Government funding


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Here's one video where the parent made a difference- school Reversed its child abuse mask mandate (we all know by now I hope the masks were a HUGE control gig that people got duped into believing.)

Big point is the scores of millions some of these schools get to inact these Drakonian child abuse steps - what a conflict of interest.
Motivation for child abuse.

Also take a hospital - if
They label a patient COVID,
Give them Remdesivir , put them on a ventilator and the patient dies and they label it a covid death- the hospital gets almost $50k.....PER INSTANCE. Just motivation to murder- period.

People need to fight back against this BS- quit lining up doing what these people want.
Many on here absolutely have not recognized the evil working against us.

If you're happy with a socialist/ Commie takeover where they own you and your kids-
Keep obeying and not speaking out.

Keep doing what you're doing and you will have no rights and people will be scared to visit hospitals and we won't have say over - OUR OWN DAMN KIDS.

I'm Like this lady- my kids are grown and gone. But I can't believe the parents that have let
Their kids wear Masks all day- it's infuriating and sad to watch. Stand the F up people holy child abuse.


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