what punishment does Hamas suggest for raping Israelis?”

The poll didn’t say “no punishment” it said “no criminal charges”. But you know that, it just doesn’t fit the agenda.

And these forums have a handy little button that says “reply”.

It’s helpful when replying to someone. Makes it obvious who and what you are replying to. You should try it!
I’ve been replying to all of you. You want to talk about anything but the OP.

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